> Return Merchandise Introduction

Return Merchandise Introduction

SYSPRO's Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) module provides companies with an easy, efficient means of tracking returned merchandise. It also includes flexible methods of dealing with the return or exchange of merchandise.

Following are examples of circumstances where the RMA module would be of benefit:

  • The incorrect product was sent to the customer, and the customer needs to be credited.
  • The correct product was sent to the customer, but the product is faulty and needs to be replaced or repaired.
  • The customer is unhappy with the product and requires a credit.
  • The product is partially faulty and the customer cannot ship it back without jeopardizing day-to-day operations. You must ship another part and the customer will return the faulty product within a specified time frame, or be billed for the replacement product.

Configuring Return Merchandise Authorization

This task outlines the procedures you should follow to set up your Return Merchandise Authorization module before you begin to process transactions.

  1. Ensure that the Return Merchandise Authorization module is installed according to the terms of your software license agreement.

  2. Ensure that the following modules are installed:

    • Accounts Receivable
    • Sales Orders
    • Inventory
    • Work in Progress (optional in a distribution-type environment)
  3. Navigate to the Set Key Information program.

    Indicate the properties and numbering method you require for RMA numbers.

    RMAs can be numbered at company level or at AR branch level.

    If you want to set quotation numbering at Branch level then select the Branch option to use the AR Branches program to indicate the next RMA number to use for automatic numbering.

  4. RMA Setup

    Define the Configuration, Preferences, History and User-defined Fields setup options you require for RMA.

  5. Use the RMA Document Formats program to define the format of the RMA documents you want to print.

  6. Use the RMA Problem Codes program to define the problem codes to use to identify recurring problems with returned items.


This section describes a possible sequence of events for processing RMAs.

Some of these steps are optional.

  1. Use the RMA Issues and Receipts program to raise an RMA once the customer notifies you of the intent to return a product.

  2. From the RMA Issues and Receipts program, select the Add Lines option to use the Return Merchandise Line Details program to add the details of the product(s) being returned.

    At this point you can cross-ship a replacement item to the customer (e.g. when the customer is unable to return the defective item without first having a replacement item).

  3. End the RMA and use the End RMA Receipt program to generate the RMA document online.

    Alternatively, print the RMA documents in batch mode using the RMA Document Print program.

  4. Select the Receipt Line function of the RMA Issues and Receipts program to receive the returned product(s).

    You have a number of options such as creating a works order to repair the faulty product, receiving the product back into your warehouse and crediting the customer, exchanging the product, etc.

    If the stock item being returned is part of a bill of materials, then when you exchange the product, you can restock the components.

  5. Print a list of outstanding RMAs using the Outstanding Authorizations program.

  6. Print a list of and a list of RMAs that have been received using the Receiving Report program.

  7. Query RMAs using the RMA Query program.

RMA Period End Processing

There is no procedure for closing the RMA system at the end of the month or year.

You can, however, use the RMA Purge program to delete RMAs according to the number of days you indicated that you wanted to retain them.