Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing > AR Post Dated Check Status

AR Post Dated Check Status

You use this program to maintain the status of multiple post dated checks captured using the AR Post Dated Checks program, and to post one or more post dated checks from a collector run.

You need to use this program when the post dated check status is mandatory (Accounts Receivable Setup).


Field Description
Load PD Checks

Load post dated checks captured using the AR Post Dated Checks program, according to the Criteria indicated.

If you are not using collector runs, then you need to enable the No collector run option to display post dated checks in the PD Check Status listview.

Generate Payment Run

Select this to create a payment run for selected post date checks. Only checks in a status of Cleared can be posted in the payment run.

Enter the payment run details in the Payment Options pane and select Load PD Checks to display the posted lines in the PD Check Statuses pane. A payment run number is created, which becomes a hyperlink to the payment run in the PD Check Statuses pane.

If no invoices were allocated to the post dated check, or if the post dated check is not part of a collector run, then you use the AR Payments and Adjustments or AR Payment Run program to post the check.


Field Description

Indicate the customers for whom to maintain post dated checks.


Indicate the post dated checks to maintain based on the date on which they were captured.

PDC status selection

Indicate the post dated checks to maintain based on their current status.

Post dated checks in a status of Posted and Void are displayed in the PD Check Status grid, but are not editable.

Collector run status selection

Indicate the post dated checks to maintain according their status in a collector run, as per the AR Collector Run Maintenance program.

The Collector required option does not have to be enabled in the Accounts Receivable Setup program to change the status of post dated checks.

The No collector run option filters all post dated checks captured in the AR Post Dated Checks program that are not linked to a collector run.

The collector run has a status of Closed if all invoices on the collector run have been paid (either using the AR Payment Run or AR Post Dated Check Status programs).

Payment Options

These fields also appear in the AR Payments and Adjustments program - view the help in this program if you require more details.

Field Description
Transaction options  
Post to Cash Book in detail Create payment transactions in the cash book.
Reset credit status Reset the customer's credit status once you post the current payment.
Payment run details Enter the relevant details for the payment run.
Bank Indicate the SYSPRO bank for the payment run.
Currency This indicates the currency code of the Bank.
Payment date

Indicate the date on which the payment is recorded on the customer's account.

This defaults to the current system date but can be changed.


Optionally enter a reference number or the number on the customer's check.

Journal notation Optionally enter a note against the journal.
Payment narration Enter an additional note against the payment. This applies when the Retain payment details option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup)
Exchange rate details Enter the exchange rate details when processing a payment for a foreign currency customer.
Exchange rate method

This only applies when processing a payment for a foreign currency customer.

The exchange rate against a currency can only be changed if it is not set to Fixed.

Option Description
Default rate for entire run

Select this to define a default exchange rate for the entire payment.

You enter the exchange rate to use in the Exchange rate field below.


When you select this option, you can still change the rate for individual invoices in the Documents to Pay pane if you are processing the payment manually.

When you apply an unapplied payment to an invoice, the system calculates the exchange variance between the invoice(s) and the payment and posts the variance gain/loss to the exchange variance account.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Original invoice rate

Select this to process the payment at the same exchange rate that was used when the invoice was raised.

You typically select this option when there is no difference in the invoice and payment exchange rate (i.e. you do not expect an exchange rate gain/loss to occur).

When you apply an unapplied payment to an invoice and there is a variance between the invoice and payment exchange rates, the difference is posted to the bank control account. This is because the system is not expecting an exchange variance. You therefore need to transfer the amount to the appropriate ledger account manually.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Exchange rate Enter the exchange rate to use for this payment. This only applies when you select Default rate for entire run.

PD Check Statuses

The post dated checks for banks to which you have operator access are displayed in this grid when you select Load PD Checks.

Post dated checks for a collector run which is in a status of New are excluded.

Field Description

Select or deselect more than one line at a time.


Select or deselect more than one line at a time.

This function is not available when posting post dated checks to a payment run, because you can only have a single post dated check per payment run. The post dated checks must be posted individually.

Apply Selected Lines As

Set the status for all the lines selected in the grid to the status indicated here.

Note that you cannot change the status back. For example, if the check status is already Banked, then you cannot change it back to Captured.

Select the Go icon to set the status and validate.

Post All Selected Lines Select this to generate a separate payment run automatically for each line with a tick in the Select column of the listview. This changes the post dated check status to Posted.

This function only caters for post dated checks created from within the AR Collector Run Maintenance program. All other payment types for the collector run must be posted using the AR Payment Run program.

Payment runs are only created for post dated checks when the collector run for the post dated check is verified, and the post dated check status is Cleared, and the check date falls within the range of the payment date. In addition, your AR payment run numbering method must be set to Automatic (Set Key Information) in order to generate an automatic payment run.

Collector run invoices are released and the collector run status is set to Closed if all details from the collector run have been posted (using either the AR Post Dated Check Status or AR Payment Run program).

Lines with errors are not posted and the reason is displayed in the Message column for each unposted line.

Select Enable this check box to maintain the line.

Select this hyperlink to generate a payment run automatically for the selected line. This changes the post dated check status to Posted.

This function only caters for post dated checks created from within the AR Collector Run Maintenance program. All other payment types for the collector run must be posted using the AR Payment Run program.

The hyperlink is only displayed when the collector run for the post dated check is verified, and the post dated check status is Cleared, and the check date falls within the range of the payment date. In addition, your AR payment run numbering method must be set to Automatic (Set Key Information) in order to generate an automatic payment run.

Collector run invoices are released and the collector run status is set to Closed if all details from the collector run have been posted (using either the AR Post Dated Check Status or AR Payment Run program).

Payment run If you generated a payment run, then select the hyperlink to open the AR Payment Run program to view the payment run details for the selected line.

This indicates the post dated check date.

Check This indicates the post dated check number.

Enter a valid SYSPRO bank.

For post dated checks captured for a collector run, this defaults to the bank used in the collector run and cannot be changed.

Amount This indicates the post dated check amount.
New status

Change the status of the selected line.

When the check has been banked, you can change the status from captured to banked. Once the money is available in the bank account, the status can be changed to cleared, and you can post the check in a payment run.

You cannot change the status back. For example, when you change the status to Banked, you cannot change it back to Captured.

The status is automatically set to Posted when the check is applied and posted in either the AR Payments and Adjustments or AR Payment Run program.

Changing the status to Void does not update the Collector run status. You need to use the Close button in the AR Collector Run Maintenance program to set the Collector run status to Closed. However, when voiding a post dated check, the invoices associated with the check become available to add to a new collector run.

Collector run

Select the hyperlink to view the collector run details in the AR Collector Run Maintenance program.

Collector run status

This indicates the current status of the collector run.


Applicable error and warning messages are displayed in this column after you select the Post hyperlink to generate a payment run.

Notes and warnings


  • The PD check status required option must be enabled to run this program (Accounts Receivable Setup).

Restrictions and limits

  • Only post dated checks for banks to which you have operator access are displayed in the PD Check Statuses grid.

  • Post dated checks captured outside of a collector run must be processed using the AR Payments and Adjustments program. These checks cannot be posted using the AR Post Dated Check Status program, as they need to be allocated to invoices in order to be posted.

Currency exchange variance considerations

  • Exchange rate variances arising from payments processed in this program are posted to the Realized variance account defined in the AR Currency Variance GL Interface program (General Ledger Integration - Variance interfaces). If the Realized variance account is not defined, then the variances are posted to the account specified in the Exchange rate variance field of the (General Ledger Integration).

    If the invoice being paid was revalued using the AR Exchange Rate Revaluation program, then a reversing entry to remove the unrealized loss/gain amount is also created, and the entry for the new unrealized loss/gain is also recorded.

AR Post Dated Checks

AR Collector Run Maintenance

AR Payment Run

Payments and Adjustments