SYSPRO Espresso > Espresso App Manager

Espresso App Manager

You use this program to import the applications and components from the SYSPRO App Store into the SYSPRO database. Once the application is imported it can be accessed by your mobile device.

Espresso App Manager

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Import Validates the contents of the import file and import records if there are no errors.


Field Description
Data source  
File location  
Server Indicates the import file resides on the server.
Client Indicates the import file resides on the client.
File name Indicate the name of the import file (include the full path). This is the .epp file saved from the SYSPRO App Store.
Review file Loads the contents of the import file into the Details pane. This enables you to validate the lines on the grid prior to importing the file. The Import button is enabled only when all lines are valid.


You can view details of the import file in this pane when you select the Review file option.

You can also view the details of other imported applications when they are selected from the Purchased Espresso Applications pane.

Purchased Espresso Applications

You can view a list of all the Espresso applications you have downloaded and successfully imported into SYSPRO in this pane. Only the latest version of an imported file is displayed.