Assets > Browses > Browse on Asset Depreciation Codes

Browse on Asset Depreciation Codes

You use this program to view depreciation codes currently defined.

Depreciation codes establish the actual percentage rates of depreciation applied to an asset when you run the Asset Depreciation Calculation program and when calculating catch up depreciation (see Asset Acquisition).

Listview columns

Column Description
Depreciation code This indicates the code allocated to the depreciation code.
Description This indicates the description for the depreciation code.
Depreciation type This indicates the type of depreciation applied by the depreciation code (see Asset Depreciation Codes).

Notes and warnings

Deletion considerations

  • SYSPRO does not perform any validation before deleting Asset Depreciation codes.

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this list view if access for this program is set to Browse only but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).