SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Manufacturing > Quotation Setup

Quotation Setup

You use this program to define the default numbering and pricing options to use for quotations and estimates.

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.


Field Description
Quotation numbering


Select this to manually enter a number for each quotation.


Select this to automatically number each quotation. This option is useful if a large number of quotations are processed on a daily basis.

By branch

Select this to number quotations by branch.

See also Set Key Information.

Next quotation number

Indicate the number that will be assigned to the next quotation captured.

Quotation versioning

Quotation versioning required

Select this to allow a number of versions of a single quotation, rather than changing the quotation number each time you amend and save the quotation using the Quotations program.

See also the Always prompt for version increases.

Always prompt for version increases

Select this to be prompted to change the quotation version number when changing an existing quotation using the Quotations program.

The prompt only occurs once on the first change of the quotation. Thereafter it is only redisplayed after you save the quotation and version and later make another change.

When this is not enabled, the quotation version number is automatically increased on a change.

This only applies when quotation versioning is required.

See Quotation Version.

Default offer descriptions

Offer 1 - 5

Indicate a default description for offers one to five assigned to a quotation. You can change this description at the time of maintaining a quotation.

Default offer

Indicate a default description for the default offer assigned to a quotation. You can change this description at the time of maintaining a quotation.

Cost implosion/job creation

Use route '0' when no components or operations exist on the selected route

Select this to use route 0 in the Quotations Cost Implosion and Lead Time Calculation and Quotation Job Loading programs when no components and/or operations exist on the route you selected to process in these programs.

If you do not select this option, and no operations or components exist on the route you selected to process, then no operations or components are included in the cost implosion or in the created job.

Date options

Allow changes to date of query

Select this to allow changes to the default query date when maintaining a quotation.

Allow changes to expiry date

Select this to allow changes to the default quotation expiry date when maintaining a quotation.

You cannot select this option if the expiry date is based on the print date.

This option is selected by default if you select the Force entry of expiry date option

Base expiry date on date of query

Select this to calculate the expiry date from the query date.

Base expiry date on tender date

Select this to calculate the expiry date from the tender date.

Base expiry date on print date

Select this to calculate the expiry date from the print date stored against the Quotation Header.


The print date is not only updated when you Print the quotation, but also when you select to Preview the quotation from the Quotation Document Print program without printing it.

Force entry of expiry date

Select this to make the entry of an expiry date compulsory.

Allow zero expiry date

Select this to be able to enter zeros at the Expiry date field within the Quotations program. The Expiry date field defaults to zero when adding a new quotation. You can enter zero (i.e. no expiry date) or specify a valid expiry date for the quotation.

Days from base date to expiry date

Indicate the number of days that must be added to the base date to determine the expiry date of the quotation.


Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.


Select this to print a report of your Quotations setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.


Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.


Field Description
Default non-stocked profit

The profit entered here is applied to non-stocked items on a quotation once any additional charges have been added.


Select this to add a default markup percentage to each non-stocked item on a quotation. The markup is added to the cost of the item.

Markup percentage

Indicate the non-stocked profit markup percentage applicable to non-stocked items on a quotation.


Select this to add a default percentage margin to each non-stocked item on a quotation. The markup is added to the selling price of the item.

Margin percentage

Indicate the non-stocked profit margin percentage applicable to non-stocked items on a quotation.

Allow changes at quotation level

Select this to be able to make changes to the default non-stocked profit margin (or markup) when maintaining a quotation.

Default estimate additional labor charge

The defaults selected here will be added to the total of all the labor detail lines entered.


Select this to add a default labor markup percentage for each estimate. The markup is added to the cost of the labor.

Markup percentage

Indicate the default labor markup percentage applicable to an estimate.


Select this to add a default labor percentage margin for each estimate.

Margin percentage

Indicate the default labor margin percentage applicable to an estimate.

Allow changes at estimate level

Select this to be able to make changes to the default labor margin (or markup) when maintaining an estimate.

Default estimate additional material charge

The defaults selected here will be added to the total of all the material detail lines entered.


Select this to add a default material markup percentage for each estimate. The markup is added to the cost of the material.

Markup percentage

Indicate the default material markup percentage applicable to an estimate.


Select this to add a default material percentage margin for each estimate.

Margin percentage

Indicate the default material margin percentage applicable to an estimate.

Allow changes at estimate level

Select this to be able to make changes to the default material margin (or markup) when maintaining an estimate.

Costs to use for implosion

These options determine how the costs and manufacturing lead times must be calculated for made-in items when you use the Cost/Lead Time Rollup function.


Select this to use the current inventory cost of made-in items as the basis for the calculation.


Select this to use the last cost used for made-in items as the basis for the calculation.


Select this to use the current Bill of Materials material cost of made-in items as the basis for the calculation.

Sales order  
Apply sales/order line discount break

Select this to calculate and apply sales order discount breaks to sales orders created from quotations using the Quotation Confirmation program.

If you do not select this option, then you will be unable to apply discounts according to discount breaks to a sales order created from a quotation.

Recalculate line discount breaks on quotation confirmation

Select this to recalculate and apply sales order discount breaks when you confirm a quotation.

If you select this option, then, when you add a quotation with order discount breaks by customer/product class and you print the quotation, when you then confirm the quotation the discounts are recalculated.

If you do not select this option, then the incorrect discount may be applied to the order when you confirm the quotation.

For example: You have 2 quotation lines for a specific product class. One line is below the minimum quantity and the other is above the minimum quantity. Both lines are discounted because the system adds the total quantity for the product class to apply discount. If you then confirm the quotation but only select the line which is below the minimum quantity, the discount is not recalculated and is therefore still applied to the order.