Purchase Orders > Landed Cost Tracking >Transaction Processing > Bill of Landed Costs

Bill of Landed Costs

You use this program to maintain your bills of landed cost.

A Bill of Landed Costs is a list of the cost elements that (together with the expected or actual purchase price) make up the total landed cost of a given stock item.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description

The options which are enabled depend on which line or item is currently highlighted in the Elements for Stock Code/Routes treeview.

Add an Element for this Route Uses the Bill of Landed Costs Element Maintenance program to add an element to the route currently highlighted in the Elements for Stock Code/Route treeview.
Change element Uses the Bill of Landed Costs Element Maintenance program to maintain the details of the element currently highlighted in the Elements for Stock Code/Route treeview.
Delete Element Select this to delete the element currently highlighted in the treeview from the route.
Associated Fixed Costs Uses the LCT Bill of Landed Cost for Fixed Cost program to add or delete fixed cost elements associated with the route currently highlighted in the Elements for Stock Code/Route treeview.
Copy Route Uses the LCT Bill Of Landed Cost Copy Route program to copy the cost elements and calculation codes entered against a route code in the current bill of landed costs to a new route code.
Set Route Standard Select this to indicate the standard route code to use.

The standard route code defaults to the route stored against the stock item and determines which cost elements are used when updating the inventory warehouse cost (using the Calculate New Landed Cost program).

The standard route is displayed in bold in the treeview.

Add Route Uses the LCT Route for Supplier/Stock Maintenance program to add a route to the current bill of landed costs for the selected stock code.

Note that at least one non-fixed cost element must be defined against the route before the route can be added.

You cannot use this option to add a route that contains only a fixed cost element to the bill, because fixed cost elements are not associated with a stock item, but are set up against a route. You use the Associated Fixed Costs option to add fixed cost elements to a route.

Change Route Uses the LCT Route for Supplier/Stock Maintenance program to maintain the details of the currently highlighted route.
Delete Route

Select this to delete the currently highlighted route together with all its elements, even if current shipments exist.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Change Tariff Uses the Stock Codes program to change the existing tariff code assigned to the stock item. The Tariff code is located in the Purchasing pane of the Stock Codes program.
Change Price Uses the Supplier Stock Code Cross Reference program to change the LCT merchandise price.
Stock Code

Enter the stock code of a valid bought-out inventory item.

  • The stock code must be designated as a landed cost tracking item and defined as Bought out.

    If it is not, then you are given the option to set LCT against the stock item.

  • The primary supplier defined against the stock code must be valid.

  • For foreign currency suppliers, an existing customs exchange rate must be defined for the supplier's currency code (using an exchange rate date of 00/00/00).

    If one does not exist, you will have to enter an exchange rate. The customs exchange rate is used to calculate tariff duty.

LCT Stock Codes Uses the LCT Bill Of Landed Costs Stock Codes program to display LCT stock codes which have a bill of landed costs.
Copy Bill Uses the LCT Copy Bill Of Landed Costs program to copy a bill of landed costs from one stock code to another, or from one stock code to a group of stock codes based on the product class to which the codes belong.
Replace Where Used Select this to replace elements and/or calculation codes wherever they are used in all LCT Bills of Landed Costs.

Add Primary Supplier

This is displayed when you enter a stock code for which you have not yet defined a bill and you select to add the supplier from the message box displayed.

Field Description
Save and Close Saves the supplier details and return to the previous screen.
Add Primary Supplier for Stock Code  
Stock code This indicates the stock code to which you are adding the supplier.
Stock code description This indicates the description of the Stock code.
Stock code long description This indicates the long description of the Stock code.

Enter a valid supplier who provides you with the service represented by the cost element.

If the supplier is not designated as an LCT supplier (Suppliers) then you are prompted to set the supplier to be an LCT supplier.

Supplier name This indicates the name of the Supplier.

This is the currency in which the supplier will charge you for services.

The purpose of the currency code is to define the currency in which you enter the expected rate.

When adding a new cost element, the currency defaults to the currency of the supplier.

Elements for Stock Code/Routes

The elements of the Bill of Landed Costs for the selected stock code are displayed in the following treeview structure:

Node Description
Root This displays the LCT stock code to which the bill of landed costs applies.
LCT Routes Select this node to open the LCT Route for Supplier/Stock Maintenance program to maintain the routes for the bill of landed costs for the LCT stock code.

An Edit option is displayed against each route. When this is selected, the options available for that route are displayed. These are the same options available from the Edit menu.

If more than one route is defined for an item, then a standard route is used to update the Inventory warehouse cost of the item. You calculate a new standard landed cost using the Calculate New Landed Cost program.

List of Elements

Each route can be expanded to display the list of elements in that route.

The actual value of each element is determined by the invoices sent by your suppliers.

You can select an element to display the options available for that element. These are the same options available from the Edit menu.

Replace Element and Calculation Code

This is displayed when you select the Replace Where used option and enables you to replace elements and/or calculation codes wherever they are used in all the LCT Bills of Landed Costs.

To replace only the Element, leave the Calculation code and Replacement calculation code fields blank. Similarly, to replace only the Calculation code, leave the Element and Replacement element fields blank.

You can replace a Calculation code with a blank Replacement calculation code and also replace a blank Calculation code with a valid Replacement calculation code.

Field Description
Cancel Return to the previous screen without performing a replacement.
Start Processing

Performs the replacement process for all LCT bills of landed cost.

No action is taken when:

  • the Replacement element already exists against a Bill of Landed Costs.

  • the combination of original Element and original Calculation code does not exist in any Bill of Landed Costs.

The number of replacements made is displayed at the end of the update phase.

Element Indicate the element code you want to replace (change).

This code is replaced by the element code indicated in the Replacement element field.

Calculation code Indicate the calculation code you want to replace (change).

This code is replaced by the calculation code indicated in the Replacement calculation code field.

This can be left blank if you want to replace an existing blank Calculation code with a valid Replacement calculation code. A valid Replacement calculation code must, however, be entered.

Replacement element Indicate an existing element code you want to use for the replacement process.

This element replaces the element indicated in the Element field.

Replacement calculation code Indicate an existing calculation code you want to use for the replacement process.

This can be left blank if you want to replace the existing Calculation code with a blank.

This calculation code replaces the calculation code indicated in the Calculation code field.

Stock Code Details

This pane displays the details of the selected stock code.

Notes and warnings

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
PO LCT Set Standard Route

If access to this eSignature is denied, you cannot set a standard route against a bill in the Bill of Landed Costs program.

PO LCT Replace Where-used

If access to this eSignature is denied, you cannot replace where used in the Bill of Landed Costs program.

PO Adding an LCT bill of landed cost element

Controls access to the addition function in the Bill of Landed Costs Element Maintenance, LCT Route for Supplier/Stock Maintenance and Bill of Landed Costs programs.

PO Changing an LCT bill of landed cost element

Controls access to the maintenance function in the Bill of Landed Costs Element Maintenance program.

PO Deleting an LCT bill of landed cost element

Controls access to the deletion function in the Bill of Landed Costs Element Maintenance, LCT Route for Supplier/Stock Maintenance and Bill of Landed Costs programs.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
PO LCT delete routes and elements

Controls whether an operator can delete LCT routes and associated elements defined against a stock item.

Within the Bill of Landed Costs program the Delete Route option is disabled.


This does not prevent an operator from deleting elements held against routes, only from deleting entire routes together with their elements.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.