Inventory > Setup > Alternate Suppliers

Alternate Suppliers

You use this program to assign alternate suppliers to selected stock items.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Add Select this to add a new alternate supplier.
Delete Select this to the delete the entry currently highlighted in the listview.
Stock code

Indicate the stock item to which you want to assign alternate suppliers.

This stock code cannot be defined as a Notional part (Stock Codes).

Alternate Suppliers Maintenance

The currently defined alternate supplies for the stock item are displayed in a listview.

Field Description
Alternate supplier

Assign an alternate supplier to the stock code entered at the start of the program.

A message is displayed if you enter an alternate supplier who is not held on the supplier master file. If you elect to add the alternate supplier to the list, you have to take on the supplier details before using it as a substitute.

You can query alternate supplier information using the Inventory Query program and the Purchase Order Requisition System. In addition, you can print the first three alternate suppliers on the Purchasing Work Sheet report.

Name This indicates the name of the supplier.
Currency This indicates the currency defined against the alternate supplier (see Suppliers).
Last price This indicates the price last paid for a purchase from the supplier.
Price uom This indicates the unit of measure for the price.
Quantity This indicates the quantity last purchased from the supplier.
Receipt date This indicates the last date on which a receipt was processed for the supplier.
Catalog This indicates the supplier's catalog number.
Primary supplier This indicates the primary supplier for the stock item (Stock Codes).