Inventory > Inventory Query > Purchase Orders for Stock Code

Purchase Orders for Stock Code

You use this program to view outstanding purchase orders for a stock item.

Purchase Order selection

Field Description
Refresh purchase orders Select this to redisplay the information in the listview according to changed the Purchase Order selections.
Autoload Values These options enable you to indicate how you want to save the selections made in this pane.

You can choose to set all selections as they were when you last ran the program (i.e. Load Previous Form Values) or save your selections in the pane as your default preferences for all companies, or for the current company only (i.e. Save Form Values as Default or Save Form Values for this Company).

If you have saved form values for the company or as the default, then you can remove these settings and restore them to the form's default preference selections.

Suppliers Indicate the suppliers for which you want to display Purchase order information in the listview. You cannot access this when viewing orders for a different company.
Revision/Release Indicate the ECC revision/release for which you want to display Purchase order information in the listview.
Display options  
Include zero quantity outstanding lines Include purchase order lines with a zero quantity outstanding.
Include completed purchase order lines Enable this to include purchase order lines for orders that are in status of 9 (Purchase order Status codes). This only applies if you enabled Include zero quantity outstanding lines.
Include POs excluded from MRP Enable this to include purchase orders which have been excluded from the Material Requirements Planning calculation.
Include PO lines excluded from MRP Enable this to include purchase order lines which have been excluded from the Material Requirements Planning calculation.
Include zero quantity outstanding lines Include purchase order lines with a zero quantity outstanding.
Include non-stocked items

Include purchase order lines containing non-stocked items.

Display purchase orders for company Indicate the company for which you want to display purchase orders.

This is enabled only if multiple companies are sharing the same inventory files (Company Maintenance).

You cannot view any history or requisition details when viewing orders for a different company.

Operator security access defined against warehouses or Accounts Payable branches (where browses are being filtered) is applied when viewing orders for another company.

Listview columns

Column Description
Purchase order Indicates the purchase order number.
Status Indicates the current status of the purchase order. See Purchase order Status codes.
Due date Indicates the latest due date of the line.
O/s quantity

Indicates the quantity outstanding against the purchase order line.

If you did not select: Include zero quantity outstanding lines and Include completed p/order lines, and there is a quantity in this column for completed purchase orders, then you need to use the Purchase Order Purge program and only select the option: Validate inventory on order quantity. This will validate quantities on order by resetting the fields to zero and updating them with quantities held against your purchase order records.

P/o quantity Indicates the original purchase order quantity.
Uom Indicates the unit of measure for the quantity ordered.
Wh Indicates the warehouse for which the purchase order line was raised.
Job Indicates the job number associated with the purchase order line.
Req Indicates the purchase order requisition number for the purchase order.
Price Indicates the unit price of the item.
Price uom Indicates the unit of measure applicable to the price.
Supplier Indicates the supplier code against which the order was raised
Currency Indicates the currency for the order line. This is the currency defined against the supplier (Suppliers).
Rev Indicates the revision number for an ECC-controlled stock item
Rel Indicates the release number for an ECC-controlled stock item.
Line Indicates the purchase order line number.
Supplier's catalogue Indicates the supplier's catalogue number (as defined within the Browse on Supplier Stock Code Cross Ref program).
MRP change date Indicates whether MRP can reschedule the due date of the order.
Date of last receipt Indicates the date on which a purchase order receipt was last processed against the order line.
Received qty Indicates the quantity of the line received to date.
Discount Indicates the discount value applicable to the order line.
Include in MRP Indicates whether the purchase order/line is included in the Material Requirements Planning calculation.
Details The following options are available when you select the View option:
  • History

    Display receipt history for the order line using the PO Browse on Order Lines History program.

  • LCT

    Display Landed Cost Tracking details for the line if the line is linked to the Landed Cost Tracking system.

  • Requisitions

    Display requisitions processed for the line using the Requisition Routing Details program. This is not available when viewing orders for a different company.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed from within the following SYSPRO programs:

    • Inventory Query
    • Sales Order Entry
    • Quick Sales Order Entry
    • Quotations
    • Purchase Order Entry
    • Build Purchase Orders
    • Job Issues