Product Configurator > Configuration Maintenance

Configuration Maintenance

You use this program to view details of product configurations currently defined, to copy configurations and to maintain configuration libraries.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Configuration Libraries Select this to view and maintain the configuration libraries for the currently highlighted configuration.
Test Configuration Select this to test if the currently highlighted configuration functions correctly.

Copy a Product

You use the Copy option from the Edit menu to create a new configuration by copying an existing configuration.

Field Description
Copy from Indicate the configuration to copy.
Password Select this to define a password for the new configuration.
Copy Product Select this icon to create the new configuration according to the options you selected.

Calculations attached to options and components are also copied.

Copy a Product  
Copy from This indicates the configuration to copy.
Copy from description This indicates the description of the Copy from configuration.
Copy to Enter the configuration code for the new configuration which will be created by the Copy function.
Copy to description Enter a description for the new configuration.
Engineer Assign an engineer to the new configuration.
Comment Enter a comment for the new configuration.
Product status
Option Description
Under development

Select this to prevent the new configuration from being used.

This enables you to maintain the new configuration before making it available for use.

Available to use Select this to make the new configuration available for use immediately it is created.
Copy options Indicate the sections of the existing configuration to copy to the new configuration.
Last Copy

The details of the last configuration copied during the current run of the program are displayed in this pane.


This screen is displayed when you select the Include option from the Include menu.

Field Description
OK Displays the configurations you selected to include.
Close Ignores your selections and returns to the listview.
Configuration status  
Available to use Enable this to display configurations which are available to use.
Under development Enable this to display configurations which are under development.
Availability dates Indicate the availability date(s) for which to include configurations in the listview.
Engineer Indicate the engineer(s) for whom to include configurations in the listview.
Where used Indicate the configurations to include in the listview based on where they are used.

Listview columns

Column Description
Configuration Indicates configuration code.
Status Indicates the whether the configuration is still under development or can be used in the system.
Start date

Indicates the first date from which the configuration is available for use in the system.

00/00/00 indicates that the configuration is available immediately.

Expiry date

Indicates the last date on which the configuration is available for use in the system.

00/00/00 indicates that the configuration does not expire.

Engineer Indicates the engineer associated with the configuration. This is usually the person responsible for defining the configuration.
S/O Indicates whether the configuration can be used in the Sales Orders module.
QUO Indicates whether the configuration can be used in the Quotations module.
WIP Indicates whether the configuration can be used in the Work in Progress module.
BOM Indicates whether the configuration can be used in the Bill of Materials module.

Notes and warnings

Deletion considerations

  • When a configuration is deleted, all calculations used in that configuration are also deleted.

Configuration libraries

  • The message: Libraries are not retained for the selected configuration indicates that the option: Retain configuration libraries is not enabled for the configuration (Options).

Copy considerations

  • Component quantities calculated using selection criteria values will be invalid in the new configuration if you do not copy the Selection criteria.

Password considerations

Password access to the following functions in this program may be defined in the Password Definition program. When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

Field Description
Product Configurator Library maintenance This password restricts access to updating or adding a new configuration library when using the Configurator Wizard program. This does not restrict access to maintaining existing libraries using the Product Configurator Browse on Libraries program.