SYSPRO Espresso > Espresso Push Notifications

Espresso Push Notifications

You use this program to send messages from SYSPRO to a mobile device.

You would typically use this program to send a message directly to an application on the mobile device, for example to notify a user to change the credit limit value against a customer in the Customers program.

The message is sent from the Espresso Notification Server and pushed (delivered) to a specific application on the mobile device.

To receive notifications on your device ensure that the Espresso Push Notification Service is installed and started, and that you have specified the Notification server address in the System Setup program.

Push Notifications

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Send Message Send the message to the specific target application on the device.

Messaging Options

Field Description
Recipient options  
Send to Select to whom you want to send a notification. You can send the message to everyone (all operators), to a group of operators defined at role level, or to a specific operator.
Message to send  
Push message text Enter the message to send to the relevant recipients. A maximum of 300 characters are allowed.
Target application This is the application within Espresso to which the message will be sent.
Send to application Select the application to which you want to send a notification.
Application variables You can select a specific variable within which the message will be received, for example Customer 0000001 will display in the target application Customers when the notification is opened in Espresso.

If you do not add any variables, the application selected above will be used to receive the notification.

Key field to use This is the key field to which Espresso will link the message to within the selected application. This value defaults to the key field for the target application selected above.
Value to use Select the value to use in the notification.