Purchase Orders > Landed Cost Tracking > Browses > Browse on Elements

Browse on Elements

You use this program to view details of currently defined cost elements used in the Landed Cost Tracking system.

You can generate a report of cost elements currently defined using the List of Elements program.

Listview columns

Column Description
Element This indicates the code of the cost element.
Description This indicates the description assigned to the cost element.
Supplier This indicates the supplier who provides you with the service represented by the cost element.
Expected rate This indicates the expected cost of the service represented by the cost element.
Rate description This indicates a description for the expected rate.
Currency This indicates the currency in which the supplier will charge you for services.
Apportionment method/code This indicates the basis (e.g. weight, value, volume, etc.) according to which the invoice amount to each is allocated to each line of the purchase order included in the shipment.
Sequence This indicates the sequence number that will be used to sort cost element codes.
Ledger code This indicates the ledger account to which postings are made for each cost element when receiving a shipment into stock. If this is blank, then the credit amount is posted to the Non-stocked control account (General Ledger Integration).
Fixed cost This indicates whether a fixed cost is assigned to the element.

Notes and warnings

Deletion considerations

  • You cannot delete an LCT cost element that is attached to a stock code in the Bill of Landed Costs (Bill of Landed Costs).

    You can use the Where-used function to establish whether the element is attached to a stock code in the Bill of Landed Costs.

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this listview if access to the program is set to Browse only, but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).