SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Distribution > RMA Setup

RMA Setup

You use this program to define the setup options for the Return Merchandise Authorization system.

For this module to run efficiently, we recommend that you indicate the options you require before processing any transactions. However, most of the options can be changed later, if necessary.


Field Description
For fix in-house

Create sales order

Select this if, when repairing/refurbishing an item returned by a customer, you want to create a sales order at the time of cross-shipping the merchandise. Cross-shipping is typically required when the customer is unable to return the defective item before receiving the replacement.

Create job

Select this to create a works order for the repair of merchandise that has been returned by a customer.


Select this to create a sales order at the time of cross-shipping merchandise as well as a works order for the repair of merchandise that has been returned by a customer.

No action required

Select this if no repairs are required and you only want to print the RMA.

Number of days to retain

Completed RMAs

Indicate the cut-off date according to which completed RMA transactions are deleted by the RMA Purge program.

An entry of 9999 indicates that you want to retain records indefinitely.

ECC items

Prompt for rev/rel at issue

Select this to be prompted for the revision and release of ECC-controlled items at the time of issuing an RMA or at the time of processing an RMA receipt.


If you selected the option: Assume current rev/rel at time of adding order (Bill of Materials Setup - Engineering Change Control tab), then you are not prompted to enter revision/release information. The Rev/Rel function is, however, enabled, allowing you to change the revision/release.

Print RMA document

At issue

Select this to print the RMA document at the time of issuing the RMA (i.e. no values are printed). If you have also selected the cross-shipment option then you will be able to maintain the sales order and print it as well as the RMA document.

At receipt

Select this to be able to print the RMA document only at the time of receipting the returned merchandise. You will be able to add/maintain jobs and credit notes as well as print the RMA document.


Select this to be able to print the RMA document at the time of issuing and receipting the RMA.

This applies only to the printing of RMA documents on-line. It does not apply to documents printed using the RMA Document Print program.


Problem code mandatory

Select this to force the operator to enter a problem code at the time of issuing an RMA.


You should not enable this option if you set the Prompt for restock option to At line level, because the restock prompt is only displayed when the Problem code on the RMA is blank (RMA Issues and Receipts).

Prompt for save

Select this to be prompted by the RMA Issues and Receipts program to save lines entered on a RMA. Otherwise the RMA Issues and Receipts program saves lines automatically.


Select this to save the selections you made on all the tab pages and to exit the program.


Select this to print a report of your Return Merchandise setup options.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.


Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.


Select this to view the latest online Help documentation for this program.


Field Description
Cross-shipment options

Create sales order

Select this to automatically create a sales order when issuing an RMA that requires a cross shipment (i.e. where a customer requires the replacement item before being able to return the defective item).

Capture serial numbers

Select this to be prompted to enter serial numbers when processing a cross-shipment.

If you do not select this option then you only need to supply the serial numbers at the time of invoicing (i.e. when the order goes to a status of 8).


If multiple bins are installed in the warehouse or the stock code is traceable or ECC controlled (Stock Code Maintenance), then you have to capture serial numbers regardless of your selection against this option.

Max days allowed for returned product

Indicate the maximum number of days that merchandise returned for cross-shipment can be received before warning messages are displayed.

Restocking options

Restocking %

Indicate a default re-stocking percentage fee that you want to apply to returned merchandise for which the customer has requested a credit.

Restocking product class

Indicate the default product class for re-stocking.

Prompt for restock

At line level

Select this to be prompted to accept or change the restocking fee (if configured) when you end an RMA.


The prompt is only displayed when the Problem code on the RMA is blank (RMA Issues and Receipts). You should, therefore, not enable the Problem code mandatory option when you set Prompt for restock at line level.

Apply restock automatically

Select this to automatically apply the defined restocking fee when you end the RMA.

Apply restocking fee to

Defective credit

Select this to indicate that re-stocking is required when the customer is credited for the return of defective items.

Defective in warranty

Select this to indicate that re-stocking is required for the repair of items that are still under warranty.

Defective out of warranty

Select this to indicate that re-stocking is required for the repair of items that are no longer under warranty.

General return

Select this to indicate that re-stocking is required when the customer is unhappy with the product and requires a credit.

Incorrect order

Select this to indicate that re-stocking is required for a returned item that was incorrectly ordered by a customer.

Incorrect shipment

Select this to indicate that re-stocking is required for a returned item that was incorrectly shipped to a customer.

Short shipment

Select this to indicate that re-stocking is required when the customer needs to be credited for the balance of a shipment that was short-supplied.


Field Description
Default warehouse for

Receiving - credits

Indicate the default warehouse that must be used when receiving RMAs.


Indicate the default warehouse that must be used for repairing RMAs.

Restocking components

Indicate the default warehouse that must be used for components when the Restocking components option is selected

Default line type


Select this if you want RMA issues to default to stocked lines.


Select this if you want RMA issues to default to non-stocked lines.

Other defaults

Receipt action
Field Description

Select this if you do not require any action to be taken when receiving an RMA. The RMA will be closed and remain on file for reference purposes.


Select this to default to creating a credit note when receiving an RMA. Once the RMA is ended you can maintain the credit note using the Sales Order Entry program.


Select this to default to creating a credit note for the item being returned and a sales order for the new item being shipped to the customer.

You can maintain both the credit note and the sales order when the RMA is ended.

This action has the same effect as a cross-shipment, except that the sales order is not created until after receipting the RMA.


You will be unable to select this option if the order is a cross-shipment.

Fix In-house

Select this to create a non-stocked repair job and issue the returned material to the job.

You will be able to enter the estimated labor and material cost for repairing the item. In addition, once the item is repaired, a back ordered non-stocked sales order is created for returning the item to the customer.

You will be able to maintain both the sales order and the job when the RMA is ended.


You can prevent the unauthorized use of this option by denying operators access to the activity: RMA allow creation of a stocked job (Operator Maintenance).


Select this if, when receiving returned merchandise from a customer, you want to inspect the item(s). Once inspected you can select the appropriate receipt action to take.


Select this if when receiving returned merchandise from a customer you want to add notes to the RMA line.

Invoice terms

Indicate the default invoice terms to use for a cross-shipment or exchange order.

If this is blank, then the invoice terms defined against the customer are used by default.

Non-stocked u/m

Indicate the default non-stocked unit of measure.

Non-stocked product class

Indicate the default non-stocked product class that must be used.


Field Description
RMA numbering method


Select this if you want to enter an RMA number manually whenever merchandise is returned from a customer.

By company

Select this to assign the next RMA number automatically at company level according to your entry at the Next RMA number field, when merchandise is returned from a customer.


You can select this option only if the key type of the RMA number field is set to Numeric (Set Key Information).

By branch

Select this to assign the next RMA number automatically at branch level when merchandise is returned from a customer. You define the next RMA number to use against each branch using the AR Branches program.


You can select this option only if the key type of the RMA number field is set to Numeric (Set Key Information).

By branch - with prefix Select this to assign the next RMA number, with a prefix, automatically at branch level when merchandise is returned from a customer. You define the prefix and next RMA number to use against each branch using the AR Branches program.

You can select this option only if the key type of the RMA number field is set to Alphanumeric (Set Key Information).

RMA numbering  
Next RMA number You use this field to indicate the next RMA number that will be used by the system if you indicated that your RMA numbers must be generated automatically.


Field Description
Prompts for user-defined fields

The wording you assign to these fields is the wording displayed in entry/display forms.

Header detail

Indicate the prompt wording that must be displayed for the user-defined field that appears on the RMA header.


Select this to indicate that an entry must be made at this field when issuing an RMA.

Line detail 1

Indicate the prompt wording that must be displayed for the first user-defined field that appears on the RMA detail line.


Select this to indicate that an entry must be made at this field when issuing an RMA.

Line detail 2

Indicate the prompt wording that must be displayed for the second user-defined field that appears on the RMA detail line.


Select this to indicate that an entry must be made at this field when issuing an RMA.