Accounts Receivable > Setup > AR Permanent Entries

AR Permanent Entries

You use this program to create and maintain a series of entries to be posted into the Accounts Receivable module on a given day of a particular month.

Typical uses of permanent entries are service and maintenance contract billings, equipment or property rental, and lease contract billings.

This program is used to define permanent entries and to attach them to individual customer accounts. A single permanent entry may be attached to more than one customer account.

The AR Post Permanent Entries program is used to post the entries.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Save Select this to save the details you entered or changed.

If you selected to maintain an existing permanent entry and you change the Day and/or Reference for the entry, a new entry is created. The reason is that the Day and Reference together uniquely identify the entry and these can therefore only be specified when adding an entry.

Day This indicates the specific day on which the entry must be posted against the assigned customer(s).

You can only define this when you add a permanent entry.

The Day forms part of the unique identity for the permanent entry and therefore cannot be changed once entered.

If you are maintaining a permanent entry and you change the Day, then when you save the entry, a new entry is created.

Reference This indicates the reference for the permanent entry.

You can only define this when you add a permanent entry.

The Reference forms part of the unique identity for the permanent entry and therefore cannot be changed once entered. This reference is printed on the AR Invoice Register.

If you are maintaining a permanent entry and you change the Reference, then when you save the entry, a new entry is created.

Permanent Entry Information

Field Description
Day This indicates the specific day on which the entry must be posted against the assigned customer(s).
Reference This indicates the unique reference for the permanent entry.
Permanent entry details Enter the details of the permanent entry.
Invoice amount Enter the amount of the invoice.

If a foreign currency is specified, then this amount must be entered in the currency of the customer.

Cost amount This indicates the cost to you of the entry if any. The Cost amount must be entered in the local currency.

This indicates the currency of the entry.

You can only assign the permanent entry to those customers whose currency code matches the currency code entered here.

Product class Enter the product class to use for the entry.
Description Enter text that can be printed on the invoice generated from the permanent entry.
Tax/GST details  
Tax by geographic area Indicates whether tax by geographic area is required (Company Tax Options Setup).
Tax code Assign a tax code to the permanent entry, representing the rate of tax applicable to the merchandise portion of the invoice amount.

If tax is required by geographic area (Company Tax Options Setup) then the tax code for the geographic area held against the customer is used.

The tax code defaults to A.

GST code If your nationality code is defined as CAN, (System Setup) then enter the GST code for the permanent entry to represent the rate of tax applicable to the merchandise portion of the invoice amount.
Taxable If your nationality code is defined as USA (System Setup) and you require either tax by advanced geocodes or the AVP sales tax system (Company Tax Options Setup) then you can indicate that the merchandise portion of the invoice amount is taxable.
Entry details  
Entry type

If required, you can change a permanent entry from one type to another (e.g. from Permanent to Temporary).

This is useful in situations where a change in circumstances requires that the transaction is terminated earlier (or extended longer) than expected.

Permanent Select this to post the entry against customers on a recurring basis. The entry remains on file until the expiry date is exceeded.
Temporary Select this to post the entry once only against a customer. Once posted, the entry is deleted when next you purge records from within the AR Period End program.
Frequency of transfer

The entry made here enables you to indicate how often (in months) you want the entry to be posted against the customer(s). For example: If the entry is to be transferred every month, then enter 1; if every 6 months, then enter 6; and if once a year, enter 12.

This option is not available for temporary permanent entries.

Expires on Select this to indicate an expiry date for the entry.

You can only indicate this for entries defined as permanent.

If you select this option, then you indicate the specific date at which the permanent entry expires in the Expiry date field.

If you do not select this option, then the entry is retained indefinitely.

Expiry date This indicates the specific date at which the permanent entry expires.

This is the date after which the Purge function of the AR Period End program will delete the entry.

Next posting When initially adding the entry you must enter the month and year in which posting of the entry is to start.

If the entry has been transferred at least once already, then the date of the next posting is displayed.

You should not alter the date unless you want to postpone the date of the next posting.
Calendar month This indicates the calendar month in which the entry must next be posted against the customer(s).
Calendar year This indicates the calendar year in which the entry must next be posted against the customer(s).

Apply to Customers

You use this pane to specify the customer(s) to whom the entry must be posted. A permanent entry must apply to at least one customer.

Field Description
Add Select this to add a customer to the list of customers to whom the entry must be posted.
Remove Select this to remove the currently highlighted customer form the list of customers to whom the entry must be posted.
Apply to All Select this to apply the entry you are currently maintaining to all your Accounts Receivable customers.
Delete All Select this to remove all customers from the list of customers to whom the entry must be posted.
Customer This indicates the code of the customer to whom the entry must be posted.

You can only assign the permanent entry to those customers whose currency code matches the currency code entered in the Currency field.

Description This indicates the name of the customer and is displayed for information purposes. It enables you to verify that you entered the customer code you required.
Notes Select this to add free format notes against the entry for the selected customer only.


This enables you to add free format notes against the entry. These default notes are attached to all customers for whom the permanent entry applies.

These notes can be printed on the permanent entry invoice, by defining the print position for them in the Detail section of the AR Permanent Entries Format program.

You can assign notes selectively to customers using the Notes column against selected customers of the Apply to Customers listview.


Although you would typically use the Copy option form the Edit menu of the Browse on AR Permanent Entries program to copy permanent entries, entries can also be copied using the AR Permanent Entries program.

From the AR Permanent Entries program, you enter the Day and Reference of the existing entry from which you want to create a copy.

Change the Day and/or Reference fields to those of the new entry you require. Optionally maintain the details and the customer(s) for the new entry and save your changes. The new permanent entry created by the copy process is applied to the customers specified.

Using the AR Permanent Entries program to create copies of existing entries enables you to copy and maintain the entry at the same time. In addition, it enables you to change the Day and or Reference for an existing entry, without changing any of the other details.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Add or Change icon (or the Add or Change option from the Edit menu) of the Browse on AR Permanent Entries program.

Restrictions and limits

  • The Field Chooser option is not available in the Permanent Entry Information pane of this program.

    The reason is that you can add multiple customers to the same day-reference combination, therefore it is not a 1-1 link, but a 1-Many link.

    You can, however, add custom fileds/columns to the Apply to Customers pane (refer to the Tasks section for details) for a specific permanent entry.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.

Add custom form field to Apply to Customers grid

  1. Enter the Permanent Entry Information details for the permanent entry.

  2. Right click on a column in the Apply to Customers pane and select the Field Chooser option.

  3. Drag the AR Permanent Custom Fields field onto the grid.

  4. Close the Field Chooser window.

  5. Enter a customer code in the Customer column and Tab to the AR Permanent Custom Fields column.

  6. Select Add Fields to this Form from the AR permanent Custom Fields window which is displayed.

  7. Select New to add a new custom form field to display the Custom Forms Entry program.

  8. Add the required custom fields using the Custom Forms Entry program.

  9. Close the Custom Forms Entry program, and the Field Selector for Form: AR Permanent Custom Fields window is displayed.

  10. Tab to the AR Permanent Custom Fields column in the Apply to Customers pane to display the AR Permanent Custom Fields window.

  11. Drag the custom fields from the Field Selector for Form: AR Permanent Custom Fields window into the AR Permanent Custom Fields window.

  12. Close the Field Selector for Form: AR Permanent Custom Fields window.

  13. Add data for the custom form fields in the AR Permanent Custom Fields window, and press enter/tab to display the data entered in the grid in he AR Permanent Custom Fields column.

  14. To add more custom fields, select the custom form column again and click inside it so that the AR Permanent Custom Fields window is displayed.

  15. Right-click on one of the existing custom form fields AR Permanent Custom Fields window, and select Field Selector.

  16. Add the additional custom form fields.

  17. Drag them onto the AR Permanent Custom Fields window.

  18. Enter data into the fields and tab/enter.

  19. Save the permanent entry.

    The custom form data is populated and saved against the permanent entry. It is saved per reference/release day/customer: