> Custom Forms Overview

Custom Forms Overview

Custom forms in SYSPRO allow you to add fields that you have created onto a form. You can add company or industry-specific fields that are linked to certain master tables and transactions and embed them directly onto a SYSPRO entry form. These fields can be defined as alphanumeric, numeric or date format.

Custom form data can be viewed from within the various query facilities and reports within SYSPRO, and printed on user-defined stationery such as quotations, invoices and purchase orders.

You can also add custom form columns from where you can match the column name to the key field of the custom form.

Getting started

You can create custom forms:

  • from the Custom Forms program (SYSPRO ribbon bar > Administration tab)

  • from within a form using the Field Selector.

Once you have created the forms and assigned the fields to a program, you can view and populate the fields with data.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • All companies must use the same custom form format (i.e. either the legacy format or the new format).

  • Custom forms are not included in the Predictive Search facility.

  • In a SQL environment you can choose between storing custom form data using the previous legacy data format or the new SYSPRO 7 format (recommended).

  • In a C-ISAM environment, custom form data is stored in the same structure as SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 (i.e. a single file named ADMFRM.DAT/ADMFRM.IDX is used). You would typically remain on the legacy data format if you need more time to change third party access to use the new format.

    We recommend migrating to the new format as soon as possible since the legacy data format is only supported for SYSPRO 7 (later versions will require the custom form data to be in the new format).

  • Field details:

      SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 SYSPRO 7
    Alphanumeric fields    
    Maximum number of characters 100 255
    Default value 20 50
    Numeric fields    
    Maximum number of characters 12 integers and 6 decimals 12 integers and 6 decimals
    Fields per form type 100 300 including Key fields

    Note that each custom form type can only have 150 columns with a maximum of 300, except the CRMCON type which can support 150 fields across multiple forms with a total of 300 columns.

    The total column count includes Key columns, so if the key for the custom form table consists of 2 columns, then only 298 columns of actual data can be handled by the business objects.

    Number of fields that can be printed on documents (e.g. invoices, orders, quotes, etc.) 10 10
    Number of fields that can be edited using the Custom Form Data Entry program. 100 Insert 300 columns of data for a custom form type, including Key columns.

    Update up to 300 columns per type.

    Number of fields that can be queried   300 custom form fields per type.

    300 custom form fields per type with data.

    Number of columns that can be updated   300 columns per type.
    Number of fields allowed across multiple forms (i.e. CMS Contacts) 999 999
  • A warning is displayed if you try to supply more than 12 key columns and more than 300 columns (including key columns).

  • Custom form logic is handled by the architecture and is therefore not aware of any preferences defined against a document format.

    For example, the 1000's separator character defined in the Company setup options is used for all custom form fields, regardless of the 1000's separator preference defined against a document format.

Adding fields

  • You cannot add the same custom form field to multiple editable forms in a single program. An error message is displayed indicating the form in which the field already exists. You, however, can add the same custom field to several forms in a program providing only one form is editable (i.e. custom form fields can only be edited on one form in an application).

    Although this restriction did not apply in previous versions of the software, the system does not attempt to resolve these duplications. You have to manually remove these entries.

Deletion considerations

  • Custom form data associated with a stock item (or temporary stock item) is deleted if the item is removed from the system.
  • Custom form data associated with a temporary supplier is deleted if the supplier is removed from the system.
  • Custom form data associated with a sales order is deleted if the order is removed from the system.
  • Custom form data associated with a purchase order is deleted if the order is removed from the system.

Importing considerations

When importing master data (e.g. Assets), your custom form data cannot be imported using the master data import programs as custom form fields are not included in any of the file layouts for importing master data (e.g. the Asset Import file layout does cater for importing Asset custom form fields).

The reason is that master imports are driven by Business Objects designed for each specific master file. However, the Custom Form Import Business Object can be used to import custom form data.

Saving custom form values

  • Data in custom forms is only saved if any field value on the form has changed, or if a default field value is defined on the custom form.

    A default value against a custom form field is defined as follows:

    • For ALPHA fields, the default value must not be equal to {Spaces}.

    • For DATE fields, the default value must be non-blank.

    • For NUMERIC fields, the default value must not be equal to {Zeroes}.

    The system only performs a single call to the server to save all custom form field changes.

Shared inventory considerations

  • If you have multiple companies and inventory data is shared, then the custom forms configured for the shared company are used for each of the companies that are sharing the same inventory files (i.e. the custom form data table ending with a + is only located in the primary company's database and not in each company's database).

    Your entry at the Inventory file company field indicates the company from which the custom forms must be used.

    If not currently shared, you are prompted to enable the Shared inventory for custom forms company setup option. This ensures that the custom forms configured for the shared company are used for each of the companies that are sharing the same inventory files.

    However, this means that you cannot view the following custom forms for the shared companies:

    • Stock Code
    • ECC Drawing Register
    • ECC Structure
    • ECC Operation
    • BOM Structure
    • BOM Operation
    • Lot number

    Once you set this option, you cannot undo your selection. If the option was not enabled before and you enable it during the conversion process, then we suggest you review the custom forms against the form types that use shared inventory.

Conversion considerations

  • SYSPRO 7 stores custom form data in a separate table for each custom form type with a + suffix (e.g. ArCustomer+). Previously this was stored in a single table (AdmFormData).

  • Although custom form field definition remains largely unchanged, the conversion process to the new version generates a new field: ColumnName that is used for the new format of custom form data.

  • Third party custom form data is not converted during the migration to SYSPRO 7 (you are notified of custom form types that could not be converted).

    If you have third party custom form data, please contact the application developer for further information about converting data to the new SYSPRO 7 format.

  • All available custom form types are listed in the IMPCFM.IMP file, together with the primary table to which the form is associated. Developers who have created their own custom form types should define them in a custom text file named CUSCFM.IMP.

    You can establish the version of custom forms you are using by viewing the IMPCFM= entry in the IMPACT.INI file.

    Legacy format SYSPRO 7 format
    IMPCFM=AdmFormData IMPCFM=Table+

    (where Table indicates the table name and + indicates it is a new format)

Security considerations

  • You can deny group access to the Custom Form Design and Custom Forms Entry programs.

    Denying access to the Custom Forms Entry program effectively denies an operator access to the Custom Forms facility.

    Denying access to the Custom Form Design program prevents an operator from selecting a custom form from a list (but does not prevent an operator from accessing the custom form directly from a program that includes the custom form facility).

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Custom form design Controls whether an operator can change the design of a custom form.
Custom form entry

Controls whether an operator can capture data for a custom form.


An operator will not be able to complete a transaction when this activity is denied and a custom form with mandatory fields is linked to the transaction.