Accounts Payable > Payment Processing > Cash Requirements

Cash Requirements

You use this program to print a list of cash requirements for each supplier. This enables you to forecast future liabilities and to determine past due and current liabilities. The purpose is to indicate when funds need to be available to pay invoices while taking advantage of available discounts.

Report Options

Field Description
Currency options  
Show currency values
Option Description
Local currency Print foreign amounts in the local currency equivalent.
Foreign currency Print foreign amounts in the original currency.
Convert to local currency at
Option Description
Current exchange rate Convert foreign amounts to local currency using the exchange rate currently held in the Currencies table.
Entry time Convert foreign amounts to local currency using the currency rate at the time of entry.
Include unapproved invoices Print all invoices, credit notes and debit notes entered using the Approve invoice function of the AP Invoice Posting program (i.e. the transactions have been entered but not approved for payment or expensed).
Currency Indicate the currency to use for this report.

This applies if you selected to Show currency values in Foreign currency.

Selection criteria

Selection Description
Supplier selection Indicate the supplier(s) for which you want to generate the report.
Branch selection Indicate the branch(es) that you want to include in the report.
Supplier class selection Indicate the range of supplier class(es) you want to include in the report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

Invoices, debit notes and credit notes posted in the AP Invoice Posting program and invoices posted in the AP Permanent Entries Posting and AP Initial Invoice Capture programs are included in the cash projection.

The selected currency conversion is displayed in the heading of each page, and the currency code for each supplier is printed on the detail lines. These details are also printed on the Report Options page, if you enabled the option: Print report options selected (Company Setup).

Each invoice is analyzed to determine the best payment date, taking into account discounts available or due dates, and the invoice amount is accumulated into the appropriate column.

Suppliers with a credit balance are not printed on the report.

Ageing considerations

The report contains eight columns. The bucket size of these columns is determined by your entry at the Cash projection period in days field (Accounts Payable Setup).

For example: If you entered 15 at the Cash projection period in days field (Accounts Payable Setup) then the following columns are generated on the report:

  • Past due payables
  • Current payables
  • Requirements within 15-29 days
  • Requirements within 30-44 days
  • Requirements within 45-59 days
  • Requirements within 60-74 days
  • Requirements within 75-89 days
  • Requirements over 90 days

Each invoice is aged by calculating the difference in days between the company date and either the discount date or the due date of the invoice. The invoice is added to the appropriate bucket based on this calculation and on your entry at the Cash projection period in days field (Accounts Payable Setup).

If the original discount amount against the invoice is not zero, then the invoice is aged by calculating the difference in days between the discount date and the company date.

If the discount amount against the invoice is zero, then the invoice is aged by calculating the difference in days between the due date and the company date.

If the discount or due date is earlier than the company date, then the invoice is deemed past due and the balance is added to the Past due column.

If the difference in days is less than the Cash projection period in days defined in Accounts Payable Setup, then the invoice balance is added to the currently due column. Any invoice where the difference in days exceeds the Cash projection period in days is added to the applicable column.

The savings anticipated due to discounts are shown per bucket and any credit notes are accumulated into a separate total.

If unapproved invoices, credit notes and debit notes are included:

If you select Include unapproved invoices, considerations regarding the values printed per supplier on the report are as follows:

  • Invoices with a negative current balance will be accumulated into ** Credits Available**.

    They are not included in the individual ageing buckets.

  • Positive balance invoices, registered unapproved invoices and registered unapproved credit / debit notes (irrespective of whether the balance is positive or negative) are aged and accumulated into the relevant ageing bucket per supplier.

Considerations regarding the report total values are:

  • The total of all transactions with a negative current balance will be accumulated into ** Credits Available**.

    They are not included in the individual ageing buckets of the report totals.

  • The total of all registered unapproved invoices and registered unapproved credit / debit notes (irrespective of whether the balance is positive or negative) are aged and accumulated into the relevant ageing bucket of the report totals.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • The Cash projection period in days (Accounts Payable Setup) should match the number of days between check runs so that you can use the Cash Projection to determine the cash requirements for future check runs.