SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Query > System Information (Shift+F7)

System Information (Shift+F7)

You use this program to view details of your current system and SYSPRO environment. This can assist you in identifying who is accessing the system and what programs are currently running. This information can be used for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes, to assist in solving problems.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Current Users Select this to use the Display Users Logged in program to view all operators currently logged in according to the system.
All Program Versions Select this to use the Program Version Numbers program to view the program version numbers for the programs you are currently using in your SYSPRO system. The list displayed includes business objects.
Users Select this to use the Display Users Logged in program to view all operators currently logged in according to the system.
Installed Updates Select this to use the SYSPRO Software Installed Updates Query program to view all updates which have been applied to your system since it was first installed.

Current Information

Field Description
Current program

All program names and version numbers can be viewed using the Program Version Numbers program.

  • Program

    This indicates the program code and description from which the System Information display was launched.

  • Version

    This indicates the version of the program, (displayed in the previous field) that is currently installed. This version is taken from the Programs folder.

Current operator  
Operator Indicates the operator code with which you are currently logged into the system.
Name Indicates the name defined against the operator code (Operators).
Location Indicates the physical location defined against the operator (Operators).
Email Indicates the e-mail address defined against the operator (Operators).
Primary group Indicates the primary group to which the operator belongs. Groups are configured using the Groups program.
Company This indicates the code of the company you are currently logged in to.
Company name Indicates the name of the company you are currently logged in to.
Company date Indicates the current company date. This can be changed from the SYSPRO Desktop (SYSPRO Button->Company Date).
Data format This indicates the format or your company database (as defined on the Database tab of the Company Maintenance program.
Database This indicates the name of your company database.
Database version This indicates the version of your company database (i.e. the minor database update version that has been applied to your SYSPRO installation).
Report Information This information is displayed for SRS reports.
Control Information Indicates control information for SRS reports. See SRS Report Control.

System and Printer Information

Column Description

Indicates the nationality code defined against the current company.

Nationality codes are defined using the Nationalities program.

Users Indicates the number of concurrent users for which your current SYSPRO system is licensed.
Current printer information Refer to Printers per Operator for additional information.
Printer type This indicates whether the printer is a Windows or non-Windows printer. This can be selected From the SYSPRO Desktop (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Setup->Windows Printing).
Printer name Indicates the name of the printer assigned to the current program.
Paper size Indicates the current paper size for which the printer is configured.
Lines per page Indicates the number of lines on the page that can be used for printing information.
Orientation Indicates the default orientation (portrait or landscape) for the printer.
Left / right margin Indicates the size of the margin on the left/right edge of the page.
Top / bottom margin Indicates the size of the margin at the top/bottom of each page.

Environment Information

Information on the current server and client environments is displayed in this pane.

Program Version Numbers

You select the All Program Versions option from the View menu to view the program version numbers for the programs you are currently using in your SYSPRO system. This includes business objects.

The process may take a few minutes. A program progress count is displayed while the process is running.

The information in this listview can be used for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes, to assist in solving problems.

The total number of programs in the listview is displayed in the footer.

Column Description
Program description Indicates the description defined against the program.
Program name Indicates the program code.
Program version Indicates the version of the program file in the Programs folder.
System Indicates the SYSPRO version of the program and whether it was developed for a 32-bit or 64-bit environment.

Hints and tips

  • You can establish current users by selecting the View Users function from the SYSPRO login screen or by pressing Shift+F7 from within any program in SYSPRO and selecting the Current Users option from the View menu.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • System information can be displayed by selecting Shift+F7 from within any SYSPRO program or by selecting the System Information option from the Query menu of the Ribbon bar.