Accounts Receivable > Setup > AR Currency Conversion

AR Currency Conversion

You use this program to convert the currency of a customer to another currency.


Please refer to the Notes and warnings section before running this program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Verification Performs a dummy conversion of all conversion calculations without updating any files. The results are displayed in the Report pane. These indicate what the old and new values of the fields will be when the actual conversion is run.

Messages indicating prerequisites you should have performed before running the conversion are displayed (see Notes and warnings).

Start Processing

Performs the actual conversion and updates the files/tables with the new values.

The results are displayed in the Report pane providing you did not select the option: After processing complete - Close this application. See also Notes and warnings.

The Outstanding order value of released sales orders and the Outstanding order value fields are set to 999999999999.99. Once the conversion is complete, the Order Purge program is automatically loaded. You must run the Balance function of this program to complete the conversion process and set these two fields to their correct values.

The conversion program does not check for any field overflow errors.

Although security checking is performed on the customer's branch and salesperson, no check is performed on the changing of different types of transactions.

The Invoice reprint file/table is not converted. The Reprint file/table must reflect the original invoice values and is therefore not converted.

Any quotations currently defined against the customer are converted using the current rates held against the old currency code, intermediate currency code and the new currency code.


Indicate the customer code for which the conversion must be performed.


You cannot perform a conversion for a customer linked to a supplier.

You use the AR Customer to Supplier Link program to sever the link to the supplier before you perform the conversion.

Currency conversions Select this to define the exchange rates to use when converting between the Currencies you indicated (Currency Conversion Maintenance).

You cannot convert a foreign currency customer to another foreign currency when the source and target currencies are triangulated (Currencies).


Field Description
Customer details Displays the customer code and name of the Customer indicated.
Sold to address Displays the Customer's address (Customers).
Old currency Displays the current currency code and description defined against the customer (Customers).
Currency Indicate the currency code to which you want to convert the customer (i.e. the customer's new currency).
Currency description This displays the Currency description for verification purposes.
After processing complete Indicate what you want to do with the information displayed in the Report pane once processing is complete.
Print the report Prints the information displayed in the Report pane.
Email the report Emails the information displayed in the Report pane.
Email recipients Indicate the email address(es) of recipients to whom you want to email the information displayed in the Report pane.
Close this application Exits the program.

Do not select this option if you want to be able to view the Report pane information on screen when processing is complete.


This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).

We strongly recommend that you email the report to a suitable recipient or export it to file for audit trail purposes and also to be able to reproduce the report on demand. In addition, this overcomes any potential printing problems where, for example, the printer jams causing you to lose the report. See Listview functions.

Conversion Phases

When you select the Start Processing function, the AR Currency Conversion program goes through the following phases:

  • Master/sub accounts are detached.

    If the customer account to be converted is a master account, then all sub accounts are detached before the conversion process begins. If the customer account to be converted is a sub-account, it is detached from its master account.


    The AR Currency Conversion program does NOT re-attach master/sub accounts on completion of the conversion.

  • Customer invoices and payments are converted.

    The program reads through the ARSINV file and uses the invoice number to access all payment/adjustment records in the ARSTRN file.

    As the payment/adjustment amounts are converted, the converted values are accumulated. As the payment/adjustment records are converted the converted transaction value is accumulated. The total converted value is deducted from the converted original invoice value, and the result compared to the converted current invoice balance. Any difference is added to the last payment/adjustment record.

    When converting a customer from a local to a foreign currency, the conversion to foreign currency is performed using the exchange rate defined in the Currencies table (see Currencies).

    When converting a customer from a foreign to a local currency, the conversion to local currency is performed using the rate applicable at the time the invoice was captured.

    When converting a customer from a foreign to a foreign currency, the conversion is performed as follows:

    • The original value is converted from foreign to local currency using the rate applicable at the time the invoice was captured.

    • The original value is then converted to the new foreign value using the rate defined within the Currency Conversions table (accessed using the Currency Conversions function).

    • The program then calculates (and stores) the rate that must be used when converting the new foreign value to local currency

    The fields converted on the payment record are:

    • Transaction amount
    • Discount given

    The fields converted on the invoice record are:

    • Original invoice amount
    • Original discount amount
    • Current invoice balance
    • Invoice balance previous month 1
    • Invoice balance previous month 2
  • The Customer master file is converted.

    The rates defined against the existing currency code, the intermediate currency code and the new currency code (see Currencies) are used to convert value fields.

    The currency code is set to the new currency code.

    The automatic price code, buying groups and price code fields are updated to contain spaces.

    The Outstanding order value of released sales orders and the Outstanding order value fields are set to 999999999999.99. After converting, the Order Purge program is called automatically, and should be run to set these Two fields to the correct values.

    The fields converted on the customer master record are:

    • Credit limit
    • Highest balance attained
    • Current balance. This field is set to the accumulated total of the converted invoice balances.
    • Current balance - Previous month 1, Previous month 2
    • Balance brought forward - Current month, Previous month 1, Previous month 2
    • MTD invoice value - Current month, Previous month 1, Previous month 2
    • MTD payments - Current month, Previous month 1, Previous month 2
    • MTD discounts - Current month, Previous month 1, Previous month 2
    • MTD adjustments - Current month, Previous month 1, Previous month 2
    • MTD credit notes - Current month, Previous month 1, Previous month 2
    • MTD debit notes - Current month, Previous month 1, Previous month 2
    • MTD finance charges - Current month, Previous month 1, Previous month 2
    • Value of Future, Current, 30 day, 60 day, 90 day and 120 day invoices
    • Value of credits
  • The AR permanent entries file is converted.

    The rates defined against the existing currency code, the intermediate currency code and the new currency code (see Currencies) are used to convert value fields.

    The Invoice amount field is converted.

  • The Last price paid file is converted.

    The rates defined against the existing currency code, the intermediate currency code and the new currency code (see Currencies) are used to convert value fields.

    The fields converted are:

    • Last price paid (1st entry on macro)
    • Last price paid (2nd entry on macro)
    • Customer retail price
  • The Post-dated check file is converted.

    The rates defined against the existing currency code, the intermediate currency code and the new currency code (see Currencies) are used to convert value fields.

    The Check value field is converted.

  • The Payment history file is converted.

    The rates defined against the existing currency code, the intermediate currency code and the new currency code (see Currencies) are used to convert value fields.

    Payment history values that are not in the local currency are converted (i.e. the payment history value is only converted if it is in a foreign currency).

  • The Contract prices file is converted.

    The rates defined against the existing currency code, the intermediate currency code and the new currency code (see Currencies) are used to convert value fields.


    Only Flat price contracts are converted. All other contract types for the selected customer are deleted from the file. This is reflected in the Report.

    The fields converted are:

    • Flat price
    • Customer retail price
  • The Sales Order master records are converted.

    The rates defined against the existing currency code, the intermediate currency code and the new currency code (see Currencies) are used to convert value fields.

    The Fixed exchange rate field is set to ' N '.

    The Exchange rate for conversion is set to ' 1'.

    The Multiply/divide flag is set to ' M '.

    The currency code is set to the new currency code.

    The fields converted are:

    • Miscellaneous line types:

      • Miscellaneous/freight value
      • Minimum value to charge
      • Maximum value to charge
    • Merchandise and non-stocked lines:

      • Selling price
      • Line discount value
      • Customer's retail price

Notes and warnings


Before converting customer currencies using this program you should:

  • run the AR Invoice Register, because the records containing the foreign currency summary sales transactions are not converted. This affects the printing of the Invoice Register.
  • import any outstanding interface information, because all import programs assume that the import transactions are in the currency of the customer. Therefore, if you created an import file, but have not yet imported the information, you need to do so before converting the customer.
  • print an Sales Order Backlog by Customer report for reference purposes prior to converting, because all prices against sales orders are converted.
  • ensure that no invoices, sales orders or quotations defined with a fixed exchange rate exist against the customer.

Processing considerations

  • Master and sub accounts

    If the customer account to be converted is a master account, then all sub accounts are detached before the conversion process begins. If the customer account to be converted is a sub-account, it is detached from its master account.

    The AR Currency Conversion program does not re-attach master/sub accounts on completion of the conversion.

  • Audit trail

    We strongly recommend that you email the report to a suitable recipient or export it to file for audit trail purposes and also to be able to reproduce the report on demand. In addition, this overcomes any potential printing problems where, for example, the printer jams causing you to lose the report.

Hints and tips

Record amendments

  • You can generate a report of changes made by this program if the option: Customer amendment journals required is set to Yes or Yes, including additions (Accounts Receivable Setup).