Accounts Payable > Setup > AP Initial Invoice Capture

AP Initial Invoice Capture

You use this program to capture invoice information for selected suppliers, typically for a new installation where you require historical information to be transferred from either a manual Accounts Payable system, or the previous computerized system.

AP Initial Invoice Capture

Field Description

Enter the code of the supplier for whom you want to capture the invoice(s).

If an invalid currency and/or invoice terms is defined against the supplier then you cannot capture invoice details for the supplier.

If the supplier is on hold, a warning message is displayed and you can select to either accept or reject the supplier.

Transaction type  
Invoice Adds invoices not yet captured for the supplier.
Adjustment Amends a previously-captured invoice.
EC acquisition

Flags the transaction as an acquisition (i.e. your supplier has your VAT details and does not charge you VAT on invoices. Instead, you self-charge the VAT and reclaim it).

This is applies when all of the following are true:

  • the EC VAT system is required (Company Tax Options Setup)

  • the supplier 's nationality code is an EC member (Suppliers )

  • the supplier's nationality code differs from your SYSPRO company's nationality code (Company Setup ).

Supplier information These fields are displayed for information purposes.
Current balance

This indicates the current balance outstanding against the supplier.

This value is always displayed in the local currency.

Currency This indicates the currency as defined against the supplier.
Invoice Details Select this to enter the invoice details or to adjust an existing invoice.

Invoice Details

This screen is displayed when you select the Invoice Details function to enter the invoice details for the supplier.

Field Description
Supplier information These fields are displayed for information purposes.
Supplier This indicates the supplier code entered on the previous screen.

This indicates the currency defined against the supplier.

It is the currency in which you are adding the invoice details.

Current balance

This indicates the current balance outstanding against the supplier.

This value is always displayed in the local currency.

Terms This indicates the Invoice terms defined against the supplier.
Invoice details

Enter the details for the invoice you are adding.


All monetary values must be entered in the currency defined against the supplier.


Enter the supplier's invoice reference number.

The number you enter must not already have been captured against the current supplier, either as an invoice or a registered invoice (see AP Invoice Posting). In addition, the invoice must not already have been added using the AP Initial Invoice Capture program.

An entry of spaces is invalid.


This defaults to the branch defined against the supplier but can be changed.

The branch code must exist (AP Branches) and you cannot enter a branch code to which you have been denied access (see Operators).

Transaction amount inclusive

Enter the total invoice amount inclusive of tax.

This amount can be negative, which enables you to capture credit notes issued by the supplier.

QST amount

Enter the portion of the Transaction amount inclusive value that relates to QST.

The value is not calculated automatically and must therefore be entered manually.

This only applies if second tier tax is required (Accounts Payable Setup).

Tax amount

Enter the portion of the Transaction amount inclusive value that relates to tax.

This value is not calculated automatically and must therefore be entered manually.

This only applies when a global tax file is required (General Ledger Setup ) and/or the Tax distribution method is set to Detail or Summary (Accounts Payable Setup).

This field is disabled if the supplier is defined as a foreign currency supplier and you have not enabled the option to allow tax entry for foreign currency supplies.

Freight charges

Enter the portion of the Transaction amount inclusive value that relates to freight charges.

The value you enter must be inclusive of tax if applicable.

Miscellaneous charges

Enter the portion of the Transaction amount inclusive value that relates to miscellaneous charges.

The value you enter must be inclusive of tax if applicable.

Discount amount

The discount amount is automatically calculated based on the value entered at the Transaction amount inclusive field and the invoice terms defined against the supplier but can be changed.

The amount entered in this field cannot be negative, regardless of the sign of the transaction value.

If the discount amount is zero, then the Discount date field is disabled.

Exchange rate

This indicates the exchange rate to use for the transaction.

An exchange rate of zero is invalid.

This only applies if the supplier is defined as a foreign currency supplier and the supplier's currency code is not defined as fixed (see Currencies).

The entry in this field defaults to the exchange rate defined against the currency, but can be changed.

If the currency code is defined as fixed, then the exchange rate defined against the currency code is used and cannot be changed.

This field is disabled and set to a value of 1 for local currency suppliers.

Withholding tax code

Enter the withholding tax code required for this entry.

This defaults to the withholding tax code defined against the supplier, but can be changed.

Withholding tax amount

This amount is automatically calculated once the withholding tax code is entered.

These fields are only displayed if the Withholding tax required option is enabled (Company Tax Options Setup).

Invoice date

Enter the invoice date printed on the supplier's invoice.

This defaults to the current system date, but can be changed.

The Discount date and Due date are calculated based on the date you enter here, together with the invoice terms defined against the supplier.

Discount date

The system determines the Discount date for each invoice according to the Invoice date entered and the invoice terms defined against the supplier, but this can be changed.

The Discount date is the date by which the supplier's invoice must be paid in order for you to qualify for the discount determined by the supplier.

This field is only enabled if the Discount amount is non-zero.

The Discount date cannot be prior to the Invoice date.

Due date

Enter the date on which the invoice is due for payment.

This date cannot be prior to either the Invoice date or the Discount date.

The Due date is automatically calculated based on the Invoice date entered and the invoice terms defined against the supplier.

Inv. reference

Enter a reference for the transaction.

The reference is printed on the AP Invoice Journal and is displayed when you query the supplier's invoices.

Journal notation Enter the notation or description of the transaction to print on the AP Invoice Journal.

Adds the invoice details you entered to the list of invoices captured for the supplier.

The invoice details are displayed in a listview which can be customized.

Remove Removes the highlighted invoice from the list of captured invoices for the supplier.
Remove All

Removes all invoices from the list of captured invoices for the supplier. The value in the Total field is set to zero.


This displays the total of the invoices added to the list of invoices captured for the supplier.

It is displayed in the currency of the supplier and is adjusted each time you Add or Remove invoices from the list.

Query Loads the Supplier Query program to view detailed information for the supplier.
Post Invoices

Adds the invoices listed in the list of adjustments to the supplier's account.

The transaction is created in the Accounts Payable Journal file/table. The journal for the invoice(s) can be printed using the AP Invoice Journal program.

Adjustment Details

This screen is displayed when you use the Invoice Details function to adjust an invoice previously captured using the AP Initial Invoice Capture program.

The same screen that is displayed for capturing invoices is displayed for adjusting invoices, but information can only be entered in certain fields.

Field Description
Adjustment details

These fields enable you to change certain details for an invoice previously captured using the AP Initial Invoice Capture program.


All monetary values must be entered in the currency defined against the supplier.


Enter the invoice number you want to adjust.

This number must exist against the current supplier and must have been captured using the AP Initial Invoice Capture program.

You cannot use the AP Initial Invoice Capture program to adjust an invoice if:

  • you are denied access to the branch defined against the invoice (Operators).
  • the invoice has been released for payment.
  • the invoice is on hold.
  • the invoice has been released for a manual check.
  • the invoice has a void check processed against it.
  • transactions have been processed against the invoice (for example if the AP Invoice Posting program was used to process an adjustment against the invoice).
  • the invoice is already listed in the list of adjusted invoices on this screen.
Branch This displays the branch entered at the time the invoice was added and cannot be changed
Transaction amount inclusive

Enter the amount by which the total invoice amount must be adjusted.

The amount you enter must be inclusive of tax. The adjustment amount can be negative.

QST amount

Enter the portion of the Transaction amount inclusive value that relates to QST.

The value is not calculated automatically and must therefore be entered manually.

This only applies if second tier tax is required (Accounts Payable Setup) and the supplier for whom you are entering the invoice details is defined as a local currency supplier.

Tax amount

Enter the portion of the Transaction amount inclusive value that relates to tax.

This value is not calculated automatically and must therefore be entered manually.

This only applies when a global tax file is required (General Ledger Setup ) and/or the Tax distribution method is set to Detail or Summary (Accounts Payable Setup).

This field is disabled if the supplier is defined as a foreign currency supplier and you have not enabled the option to allow tax entry for foreign currency supplies.

Freight charges

Enter the portion of the Transaction amount inclusive value that relates to freight charges.

The value you enter must be inclusive of tax if applicable.

The adjustment amount can be negative.

Miscellaneous charges

Enter the portion of the Transaction amount inclusive value that relates to miscellaneous charges.

The value you enter must be inclusive of tax if applicable.

The adjustment amount can be negative.

Discount amount

The discount amount is automatically calculated based on the value you enter in the Transaction amount inclusive field and the invoice terms defined against the supplier but can be changed.

The adjustment amount entered in this field can be negative.

If the discount amount is zero, then the Discount date field is disabled.

Exchange rate This indicates the exchange rate used when the invoice was initially added and cannot be changed.
Invoice date

Enter the invoice date printed on the supplier's invoice.

This defaults to the Invoice date entered at the time of adding the invoice, but can be changed.

Discount date

Enter the discount date (this is not automatically recalculated when you process an adjustment).

This is the date by which the supplier's invoice must be paid in order for you to qualify for the discount determined by the supplier.

This only applies if the Discount amount is non-zero.

The Discount date cannot be prior to the Invoice date.

Due date

Enter the date on which the invoice is due for payment (this is not automatically recalculated when you process an adjustment).

This date cannot be prior to either the Invoice date or the Discount date.

Inv. reference

Enter a reference for the adjustment.

The reference is printed on the AP Invoice Journal and is displayed when you query the supplier's invoices.

Journal notation Enter an additional notation or a description for the adjustment. This is printed on the AP Invoice Journal.

Adds the adjustment details you entered to the list of adjustments captured for the supplier.

Remove Removes the highlighted adjustment from the list of captured adjustments for the supplier.
Remove All

Removes all adjustments from the list of captured adjustments for the supplier.

If you select this function, then the value in the Total field is set to zero.


This displays the total of the adjustments added to the list of adjustments captured for the supplier.

It is displayed in the currency of the supplier and is adjusted each time you Add or Remove adjustments from the list.

Query Select this to use the Supplier Query program to view detailed information for the supplier.
Post Invoices

Select this to adjust the invoices listed in the list of adjustments against the supplier.

The adjustment transaction is created in the Accounts Payable Journal file/table. The journal for the transaction(s) can be printed using the AP Invoice Journal program.

Notes and warnings

Data integrity considerations

  • Once the initial take-on is complete, operators should be denied access to this program.

Program access

  • Access to this program can be restricted per operator group (see Security Access).

  • Additional security can also be implemented in the following areas:

    • Functions/Activities can be restricted:

      • per operator (see Security Activities).

      • per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance).

      • using Electronic Signatures (see eSignature Setup).

    • Fields can be restricted:

      • per operator (see Security Fields and Access).

      • per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance and Role Access Control Maintenance).

Database information

  • As no entries are created for General Ledger distribution, General Ledger information is not requested. No tax records/rows are created in the A/P tax files/tables, but a limited amount of tax related information is requested for the purposes of updating Accounts Payable invoice information in the ApInvoice table/APSPINV file.

Integration considerations

  • None of the entries made using the AP Initial Invoice Capture program are posted to the Accounts Payable Tax files or to the General Ledger module.

    The supplier's account balance is, however, updated.

    For this reason, we do not recommend that you use this program after completing the initial take-on. All invoices and adjustments are created with the current Accounts Payable month and year.

  • As no entries are created for General Ledger distribution, General Ledger information is not requested. No tax records/rows are created in the A/P tax files/tables, but a limited amount of tax related information is requested for the purposes of updating Accounts Payable invoice information in the ApInvoice table/APSPINV file.

  • We do not recommend that Accounts Payable is linked to the General Ledger at the time invoices are captured, because the Accounts Payable control total will not balance to the General Ledger control account for Accounts Payable.

    Once take-on is complete, you process a General Ledger journal for the control total to the Accounts Payable control account and then link Accounts Payable to the General Ledger when you are ready to process transactions to the Accounts Payable module (i.e. when you go live).