Utilities > Client Server Utilities > Client/Server Diagnostic

Client/Server Diagnostic

This program monitors connection problems in a client/server environment.

These problems occur either during the initial attempt of the client connecting to the SYSPRO server (i.e. hand-shake/negotiation) or during transaction mode when the connection has been successful and the operator has opened a SYSPRO program.

This program merges the company-specific job logging file (xADMJOB.DAT) and the system wide client/server diagnostic file (ADMCSS.TXT). The results will differ depending on which company you are logged into when running the program.

The merged job logging data only relates to the current company. Entries displayed for operators not in the current company are derived from the client/server diagnostic file.

Job logging entries that were started today, but which have not yet finished are ignored (i.e. programs which operators started running today and which are currently still running, are ignored).

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
List Select this to generate a report of the entries, based on the options you select at the Print Options window.
Print log error detailsThis generates a detailed report.
By operatorThis generates a summary list of the operators who experienced connectivity problems, together with the number of such occurrences.
By programThis generates a summary list of the SYSPRO programs that were in use when the respective connections were terminated.
By day of weekThis generates a summary list of the most troublesome day in terms of client/server connectivity malfunctions (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, etc.).
By time of dayThis generates a summary list of the amount of errors experienced relative to time (i.e. before 7.00, 7.00 - 7.59, 8.00 - 8.59, etc.)

Only entries with a time failed entry appear in this section.

Display Options Enables you to choose options determining how you want to display entries in the list view.
Date selectionFilters entries by a range of dates.
Operator selectionFilters entries by a single operator or all operators.
Include multiple login warningsDisplays warning entries relating to multiple logins. This is only relevant if the Allow multiple people to use this operator concurrently operator option is enabled (Operators).
Statistics Filters selections by operator, program, day of the week, or time of day.