Work in Progress > WIP Query > WIP Job Allocation Graph

WIP Job Allocation Graph

You use this program to view a graphical representation of all operations allocated to a job.

The graph is scaled horizontally according to the total number of days required to complete all operations (i.e. queue time, elapsed time, start time, complete time and move time) and vertically according to the operations performed in the different work centers.


Field Description
Zoom on Operation

View detailed information for the operation selected from the detailed list of operations.

Operation Graph Use the WIP Job Operation Graphing Program program to view a graphical representation of the queue, elapsed and movement time for the current operation, including non-working days.
Change Operation Use the WIP Job and Op Maintenance program to maintain the selected operation.
Cancel Operation Cancel the selected operation.
Change Job Use the Job Entry program to maintain the job.
Confirm Cancellations Select this to be prompted to confirm the cancellation of an operation when you select to cancel an operation.
Job Query Use the WIP Query program to view detailed information on the selected job.
Inventory Query (parent) Use the Inventory Query program to view detailed information on the parent part.
Available to Promise (parent) Use the Inventory ATP Query program to view the available to promise details for the parent part.
Capacity Profile Use the WIP Job Graphing Program program to view a graphical representation of the load assigned to the work center(s).
View Use these options to view operations and navigate between them.
First Display operations from the first operation.
Previous set Display the previous set of operations.
Previous Navigate back to the previous individual operation.
Next Navigate forward to the next individual operation.
Next set Display the next set of operations.
Last Navigate to the last operation.

WIP Job Allocations Graph

Field Description
Options Select an option from this icon to change the settings of the graph.
Print preview Preview the graph before printing it.

Print the graph.

Show chart in image viewer Display the graph in your specific viewer.
Style Select a style to apply to the graph.
Appearance Change the appearance of the graph by selecting a theme from the drop down.

List of Operations

Details of operations in the selected job are displayed in this listview.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Graph icon from the WIP Browse on Overloaded Work Centers program, the Graph option from the toolbar of the WIP Query program or the Job Graph option from the Load Levelling program.

Graph options

  • The availability of the graph options depends on the program from which you selected to view the graph.

Calculation of operation times

  • The calculation of the operation times (queue time, elapsed time, start time, complete time and move time) is affected by your selection at the setup option: Operation to end earlier than prior (Work in Progress Setup).

Non-working days

  • Non-working days are not indicated on this graph.