Work in Progress > Job Postings > Expected Job Cost Recalculation

Expected Job Cost Recalculation

You use this program to recalculate the expected labor and material costs of jobs and to optionally update these costs against the jobs. The results of the recalculation are displayed in a listview.

You typically use this program if material or labor costs have changed after a job was created and you now want to recalculate the cost of the job with the new costs.

Expected Job Cost Recalculation

Field Description
Start Processing

Select this to perform the recalculation according to the options you selected. The results are displayed in a listview.

Material allocations to a job are valued at either the Bill of Materials cost or the current inventory unit cost depending on your selection at the Transfer from Bill of Materials option (Work in Progress Setup). If the allocation is for a Bulk Issue item, then the material allocation is always valued to the job at the current inventory unit cost. It the material allocation is for an old revision/release of an ECC controlled item, and you selected to value material allocations at the Bill of Materials cost, then the historical revision/release costs are used in the calculation.

  • If costs are being recalculated for a master job, then the program recalculates the expected costs for all the sub-jobs and rolls the costs up to the master job. Therefore, the expected costs of the sub-jobs are also updated if you selected to update the costs.
  • If a master job falls within a range of jobs selected, then the expected costs for the sub-jobs of that master job are also recalculated and updated even if the sub-job falls outside of the range of jobs selected.
  • If a sub-job was created for an allocation and the allocation is set to complete, then only the value issued to the allocation to date is used when calculating the expected costs for the master job. This means that the recalculation does not drop through to the sub-job if the allocation for the sub-job on the master job is set to complete.
  • Expected costs for sub-jobs are only processed if they are part of a master job chain. This means that if the sub-job falls within of the range of jobs selected for processing, but its master job does not, then the sub-job is not recalculated.
Print Select this to print the information currently displayed in the Report pane.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.

Recalculation Criteria

Field Description
Job selection Indicate the jobs you want to include in the recalculation.

A job is excluded from the cost recalculation if:

  • You are denied access to the warehouse defined against the unattached or master job (Operators)
  • You do not have access to the job classification defined against the unattached or master job (Operators).
  • The job is confirmed and you have not selected the option: Include confirmed jobs. This option does not apply to sub-jobs that are processed while exploding the master job.
  • The job is set to complete.
  • The job is on hold. This does not apply to sub-jobs that are processed while exploding the master job.
  • The parent part is on hold. This does not apply to sub-jobs that are processed while exploding the master job.
  • The parent part is defined as ECC controlled and jobs are held for the stock item by ECC control. This does not apply to sub-jobs that are processed while exploding the master job.
  • The parent part is defined as ECC controlled and jobs are held for the revision/release of the parent part by ECC control. This does not apply to sub-jobs that are processed while exploding the master job.
Include confirmed jobs Select this to include jobs set to confirmed (see Job Entry).

Whilst the program can be run for a range of confirmed and unconfirmed jobs, the original costs can only be updated for unconfirmed jobs.

Job classification  
Job classification selection Indicate the job classification(s) for which you want to include jobs in the recalculation.
Update options  
Current expected costs Select this to update the current expected labor and material costs against the job header, irrespective of whether the job is set to confirmed (Job Entry).
Original expected costs

Select this to update the original expected labor and material costs against the job header for jobs that have not yet been confirmed (Job Entry).

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Update current expected costs on job header.

Associated hierarchy costs

Select this to update the expected costs against associated hierarchies of hierarchical jobs.


The Expected Job Cost Recalculation program will not update expected costs against hierarchies if the billing method (Browse on Contracts) is set to any of the following and costs have already been billed against a contract:

  • Percentage of head/section complete
  • Percentage of anticipated costs
  • Percentage of costs accumulated

If a schedule has already been billed, then the costs for a hierarchy cannot be rolled up as this would cause inconsistencies. While percentages for future schedules may be accurately calculated, previous schedules billed will no longer be accurate.

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Update current expected costs on job header.

Non-stocked sales order unit costs Select this if you want to update the Unit cost value on the sales order for non-stocked items.

The unit cost is only updated if a valid sales order number is defined against the job, the job is not confirmed and the item is non-stocked.

After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).


This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).

The following information is included in the report:

Field Description
Job This indicates the job number.
Description This indicates the job description defined when the job was created.
Stock code This indicates the code of the parent part.
Stock code description This indicates the description for the parent part.
Warehouse This indicates the warehouse to be used for the finished stock code (parent part).
Confirmed This indicates whether the job is confirmed.
Original labour per unit This indicates the original expected labor costs for the job.
Original material per unit This indicates the original expected material costs for the job.
Current labour per unit This indicates the current expected labor costs for the job. This is the labor cost as recalculated by the Expected Job Cost Recalculation program.
Current material per unit This indicates the current expected material costs for the job. This is the material cost as recalculated by the Expected Job Cost Recalculation program.
Rev This indicates the revision for an ECC controlled stock code.
Rel This indicates the release for an ECC controlled stock code.
Master Job This indicates whether the job is a master job.

Notes and warnings

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
WIP Expected job cost recalculation

Controls access to the Start Processing function in the Expected Job Cost Recalculation program.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.