General Ledger > Tax > Setup > Descriptive Tax Codes

Descriptive Tax Codes

You use this combined browse and maintenance program to view descriptive tax codes currently defined and to link descriptive tax codes to the three character SYSPRO tax codes.

This provides the facility to define tax codes which are longer than the standard three digit SYSPRO tax codes to meet tax legislation requirements such as in Malaysia.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Maintain Select this to maintain descriptive tax codes.

Select this to link the descriptive tax code to the SYSPRO tax code.

Once linked, the descriptive tax codes are printed on reports and are displayed in the relevant Tax code fields throughout SYSPRO.


Field Description
Descriptive tax code Enter up to 20 characters for the descriptive tax code against each Tax code.
Description This indicates the description defined against the SYSPRO tax code (Tax Code Setup).
Tax code This indicates the three character SYSPRO tax code.

Notes and warnings


  • This program can only be run when the Use descriptive tax codes option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup).

  • The three character SYSPRO tax codes must be defined using the Tax Code Setup program before the descriptive tax codes can be linked.

Restrictions and limits

  • Descriptive tax codes cannot be used together with any of the following tax systems:

    • USA tax by advanced geocodes

    • USA AVP sales tax

    • EC VAT

    • Canadian GST

    • Australian GST

    • Withholding tax

  • A Descriptive tax code must be defined for each existing SYSPRO three character Tax code. Blank descriptive tax codes are not allowed.

  • Once linked, the descriptive tax codes must be used in the applicable Tax code fields in SYSPRO.

Coding considerations

  • Descriptive tax codes are cross referenced to the existing three character tax codes in the SYSPRO database to enable them to be used and to be displayed in forms and reports throughout SYSPRO.

    The three character tax codes defined in the Tax Code Setup program are stored in the various databases and are used in calculating tax throughout SYSPRO. The descriptive tax codes are stored in the ADMATX cross reference table between the SYSPRO Tax code and the Descriptive tax code.

Deletion considerations

  • Descriptive tax codes are deleted when the corresponding Tax code is deleted (Tax Code Setup).