Utilities > Users


You use this program to identify who is accessing the system and the programs that are currently running.

Functionality includes the ability to log out users and to end processes.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Show Files used Display and pin the Files Used pane (if it is not currently pinned).
Logout function ends process If this option is ticked, then selecting one of the logout hyperlinks in the User Details pane will terminate the server-side executable process, rollback any open transactions and return resources to the server operating system. The user is removed from the SYSPRO user file (ADMUSR) and the concurrent number of users is decreased.

If this option is not ticked, then the Logout option removes the user record from the ADMUSR file and allows the operator to complete the transaction. It does not end the client session or any related processes. You use the End option in the Processes listview to kill the required process(es).

A user who has been logged out cannot load a new program or access primary functions within the main SYSPRO posting programs.

Structured view Displays the SYSPRO company information and operator role information for the operators listed in the User Details pane as well as the Logout company and Logout role hyperlinks in the Logout column.
Flat View

Displays only operator and program information. SYSPRO company information and the Logout company and Logout role options are hidden.

Refresh view (F5) Refreshes the user details displayed.

If you have applied a custom filter then you need to select this option to refresh the information in the User Details pane.

Who am I Highlights the workstation's active user.

This can be useful if several operators are using the same login.

Show detail Displays the program details for each operator in the User Details pane.
Show Custom Filter Displays and pins the Filter Options pane (if it is not currently pinned).

User Details

Column Description
  • The code and description of the SYSPRO company for which the information is being displayed (if you enabled the Show detail option).

  • The operator role information (if you enabled the Show detail option).

  • The operator name for which the information is being displayed.

  • The program name for which the information is being displayed.


See Restrictions and limits in Notes and warnings

  • The Logout company hyperlink logs out all operators from the SYSPRO company displayed in the Description column.

  • The Logout role hyperlink logs out all operators for the role displayed in the Description column.

  • The Logout hyperlink logs out the operator displayed in the Description column.

Prematurely logging out an operator who is using SYSPRO can lead to corruption of data.
Login Indicates the date and time the operator logged into the system.
Last activity Indicates the amount of times the operator has been inactive in SYSPRO.

This is calculated since the last client session was started and not since the operator's session actually performed any activity.

Either the values from ADMUSR-LAST-DATE/TIME or the date and time from the WCF session is used as the starting time and the machine's current date time as the ending time to calculate the elapsed time.

In a WCF environment, this value is still not a true reflection of the last time the user did any work on the active session as the WCF service updates the last activity date and time every time a new WCF SYSPRO client is launched when it detects if the client session is still active.

PID The process identity number.

The message: Process not found is displayed when you run SYSPRO.exe on your server. This is because you do not have full scope by default, which means that the Display Users Logged in program cannot find client instances of SYSPRO.exe.

If you run SYSPROClient.exe from a client machine, then access is through the SYSPRO services which have full scope to all running processes on the server and all PID's can be seen.

Operator Indicates the operator code.
Operator location Indicates the physical location defined against the operator.
Program Indicates the code of each program the operator is currently running.
SPID Indicates the SQL session process ID.

This is stored against the user file as they log into SYSPRO.

CMS only user Indicates the operator is only licenced to use the Contact Management System features of SYSPRO.
Client type Indicates whether the operator's workstation is connected using CCI or WCF.
Client version Indicates the SYSPRO version on the client machine. This is represented by the version of the SYSPROCommsInterop40.dll in the client base directory.
Client/Server id The identity code of the client machine.
Instance Indicates the system instances being used by the operator.
Operator instance

Indicates the instance number of SYSPRO being used by the operator (i.e. the number of times the operator appears in the User file). This is useful when multiple logins are allowed for the operator as it enables you to identify the individual instances.

Program description Indicates the description of the program code.
Role description Indicates the description of the operator role.
Row type code

Indicates whether the line is displaying Company information (C), Program information (P) or Operator information (O).

User number Indicates the user number allocated by SYSPRO when the operator logged in.
Last activity date Indicates the date on which the operator last loaded or exited a program.
Last activity time Indicates the time at which the operator last loaded or exited a program.

Status bar

The status bar displays additional information, including the number of SYSPRO user licenses currently consumed out of the total number of licensed users.


The primary instance of any logon is the one that owns all of the spawned instances.

You must log out of a spawned instance before logging out of a primary instance. Otherwise, an additional SYSPRO license is consumed.

For example:

  1. Login to an instance of SYSPRO as your ADMIN operator and run the IMPUSN program.

  2. Login to a second instance of SYSPRO with a different operator (TEST) and run any program.

  3. Refresh the details in IMPUSN on the ADMIN instance of SYSPRO and you will see an instance of ADMIN and an instance of TEST.

  4. Against your TEST instance, launch a new instance of the TEST operator by launching a program from the menu behind the currently running application. This creates a new instance of SYSPRO for the operator TEST.

  5. Refresh the details in IMPUSN on the ADMIN instance of SYSPRO and you will see an instance of ADMIN and two instances of TEST (TEST and TEST (1)). Note that only two licenses have been consumed.

  6. Return to your first TEST instance and close the first application you opened and then close SYSPRO. You will have an instance of ADMIN and one for TEST(1) in IMPUSN.

  7. If you now run a new instance of SYSPRO using operator TEST, you will have an instance for ADMIN, one for TEST(1) and one for TEST, but now a third license has been consumed.

    The reason is that the spawned instance of TEST (i.e. TEST1) was not closed before TEST was closed.


Field Description
Process type  
All Display all processes.
SYSPRO Display only SYSPRO processes.
SYSPRO ExecutableThis indicates that the program is a SYSPRO program.
SYSPRO SRS Client ExecutableThis indicates the SYSPROReportingServices.EXE SYSPRO Reporting Services program.
SYSPRO SRS/SWS Server ExecutableThis indicates the SRSMES.EXE Reporting Services program.
Unknown Display all unknown processes.
End All Unknown Processes Terminate all unknown processes (if you selected Unknown at the Process type field).

See Runaway Processes.

Runaway Processes

When an operator exits SYSPRO in such a way that the server process is still there (i.e. the system still shows them as being logged in) then the next time they login the respective SYSPRO.exe process is killed and a new one is created for this instance of client/server connection.

SYSPROSrs.exe processes not related to SRS are eliminated for each new SYSPRO session created through SCS. If it is for SRS, then a possibility of a runaway process exists. This is because SYSPRO cannot clear these as it cannot match which ones are related to which SYSPRO process/client session.

Therefore before upgrading to a port, you should end any unknown processes (SYSPRO.exe and SYSPROSrs.exe), as well as ensuring that no users are currently logged in.

SQL Blocking Details

For systems with a high number of concurrent users, there are times when SQL locking can occur. This can happen when multiple processes are simultaneously trying to exclusively access the same table, record, or page in SQL. This can stall business operations for a significant amount of time.

This pane displays information regarding SYSPRO processes causing locks and those being blocked by other processes for the SQL Session ID created by each logged-in SYSPRO user.

Information is only displayed if there is at least one blocking process and one blocked process.

Column Description
SPID Displays the SQL session process ID of the blocking process with a link to the blocked process.
Blocking SPID Indicates the session ID of the process causing the block.
End This hyperlink is displayed only if the operator belongs to a group where the Allowed to logout users is enabled (Groups). Click on the hyperlink to end the process.

Only the server-side processes can be ended; client-side processes are not directly affected.

After ending a process, the event is recorded in the System Audit Query. The date, time, process ended, and by whom is displayed.

Process name Indicates the name of the process causing the block.
Wait time Indicates the time for which the blocking process has caused the block.
Operator Indicates the name of the operator whose process is causing the block.
Operator location Indicates the physical location of the operator.
Program Indicates the program that is causing the SQL block.
Program description Indicates the description of the program.
Computer name Indicates the name of the computer whose process is causing the block.
SQL Login Indicates the SQL Server logon by which the process has been authenticated.
Operator email Indicates the email address of the operator.
PID Indicates the process identity number.
SQL statement Indicates the blocked SQL statement being executed. An AutoPreview option (selected from the shortcut menu displayed when you right-click the column header) enables you to view the first 400 characters of the SQL statement being issued.
Wait type Indicates the SQL code for the type of lock that has been acquired.

Filter Options

Field Description
Apply Custom Filter Applies your selections and saves them against your operator code.

You need to select the Refresh View option to display the User Details according to the Filter Options you indicated.

Reset Clears any selections you made and resets all filter option options to their defaults.
File selection Indicate the programs for which to display users in the User Details pane. This is useful if you want to trace which operators are using a specific file(s).
File filter type Indicate the program code(s) for which to display users in the User Details pane.

Selecting No filter means you want to include all file codes.

File code Indicate the specific file code for which you want to display users in the User Details pane.
File list Indicate a list of data files for which you want to display users in the User Details pane.
Show exclusive access Display only operators who have Exclusive access to the data file(s) you selected to display.

This is useful when you cannot access a file and need to determine which operator is locking the file.

This option is not enabled if you selected No filter at the Filter file type field.

Files Used

This displays the data files currently being used by the program that is highlighted in the User Details pane.

Hints and Tips

  • You can determine how many licenses are currently consumed in the status bar at the bottom of the View Users screen.

    The Licensed users entry indicates how many licenses are currently in use out of the total number of licenses available.

  • An operator can be prevented from logging in twice (or more) and therefore consuming two (or more) licenses by disabling the option: Allow concurrent use of this operator against the operator's code (Operators).

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be run standalone from within SYSPRO, or from the Users option of the Admin Shift+F7 System Information program (after logging in) or from the View Users option of the SYSPRO login screen (before logging in).

Restrictions and limits

  • The Logout company and Logout role hyperlinks are only displayed in the User Details pane if you selected the Structured view option at the Display toolbar function, and if the primary group to which the operator belongs is allowed to logout users.

  • The Allowed to logout users option (Groups) only applies to an operator's primary group.

    The logout hyperlinks are not available to any operator's sub groups.