SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Distribution > Dispatch Notes Setup

Dispatch Notes Setup

You use this program to define the setup options for your Dispatch Note system.

General 1

Field Description
Dispatch numbering method


Select this if you want to enter dispatch note numbers manually.


Select this for the system to assign the next dispatch note number automatically.

You cannot select this when your dispatch note key type is alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

Automatic per order

Select this to generate the dispatch note number as the order number followed by a unique key for each dispatch note created for the order.

You cannot select this when your dispatch note key type is numeric (Set Key Information).


Next dispatch note

This indicates the next dispatch note number that will be used by the system, if your dispatch numbering method is set to be automatic.

Credit checking

Apply credit checking to dispatch notes

Select this if you want to extend the sales order credit checking routine to the dispatch notes system.

Depending on your Sales Order Setup configuration, this check can be performed either at the time of creating the dispatch note or when the dispatch note is released for invoicing.

Descriptions for user defined fields

The wording you assign to these fields is the wording displayed in entry/display forms.

Field 1

You use this field to assign a description to the first user-defined field that can be accessed at the time of creating a dispatch note.

The wording assigned to the field is displayed within a number of Dispatch Note programs.

Field 2

You use this field to assign a description to the second user-defined field that can be accessed at the time of creating a dispatch note.

The wording assigned to the field is displayed within a number of Dispatch Note programs.

Theoretical unit of measure

Acceptable percentage tolerance when dispatching

You use this field to indicate whether you want to perform a check when entering the stocking quantity to dispatch.

The stocking quantity is rejected if it deviates from the calculated quantity by more than the entered percentage. Your entry made here is used only if you have indicated that unit of measure conversion factors are theoretical (Sales Order Setup - Tax/Um tab).


Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.


Select this to print a report of your Dispatch Notes setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.


Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.

General 2

Multiple dispatch notes can be created for a single sales order. These options enable you to indicate how freight, miscellaneous and comment lines entered on the sales order, must be included on the various dispatch notes created for that order.

Field Description
Freight charge processing

Include freight on all dispatch notes

Select this to include freight lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) on all dispatch notes.

Include on first dispatch note only

Select this to include freight lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) only on the first dispatch note.

Include on last dispatch note only

Select this to include freight lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) only on the last dispatch note.

Do not include on any dispatch notes

Select this to exclude freight lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) from dispatch notes.

Comment line processing

Include comments on all dispatch notes

Select this to include comment lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) on all dispatch notes.

Include on first dispatch note only

Select this to include comment lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) only on the first dispatch note.

Include on last dispatch note only

Select this to include comment lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) only on the last dispatch note.

Do not include on any dispatch notes

Select this to exclude comment lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) from dispatch notes.

Miscellaneous charge processing

Include misc on all dispatch notes

Select this to include miscellaneous lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) on all dispatch notes.

Include on first dispatch note only

Select this to include miscellaneous lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) only on the first dispatch note.

Include on last dispatch note only

Select this to include miscellaneous lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) only on the last dispatch note.

Do not include on any dispatch notes

Select this to exclude miscellaneous lines (entered during Sales Order Entry) from dispatch notes.

Default date for dispatch notes

Company date

Select this to use the company date as the default planned dispatch date when creating a dispatch note.

Sales order ship date

Select this to use the sales order ship date as the default planned dispatch date when creating a dispatch note.

No default date

Select this if you do not want to assign a default planned dispatch date when creating a dispatch note.


Field Description
Basis to use for sales order inclusion and suggested dispatch quantity

Quantity to ship

Select this to include sales order lines in the dispatch review based on the lines having a quantity to ship.

In addition, the suggested dispatch quantity will be based on the quantity to ship against the sales order line subject to stock availability.

Quantity on back order

Select this to include sales order lines in the dispatch review based on the lines having a quantity on backorder.

In addition, the suggested dispatch quantity will be based on the quantity on backorder against the sales order line subject to stock availability.

Outstanding order quantity

Select this to include sales order lines in the dispatch review based on the lines having either a quantity to ship, or a quantity on backorder.

In addition, the suggested dispatch quantity will be based on the addition of the quantities to ship and on backorder subject to stock availability.

Dispatch quantities allowed

Over dispatches allowed

Select this to allow the dispatch of a quantity that exceeds the order quantity on the sales order line.


If you select this option together with the option: Retain original order quantity when over-dispatching, then you cannot over dispatch kit type items.

Retain original order quantity when over-dispatching

Select this to retain the original order quantity against the sales order when the corresponding dispatch note is over dispatched.

You cannot to over dispatch kit type items if you select this option.

Under dispatches allowed

Select this to allow the dispatch of a quantity that is less than the order quantity on the sales order line.

When using the Dispatch Note Review program, you can under dispatch the order line and mark the line as complete if no further dispatching against the line is required.

Printing options

Amended dispatch note print required

Select this if you require the status of a dispatch note to be changed to 3 (ready to print) when maintenance is performed on a dispatch note that has been previously printed (i.e. Status 5 - dispatch printed).

Print dispatch note lines with zero dispatch quantity

Select this to print a dispatch note line even if the quantity to dispatch is zero.

Manual release to invoice

Select this if you require the operator to change the status of a dispatch note manually from 5 (dispatch printed) to 7 (ready to invoice) during dispatch maintenance. If this option is not selected, then the status of the dispatch note is set to 7 (ready to invoice) automatically once the dispatch note has been printed.

Save custom form for reprinting with dispatch invoices

Select this to retain custom form data captured against dispatch notes, for reprinting on dispatch invoices.

If you select this option, then dispatch note custom forms are copied to the dispatch invoice reference, enabling you to reprint the forms.

Dispatch invoice custom form data is created when a dispatch invoice is printed (Document Print). It can be viewed and maintained using the Sales Invoice Query program.

Custom form data is not printed on consolidated dispatch invoices.

Non-stocked general ledger options

Use non-stocked ledger control from branch Enable this to use the ledger account defined at the Non-stocked misc and freight field against the AR branch (AR Branches) for non-stocked items, freight charges and miscellaneous charges dispatched using the Dispatch Note Review program.

If the Inventory module is not installed, then this option applies only to freight charges and miscellaneous charges dispatched using the Dispatch Note Review program.

Blanket sales orders

Use dispatch note to confirm delivery

Select this if you require the dispatch note number to confirm the next invoice/dispatch.

Selecting this setup option sets the Use dispatch note to confirm delivery option to selected by default in the Contract Maintenance program.


You should not select this option if you are confirming deliveries by invoice.

Online printing options


Select this to be able to print dispatch invoices on-line from within the Dispatch Note Maintenance program.

Invoice reprint allowed

Select this to be able to reprint dispatch note invoices on-line.

Dispatch note

Select this to be able to print dispatch notes on-line from within the Dispatch Note Review program.

Consolidation options

The following option relates to the consolidation of dispatch notes.

Print individual dispatch note lines on invoice

Select this to print a line on the dispatch note invoice for each dispatch line that was consolidated.


This option is only applied if the dispatched lines have the same:

  • unit cost

  • tax code

  • line discounts

  • unit of measure and conversion factors

  • price and price unit of measure

  • tariff codes (for EU companies)

If these fields are the same then the Dispatch Note Consolidation program consolidates the dispatch lines into one line for printing. The option then determines whether it should print the dispatches that make up that consolidated line as sub-lines on the invoice or print all the dispatches as separate invoice lines.

If you don't select this option, then a line is printed for the total consolidation and a sub-line for each dispatch.

You typically select this option to avoid rounding errors. Rounding errors may occur if you consolidate a number of different dispatches for a single sales order line and the sales order quantities are defined to 3 decimal places or the price is defined to 4 or 5 decimal places (Sales Order Setup - Pricing tab).

If you select this option, then ensure that you also enable the Individual dispatch lines on cons inv preference (SO Document Format - Preferences - Print Options).

Line cancellation options  
Cancel dispatch note if all lines cancelled Enable this to automatically set the dispatch note header to cancelled when all lines on the dispatch note are cancelled in the Dispatch Note Maintenance program. As soon as you cancel the last line, the dispatch note itself is set to cancelled.

If this option is not enabled, then the dispatch note header remains in the same status it was in when you loaded the Dispatch Note Maintenance program.