Administration > Job Logging > Job Logging Query

Job Logging Query

You use this program to maintain a log file of all programs that have been accessed by operators.

The log file stores information about the program accessed, the date and time it was accessed, the length of time it was in use, the operator who loaded the program and the computer name from which the program was run. It also stores information of processes that were ended using the View Users program (indicated in the Message column of the listview pane) and fatal RTS (Run Time System) errors.

You can use the System Audit Query program to track changes or events in SYSPRO that affect system security.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Show all records Select this to display all the job logging records in the Log Details pane.
Record limit Enter the maximum number of records to be displayed in the Log Details pane.
Set purge flag Select this to indicate that the selected line is ready to be purged. The purge status in the Ready to purge column against the selected line is changed to Yes.
Clear purge flag Select this to change the purge status from Yes to No.
Purge Select this to delete the selected job logging transactions. The Job Logging Purge program is used to purge the transactions.
Time filter Select the time period for which you want to display the job logging transactions.
Refresh View Select this to refresh the log details within the listview pane.
Show detail Select this to view detail messages for a program which is currently running.

Only a limited number of programs make use of this facility.

For example, viewing details for Sales Order Entry displays the register number and invoice number while an online invoice is being processed.

Show Custom Filter Select this to open the Filter Options pane.

Filter Options

This screen is displayed when you select the Show Customer Filter option on the toolbar.

Field Description
Apply Custom Filter Select this to apply your selections to the records in the Log Details pane.

You can also apply the custom form filter by pressing Enter when the focus is on one of the custom filter entry fields.

Reset Select this to clear any selections you made and to reset all Filter Options to their defaults.
Log date selection This enables you to indicate the log dates for which you want to display transactions.
Date filter type
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all dates in the listview.
Range Select this to include transactions in a range of dates.
Single Select this to display transactions with a single date.
Start date Indicate the start date or single date from which you want to display job log details in the listview.
End date Indicate the end date up to which you want to display job log details in the listview.
Log time selection  
Time filter type
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all time in the listview.
Range Select this to include transactions in a range of times.
Active at Select this to enter a time to display everything that was running at that time. This includes items that were run up to 2 hours before the selected time and which have not completed.

The time is extended to seconds, if required.

For example: Enter 08:10 to find all processes where the start time is before 08:10:59:99 and the end time is after 08:10:00:00. Enter 08:10:24 to find all processes where the start time is before 08:10:24:99 and the end time is after 08:10:24:00.


Seconds are only shown/saved if necessary. Otherwise HH:MM is shown.

Start time Enter the start time or active at time for which you want to display job log details in the listview.
End time Enter the end time for which you want to display job log details in the listview.
Operator selection Indicate the operator for whom you want to display transactions.
Operator filter type
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all operators in the listview.
Range Select this to include a range of operators.
Single Select this to include an individual operator.
List Select this to include selected operators.
Start operator Select the first operator in the range, or a single operator.
End operator Select the last operator in the range.
Operator list Select the relevant operators from the list of operators.
Program selection Indicate the programs for which you want to display transactions.
Program filter type
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all programs in the listview.
Single Select this to include a single program.
List Select this to include selected programs.
Program Select the individual program.
Program list Select the relevant programs from the list of programs.
Status selection  
Status filter
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all status items in the listview.
Filter on status Select this to filter on the status selected.
File errors Select this to display all records where a file status message was encountered (e.g. indexed file corrupted, kernel problem, or corrupt index file).
Active Select this to display all records that are still deemed active (i.e. records where no log off date has been recorded).
Remarks Select this to display all records that have a remark status (i.e. where the system terminated abnormally). Details are displayed in the message column.
Blank status Select this to display all records that have no status.
Transaction selection

If you only want to highlight transactions that are exceptions, then ensure that you do not select a Status that will include transactions that are not necessarily exceptions.

For example, a selection of Remarks (Status selection) and Failed (Transaction selection) will display all transactions that have remarks as well as all transactions that have failed (i.e. a normal transaction that has remarks will also be displayed).

To display all transactions that were not completed you would select In progress, and Failed, and all status selections (i.e. File errors, Active, Remarks and Blank status).

Transaction filter
Option Description
No filter Select this to include all transaction items in the listview.
In Progress

Select this to view transactions that the system regards as still being in progress.


In order for a transaction to be in progress it must be taking place right now.

Usually an in progress transaction means that the system has terminated abnormally, but no data was affected. If this occurs on a regular basis then you should attempt to establish the source of the problem as it could indicate a poorly-configured system or that operator training is required.


Select this to view transactions that have not completed successfully and where the integrity of data has been compromised.

This is relevant only in a C-ISAM environment.

You must reindex the relevant file and run the Balance function in the appropriate module to remedy the situation.

In Progress and Failed Select this to view both In Progress and Failed transactions.
SPID selection Server Process IDs only apply to a SQL Server system.
SPID list Enter a comma-separated list of SPIDs (e.g. 43,89,93) to display only job logs matching one of the SPIDs entered. This is particularly useful when you know a particular SPID was involved in an error (such as a deadlock) and want to see the programs that were run for that SPID.

Log Details

Column Description
Logon date Indicates the date and time the operator commenced the transaction.
Logoff date

Indicates the date and time the operator terminated the transaction.

Run time Indicates the time the transaction took to complete.

Hundredths of a second cannot be displayed in this program. Therefore, a minimum of 1 second run time is displayed for a job when the end time is less than a second after the start time, providing the job did not fail. If the job failed, then the end time is blank.

Program Indicates the code of the program used for the transaction.
Program name Indicates the name for the Program code used for the transaction.
Operator Indicates the operator code.
Operator group Indicates the primary group to which the operator belongs.
NT PID Indicates the process ID.
SPID Indicates the SQL session process ID.
Computer name Indicates the name of the computer that caused the entry to be logged.
Program version

Indicates the version of the SYSPRO program used at the time the entry was recorded.

This is the version of the program that was called last. A program may be called and in turn call other programs to perform various functions. If the program closes prematurely, the version of the last called program is stored in memory and is subsequently reported against the calling program.

If you suspect that a client machine is out of date, you can delete the VERGUI.TXT file on the client machine to force self-healing.

Notes and warnings


  • To maintain a log file of all programs accessed by operators, you must enable the Job logging required option in the Company Maintenance program.

  • To include job logging entries for business objects in the job log file, you must enable the Job logging for business objects option in the Company Maintenance program.

  • To include job logging entries for SRS reports in the job log file, you must enable the Job logging for SRS reports option in the Company Maintenance program.

Processing considerations

Each time you load a program in SYSPRO, a job log entry is created with a start time. When you exit the program, the end time is recorded against the original job log entry. A program without an end time means that either the operator is currently using the program, or the process has crashed, or the process has been killed. There is no way of distinguishing between these two possibilities.

If a program has not terminated correctly and was started before today, then the system assumes it is no longer running and it displays the program as Failed in the Logoff date column and the run time is displayed as spaces.

In a client/server environment, a crash on the client usually leads to the server process detecting this 'disconnection' and outputs a client/server log record. The Client-Server Diagnostic program can be used to merge the job logging and client/server log file to see what occurred on the system.

You can also use the View Users program to list all processes running on the server. This program uses the User file to match the process id's to the operators actually using the system. If the system detects a Windows PID that does not have a User file entry, then it is marked as an 'unknown' process and can be terminated.

The IMPEXT program prevents the machine from shutting down while SYSPRO is open in a posting program. When a Windows shutdown is attempted while SYSPRO is still running, details of the SYSPRO program being run at the time will be displayed.

A Failed transaction is displayed in the job logging when the operator forces a Windows shutdown as this prevents the program from closing gracefully.



How can I track unsuccessful operator log in information?
  • You can use the System Audit Query program to track when, for example, operators attempt to log in when the maximum number of license seats has already been used, when operators attempt to log into a prohibited company, when operators attempt to log in with an expired password, etc.