> Currency Conversions Maintenance

Currency Conversions Maintenance

You use this program to define the exchange rates to be used when converting between the currencies you defined.

You can also define how triangulation is to be calculated, if you require currency triangulation.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description

Indicate the currency which must be converted.

Currencies are defined using the Currencies program.


Indicate the currency to which the source currency must be converted.

Currencies are defined using the Currencies program.

Currency Conversion

Field Description
Currency Conversion Options  

This is the currency which must be converted.


This is the currency to which the source currency must be converted.

Fixed exchange rate

Select this if the same rate must be used as the buying and selling rate.

This does not apply if you selected the option: Triangulation required.

Tolerance Enter the amount of rounding which is allowed when converting. This only applies when using triangulation (see Currencies).
Buying rate This indicates the buying rate at which you want to convert transactions entered in the Source currency to the Target currency.
Selling rate

Indicate the selling rate at which you want to convert transactions entered in the Source currency to the Target currency.

This does not apply if you selected the option: Triangulation required.

Exchange rate method
Option Description
Multiply Select this if the buying/selling rate must be multiplied to calculate the Target currency.
Divide Select this if the buying/selling rate must be divided to calculate the Target currency.
Triangulation required

Select this if you need to convert from the source currency to the target currency via an intermediate currency.

You can only access the Triangulation required and Intermediate currency fields if you selected the Triangulation required option in the Company Maintenance program.

Intermediate currency

Indicate the Intermediate currency which must be used to convert the source currency to the target currency.

This only applies if you selected Triangulation required.

Tolerance This field is not used in the current version of the program.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Add or Change option from the Currency Conversion program.