SYSPRO Reporting Services > SRS Report Control

SRS Report Control

You maintain the report components of a menu item by selecting the Report Control function from the Maintain menu. The details are saved in the report control file on the application server.

Maintain Report Control

This window is displayed when you select the Report Control option from the Maintain menu in SYSPRO Reporting Services. It enables you to maintain customized report configurations.

You can maintain all of the relevant report components using the Maintain Report Control program, except the report type.

A customized report configuration exists for any customized or user-defined report added to the SRS menu using the New SRS Report option or the Add Other Menu Item option (regardless of whether the report is based on a SYSPRO business object, a Crystal driver or a SYSPRO GL Financial Report Writer report).

The Maintain Report Control window is divided into two panes:

Pane Description
Left pane Displays a tree view of all the existing customized report configurations that exist in the \Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportControl folder.

The customized report configuration name that is displayed in the tree view is derived from the report control file name.

Right pane Displays the report control details, including:
  • The business object

  • The report type

  • The report code

  • The schema-in name (i.e. this defines the characteristics of the valid XML document that can be supplied to the business object. SYSPRO supplies these schemas).

  • The schema-out name (i.e. this describes the XML that can be received from the business object and supplied to the report template. SYSPRO supplies these schemas).

  • The report template name

  • The list definition name

  • Linked sub report names

Report Control

This screen is displayed:

  • When you select the Report Control or Add Other Menu Item option from the Available Reports window or the Setup menu.

  • When you right-click on a menu item and select Report Control.

  • When you select the Add Other Menu Item option from the Available Reports window or the Setup menu.

Field Description
Report control details Fields are enabled or disabled according to the type of report being maintained.
Business Object

Indicate the business object you are using for the report.

SYSPRO will attempt to populate the other fields on the form using variations of the Menu item name provided.

For a GL report writer report type, this defaults to GENQRR and cannot be changed.
Workflow type
Report code

This indicates the code of the GL report writer report you are maintaining.

Schema In

This defaults to displaying only input schemas associated with the business object selected. You can select the option Show all from the Browse screen to view all the schemas.

For a GL report writer report type, this defaults to gl_fin_report_writer and cannot be changed.

Schema Out

This defaults to displaying only output schemas associated with the business object selected. You can select the option Show all from the Browse screen to view all the schemas.

For a GL report writer report type, this defaults to gl_fin_report_writer_out and cannot be changed.

Report Template

The displayed report templates are a combination of those in the \Base\ReportingServices\ReportTemplate and \Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportTemplate folders.

  • If you are adding a GL Financial Report, then you would typically select the template tem_gl_fin_report_writer. The GENQRR business object uses this template to translate the GL Financial Report into an SRS report.

    If the report is not rendered as expected, you will need to use the Design Report function to correct the SRS report.

  • If you designed your own template to convert your financial report into an SRS report, enter that template name here.

List Definition

Use the Browse icon to locate the definition. The displayed definitions are a combination of those in the \Base\ReportingServices\ReportListDefinition and \Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportListDefinition\ folders.


This field is only enabled if the business object you selected is the generic SRS browse, COMGRW.

Report Preview

Specify the name of the sample report that should be displayed.

SYSPRO provides sample reports that have been pre-populated with sample data for some of the standard reports.

These are stored in the \Base\ReportingServices\ReportSamples folder.

If no sample report exists for your report you should select the default report name: sam_blank.

Note that previewing any SRS report that uses a SYSPRO business object only displays the sample XML. Displaying the actual data could take long to render, by which time the preview may no longer be relevant.

Sub report name Indicate any sub reports attached to the report code indicated.
Report still in development Select this to prevent other operators from seeing the report.

Notes and warnings

Maintenance considerations

  • Avoid changing the standard SRS report control files as your changes may be overwritten when SYSPRO is next updated.

  • Avoid storing non-standard components in the standard locations, as they may be overwritten when SYSPRO is next updated.

Deleting considerations

  • The only way to delete the report template, the report form and the report control file is to delete the customized report configuration using the Maintain Report Control function.

    If a menu item on any SRS report menu is using this report configuration then that menu item will no longer work. You need to then delete the menu item from the SRS menu.