> WIP Inspection Introduction

WIP Inspection Introduction

The WIP Inspection programs enable you to inspect made-in stock items before accepting them into stock. The items are received from the job, into inspection and can then either be returned for rework, or scrapped, or accepted into stock.


This task outlines the procedures you should follow to be able to receipt jobs into inspection:

  1. Enable the option: Work in Progress inspection required (Work in Progress Setup).

  2. Optionally enable the options: Capture serials at end of WIP inspection and Capture lots at end of WIP inspection (Work in Progress Setup).

    This depends on whether you want to capture lot and/or serial number information at the time a lot traceable or serialized item is receipted into inspection or only when you accept the item from inspection into stock.

  3. For each made-in stocked item you want to receipt into inspection, ensure that the Lot traceability option is set to either Traceable or Inspection required (Stock Codes).

  4. Indicate the WIP inspection document selection you require (Work in Progress Setup).

  5. Navigate to the Set Key Information program.

    • Indicate the properties and numbering method you require for WIP inspection references.

      If you set the WIP inspection numbering method to Automatic, then also define the Next WIP inspection reference to use.

    • If you require inspection documents to be printed, then Define the Next inspection document number and the Next scrap document number to be used (Set Key Information).

  6. Use the WIP Inspection Document Format program to define the document formats for scrap and inspection documents.

    This only applies if you require inspection documents to be printed.

  7. If your Work in Progress module is integrated to the General Ledger (General Ledger Integration) then you need to define a WIP inspection control account to hold the value of goods receipted into inspection.

    This can be done by:

    • Defining the WIP inspection control account in the General Ledger Integration program or

    • Defining the WIP inspection control account against each warehouse by entering the account in the WIP inspection field of the Warehouses program.

  8. Optionally define passwords against WIP inspection activities using the Password Definition program.

    Passwords applicable to WIP inspection are:

    • WIP Inspection
    • WIP Setting WIP inspection reference on hold
    • WIP Maintain scrap inspection quantity
    • WIP Accept into stock as alternate stock code
    • WIP Posting to a completed job
    • Inventory override on inventory cost variance
  9. Optionally disable the WIP inspection control activities that can be performed by each operator using the Operators program. These include:

    • WIP Inspection functions
    • WIP Inspection inspect
    • WIP Inspection scrap
    • WIP Inspection change scrap G/L
    • WIP Inspection rework
    • WIP Inspection accept
    • WIP Inspection change accept G/L

Receipting into inspection

The sequence of steps typically used from creating the job to receipting a made-in stocked item into inspection is as follows:

  1. Use the Job Entry program to create a job for the made-in item.

  2. Use the Job Issues program to issue all the component parts and labor allocations to the confirmed job.

  3. Use the Job Receipts program to receive the item(s) from the job.

    This creates an inspection reference for the item.

  4. Use the WIP Inspection Maintenance program to receive the item into inspection.

    Optionally scrap, send for rework or accept the item into stock.

  5. Optionally print the inspection document required.

  6. Optionally use the WIP Inspection Report program to produce a report listing the manufactured quantity, the quantities in inspection, accepted, scrapped and reworked per inspection reference.

  7. Optionally use the program to produce a report enabling you to verify the value of items receipted into inspection, those accepted, scrapped and reworked and the value of items remaining in inspection.

  8. If the option: Create GL journal is not enabled for Inventory (General Ledger Integration) then run the Inventory GL Integration program to ensure that all the General Ledger journals for transactions processed are created.

  9. If the option: Post GL journal is not selected for Inventory (General Ledger Integration) then use the GL Journal Entry or GL Post Multiple Normal Journals program to post the journals into the General Ledger.

  10. Optionally generate the Inventory Journal Report and Inventory Distribution Report reports for audit trail purposes.