Purchase Orders > Blanket Purchase Orders > Blanket Purchase Order Query

Blanket Purchase Order Query

You use this program to view details of blanket purchase order contracts held on file.

A typical use of this program would be to verify blanket purchase order details and to track the status of. This could be driven internally from a member of staff, or externally in response to a customer request.

This program can be run at any time.

There are no dependencies between this program and any other program.

If you are new to this query, then the following information will help you achieve the best results:

  • The information shown is always up to date (i.e. the query will reflect the latest information for purchase orders that have been captured or maintained).
  • If you know the contract number, then you can enter it directly and press the Tab or Enter key to view the information.

    If you do not know the contract number, then you can use the browse function to locate the contract.

  • You can personalize this query in a number of ways. These include:

    • setting preferences that affect what information is displayed. These settings can be retained for future use
    • configuring property sheets (e.g. the section headed Contract Header). This includes being able to sequence items by dragging them up or down, to show important items first
    • configuring the Detail Lines listview. This includes being able to sequence columns by dragging them left or right, sorting columns and changing column widths
    • configuring the layout of the panes on the screen, including hiding or displaying panes
    • configuring the toolbar

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Preferences Select this to indicate the amount of information you want to view
By Supplier Contract Select this to sequence the query by supplier contract.
By Contract Select this to sequence the query by contract reference.
Schedule Select this to view all scheduled and release date lines as well as any existing purchase orders and purchase order lines (see Blanket PO Schedule Query).
Purchase Orders Select this to view purchase orders for the contract (see PO Browse on Purchase Orders).
Contract Indicate the contract number for which to display details.

You can use the Browse icon to open the Browse on Contracts program to view all contracts for Blanket Purchase Orders.


Indicate the supplier for whom you want to view contracts if you selected By Supplier Contract from the Sequence menu.


You use the Preferences option from the Options menu to define the amount of information you want to view in the query.

Field Description
Contract selection Indicate the types of contacts to include in the query.
Detail lines selection Indicate the blanket purchase order line types to include in the query.
General Set general preferences relating to the query.
Save Preferences Save these preferences against your operator code and use them for future runs of the program until next you change them.
Close Save the preferences for the current run of the program only.

Contract Selection

Field Description
Contract Selection Contracts in the following statues can be selected for display in the query:
  • Contract in process (0)
  • Contract ready to print (1)
  • Contract printed (4)
  • Completed contract (8)
  • Cancelled contract (9)

The following contract types can be selected for display in the query:

  • Blanket call-off single
  • Blanket call-off multiple
  • Blanket standing order
  • Blanket monitoring order
Select All Select this to display all contract types and contract status in the query.
Deselect All Deselect all contract types and statuses. Once all types are deselected, you can select the few contracts you want to display.

Detail Lines Selection

Field Description
Detailed lines selection The following detail lines for the contracts selected can be selected for display in the query:
  • Stocked
  • Non-stocked
  • Freight
  • Other charges
  • Comment
  • Completed contract lines


Field Description
Default Blanket Purchase Order query sequence  
Contract Select this to sequence the query by contract reference by default.
Supplier Select this to sequence the query by supplier by default.

Contract Header

Details applicable to the entire contract are displayed in this pane (see Contract Maintenance).

Supplier Information

Details of the supplier for the contract are displayed in this pane (see Suppliers).

Custom Form

This pane displays details of any custom form data that has been assigned to the contract (see Custom Form Data Entry).

Detail Lines

You can only view blanket purchase order detail lines for those warehouses to which you have been granted access (Operators - Security tab - Warehouses).

Detail Lines

Column Description
Line This indicates the line on the contract for the stock item.
Stock code This indicates the code of the stock item on the contract.
Description This indicates the description for the stock code.
Wh This indicates the warehouse defined against the contract.
Total contract qty This indicates the total quantity to be supplied against the contract.
Minimum qty This indicates the minimum quantity to be supplied against each purchase order for this line item, according to the contract (see Contract Maintenance).
Total qty ordered This indicates the total quantity of the stock item ordered against purchase orders.
Total qty received This indicates the total quantity of the stock item received against purchase orders.
Uom This indicates the unit of measure applicable to the receipt.
Last receipt date This indicates the date on which the last purchase order receipt was processed for the item against the contract.
Price This indicates the contract price in local currency.
Price uom This indicates the unit of measure applicable to the price.
Product class This indicates the product class defined against the stock code.
Complete This indicates whether the line is complete.
Long description This indicates the long description for the stock code.
Foreign price This indicates the price in foreign currency for foreign currency suppliers. For local currency suppliers, the price is displayed in the local currency.

Detail Line Information

This displays detail information for the line currently highlighted in the listview.

Refer to BPO Summary Detail Transaction Browse for transaction details.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.