SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > Custom Form Available Lookups

Custom Form Available Lookups

You use this program to view and maintain the available custom form field lookup tables.

This is typically used so that custom form fields can be used in multiple fields and forms, and across companies and inventories if the company setup option Shared inventory for custom forms is enabled.

Lookup for field

Field Description
Form Description

Indicates the form type that the custom form is linked to.

Field Name

Indicates the caption given to the shared custom form field.

Select this hyperlink to add this field to the form you are currently creating.

Lookup Table

Select the view hyperlink to view the fields that have been added to the custom form.

You can add or maintain the list.

Note that any changes to the lookup table will affect the other forms sharing this item.

Field Length

Indicates the size of the lookup field.

The length of the field in the custom form you are adding needs to match this length.

Notes and warnings

Program access

You access this program by selecting either the Lookup shared (Mandatory) or Lookup shared (Not mandatory) field validation option in the Custom Forms Entry program, followed by Edit in the Configure field.