Group Payments
The Group Payments feature simplifies the allocation of payments by letting you process a single large payment against groups of suppliers or customers instead of having to make smaller individual payments.

This feature currently caters for:
Customers or suppliers within the same SYSPRO company.
Payments received or issued to foreign primary or secondary customers (i.e. multi-currency).
Processing group payments improves administrative processing time and avoids errors typically associated with the manual preparation of individual transactions.
For example:
The OUTDOORS Company owns Grand Adventures, Bayside Bikes and The Garden Executive. Grand Adventures and Bayside Bikes both need to pay an amount of $15, while The Garden Executive needs to pay $20.
It makes sense to consolidate this payment and have the secondary suppliers pay the total of $50 to The OUTDOORS Company (primary supplier) who then proceeds to settle the payment in full.
Functionality is based on the existing standard payment run process where you can add, maintain and create normal payment runs using the following programs:
AR Payments and Adjustments
AR Payment Run
Payment Cycle Maintenance

The programs related to this feature are accessed from the Program List of the SYSPRO menu:
Program List > Accounts Payable
Program List > Accounts Receivable
Program List > Cash Book

In a supplier group payment environment, this refers to the currency for a single remittance payment that differs from the currency held against either the primary or secondary supplier.

A customer provides the mechanism for you to raise sales orders within SYSPRO.
The static information captured against a customer is used when processing sales transactions and determines, for example, the tax and discounts applicable.
Documents generated from these transactions (e.g. invoices, credit notes, debit notes) are also stored against the customer.
The customer code can be used as a filtering tool when generating reports.
Customers are maintained using the Customers program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Setup).

A customer group comprises a primary customer and secondary customers (i.e one or more associated downstream customers).
Customer groups simplify the allocation of payments by letting you process a single large payment against groups of customers instead of having to make smaller individual payments.
Customer groups are maintained using the AR Customer Group Maintenance program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Setup).

This is a single large payment processed from a primary customer instead of smaller multiple payments from many individual customers.
This type of payment is processed using a customer group. A customer group comprises a primary customer (who is liable for settling the payment) and multiple associated downstream secondary customers. A customer group is created using the AR Customer Group Maintenance program.
A group payment is created, executed and processed using the AR Group Payment Run program.

This is a single large remittance to a primary supplier instead of multiple payments to many individual suppliers.
This type of payment is processed using a supplier group. A supplier group comprises a primary supplier (who receives the payment) and multiple associated downstream secondary suppliers. A supplier group is created using the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program.
A group payment for suppliers is created, executed and processed using the AP Group Payments program.

This is the customer against which the single remittance for payments from multiple secondary customers is processed (i.e. recipient of the aggregate payment). This single remittance is known as a group payment.
Primary customers are created and maintained using the AR Customer Group Maintenance program.

This is the supplier against which the single remittance for payments to multiple secondary suppliers is processed (i.e. recipient of the aggregate payment). This single remittance is known as a group payment.

A document sent from the customer to the supplier indicating which invoices the customer is paying.

This is one or more downstream customers who issue payments to a primary customer in a customer group. The primary customer then settles the payment via a single remittance for these individual payments received (i.e. group payment).
Customers for group payments are defined using the AR Customer Group Maintenance program.

This supplier is paid together with its associated primary supplier via a single remittance (i.e. group payment).
Suppliers for group payments are defined using the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program.

Suppliers provide a mechanism for you to raise purchase orders within SYSPRO, as well as being used as a selection criterion to generate reports.
You can also configure supplier groups to facilitate group payments (i.e. processing a single large remittance to a primary supplier instead of multiple payments to many individual suppliers).
Static information configured against a supplier is used to determine applicable tax, discounts, etc., when processing purchasing transactions.
Documents received from a supplier (e.g. invoices, credit notes, debit notes, etc.) are stored against the supplier and let you keep track of the company's liabilities.
You maintain supplier details using the Suppliers program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).

This comprises a primary supplier and one or more associated downstream suppliers (i.e. secondary suppliers). These groups are used to create and process group payments.
Supplier groups are maintained using the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program.

You can secure this feature by implementing a range of controls against the affected programs. Although not all these controls are applicable to each feature, they include the following:
- You restrict operator access to activities within a program using the Operator Maintenance program.
- You can restrict operator access to the fields within a program (configured using the Operator Maintenance program).
- You can restrict operator access to functions within a program using passwords (configured using the Password Definition program). When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.
- You can restrict access to the eSignature transactions within a program at operator, group, role or company level (configured using the eSignature Setup program). You can restrict access to the eSignature transactions within a program at operator, group, role or company level (configured using the Electronic Signature Configuration Setup program). Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering that gives you greater control over your system changes.
- You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).
- You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to roles and applying access control against the role (configured using the Role Management program).

Processing payments across multiple SYSPRO companies is not yet available.

Supplier groups are created using the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program.
Open the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).
Indicate the code associated with the group supplier in the Primary supplier toolbar field and tab off your entry.
Indicate the secondary supplier(s) that you want to associate with the group supplier (i.e. Primary supplier) in the Supplier column of the Secondary Supplier list view.
Save your changes.

Open the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).
Select the secondary supplier that you want to remove.
Select the Delete function from the Secondary Supplier list view.

Supplier group data is maintained in the ApSupplierGroup table.
This table maintains the links between the primary supplier and linked secondary suppliers. The company ID and transacting currency associated with each supplier is also stored in this table.

Group payments for customers are created, executed and processed within the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).

Indicate a unique Payment run number for the supplier group payment run that you're creating.
This is only applicable if your Numbering method for the AP payment run setup options is defined as Manual (Setup Options > Keys > Financials). However, if this is defined as Automatic, then the next Payment run number is automatically assigned.
Specify the details for the group payment in the Payment Run Information pane.
Save the details you specified for the new group payment.
Select the Manual Allocation function in the toolbar of the Suppliers to Pay list view.
This loads the AP Group Payment Manual Allocation program.
Indicate the supplier code in the Supplier to Pay field.
Indicate the following information in the Payment details pane:
Amount in supplier currency
Payment reference
Select Release Invoice or Automatic Release from the Invoices Selected for for Payment pane.
The option you select depends on whether you want to manually browse and select invoices for payment to the supplier, or alternatively to automatically release invoices according to Due date or Invoice date.
View details, such as the Bank and Payment run number, pertaining to the group payment in the Payment Run Information pane.
If required, select Change to edit Payment information and Withholding tax information for the selected supplier invoice before releasing the invoice.
If required, select Change Exchange Rate to change the Exchange rate for the supplier invoice.
If required, select Remove to remove the invoice currently highlighted in the list view.
Select Save to save the details you entered and invoices that you selected for payment.
Close the AP Group Payment Manual Allocation program.
Repeat steps 5 to 10 to create new allocations for each of the suppliers in the supplier group associated with the Primary supplier indicated in the AP Group Payments program.
Select the Allocations hyperlink in the Suppliers to Pay list view to view details of the selected invoices associated with the primary or secondary supplier currently highlighted.
This loads the AP Invoices for Payment Run program.
If required, select Remove Supplier to remove either the primary or secondary supplier currently highlighted in the list view and the specific invoices released for payment to the supplier.
If required, select Clear to remove all the suppliers and their associated invoices released for payment from the list view.
Select Save and OK when prompted with the Save Payment Run informational message.
Select the Execute Payment Cycle option under the Payment Cycle menu to pay the invoices that you released for the group payment.
This loads the Execute AP Payment Run program.
Indicate the relevant details in the Information pane.
If required, select Change Period.
Select Start Processing.
If required, turn on live GL.To turn on live GL, enable the following setup options under Accounts payable integration methods in the Setup Options program (Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > General Ledger Codes):
Create general ledger journal
Post general ledger journal
Select the Print Checks/Remittances option to print the checks and/or remittance advices for the invoices that have been paid using the Execute Payment Run.
This loads the AP Check and Remittance Print program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
Select Print/Send to proceed with printing this report.
Select the Print Payment Register option to generate a list of checks issued and voided (i.e. print the payment register) using the AP Payment Register Reprint program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
If required, select the Selected Payment Registers option under the Reprint menu to reprint a selection of payment registers previously printed.
You can use the AP Payment Register Reprint report to access all the report functionality available to reprint payment registers.
Select the Reconcile re-established voided checks option to proceed with rendering the register.
This displays the AP Payment Register report.
Use the Supplier Query program (Program List > Accounts Payable) to view information regarding the group payment and verify its accuracy.

Payment run information for supplier group payments is stored within the following tables:

Open the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program (Program List > Cash Book > Transaction Processings).
Indicate the code associated with the Bank that you indicated under the Payment Run Information pane in the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
Locate the transaction associated with the group payment in the Bank Transactionslist view.
Review the Reference to locate the transaction (this is the same as the Check number indicated in the AP Group Payments program).
The Group payment column indicates whether this is a transaction is a group payment. This can assist you in locating the transaction if you perhaps have many non-group payment transactions.
Select the hyperlink value in the Bank equivalent column.
This loads the AP Details for Check Number window (Cash Book Zoom on AP Transactions program).

Open the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
Select Query menu from the toolbar.
Select the Check Query option.
This loads the AP Browse on Checks program.

Open the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program (Program List > Cash Book > Transaction Processings).
Select the hyperlink value in the Check/EFT column.
This loads the AP Browse on Checks program.

Open the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
Select the AP Group Supplier Cash Requirements under the Reports menu.
This loads the AP Group Supplier Cash Requirements report (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).

Open the AP Release Schedule program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
Select the Release Schedule under the Reports menu.

Open the Released Payments Report program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
Select the Released Payments Report under the Reports menu.

The voiding process is a complete reversal of what occurred when you initially created, executed and posted your group payment. Therefore, you can only void group payments that have already been completed (i.e. with a Payment status of L - Complete).
Load the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
Indicate a unique Payment run number to be associated with the group payment that you want to void.
This is only applicable if your Numbering method for the AP payment run setup options is defined as Manual (Setup Options > Keys > Financials). However, if this is defined as Automatic, then the next Payment run number is automatically assigned.
Select Void checks as the Payment type.
You can also indicate the Operator group and the Payment reference if required.
At the Payment run to void field, indicate the existing Payment run number associated with the group payment that you want to void.
The header details from the group payment that was processed are displayed.
Select the Auto Void function of the Suppliers to Pay pane to reverse all the invoices and allocations released for the suppliers displayed.
Select the Execute Payment Run option from the Payment Cycle function. A new window is displayed.
Select the Start Processing function to begin processing the complete reversal of the group payment.
A report is displayed when you select this function and provides the details of the group payment run.
Select the CB Integration/Print Pay Register to load the AP Integration to Cash Book window.
Select OK to update the Cash Book. The void register report is displayed.
The Group Payment Register heading is displayed at the top of the page to indicate the group payment.
The Reconcile re-established voided checks option doesn't apply as you can't re-establish a void check for group payments to suppliers.

Load the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program (Program List > Cash Book > Transaction Processings).
Indicate the same Bank that you associated with the group payment, which you have now voided, as indicated in the Payment Run Information pane of the AP Group Payments program.
Locate the transaction associated with the group payment that you created, posted and voided using the Bank Transactionslist view.
The original transaction is updated (i.e. no second transaction is output). You will notice that the value against the Bank equivalent column has now reduced to 0.00.

The following occurs when you delete an AP Group Payment run:
The statuses of released invoices are reset.
The Manual checks and Void checks payment information against invoices within the group payment is cleared.
Records associated with the group payment are deleted in the following SQL tables:
- ApGrpPayRunDet
ApCheckIss (applicable to Manual checks group payments)
The following SQL tables are updated:
ApCheckIss (applicable to Void checks group payments)

Group payment run numbers are allocated according to the configuration of the following AP payment run setup options (Setup Options > Keys > Financials):
Numbering method
Key type (define whether a payment run number is Alphanumeric or Numeric)
Suppress leading zeros
Presentation length
Numbering method is configured as Automatic)
(if your

Open the AR Customer Group Maintenance program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Setup).
Indicate the code associated with the primary customer for the customer group in the Primary customer toolbar field and tab off your entry.
Indicate the code(s) associated with the secondary customer(s) that you want associated with the group customer (i.e. Primary customer) in the Customer column of the Secondary Customer list view.
Save your changes.

To remove a secondary customer from an existing customer group, proceed as follows:
Open the AR Customer Group Maintenance program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Setup).
Select the secondary customer that you want to remove.
Select the Delete function from the Secondary Customer list view.

Customer group data is maintained in the ArCustomerGroup table.
This table maintains the links between the primary customer and its linked secondary customers. The company ID and transacting currency associated with each customer is also stored in this table.

Group payments for customers are created, executed and processed within the AR Group Payment Run program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing).

Open the AR Group Payment Run program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing).
Indicate the unique Payment run number associated with the group payment run that you're creating.
This is only applicable if your Numbering method for the AR payment run setup options is defined as Manual (Setup Options > Keys > Financials). However, if this is defined as Automatic, then the next Payment run number is automatically assigned.
Specify the details for the group payment in the Payment Options and Bank Deposit Details panes.
Indicate the Allocated amount for the primary customer in the Customer Payment Allocation list view.
Select the Allocation hyperlink to allocate invoices to the primary customer.
Manually allocate one or more invoices associated with the primary customer that you'd like to process for payment using the Add Invoice function.
Browse for the unique invoice number associated with the invoice that you'd like to add using the Invoice field.
Indicate the following info for this invoice:
- Invoice (only applicable when using Add Invoice)
Gross amount
Discount amount (not applicable to temporary invoices prefixed by _TP)
Reference/Notation (not applicable to temporary invoices prefixed by _TP)
Withholding amount (not applicable to temporary invoices prefixed by _TP)
Review the invoices selected and exit the window once you're satisfied with the invoices and their associated information displayed in the list view.
Alternatively, you can use one the following functions:
Unapplied Payment (to post a payment to the customer's account without allocating it to any invoices)
Auto Pay by Invoice (to pay all outstanding invoices for the customer automatically by display sequence until the Undistributed amount is zero)
Auto Pay by Date (to pay all outstanding invoices for the customer automatically by date sequence until the Undistributed amount is zero)
Select the Add Customer function to add a secondary customer to the payment allocation and then allocate applicable invoices to the secondary customer.
Save the details captured for this new group payment and the invoices allocated for the customers in the list view.
Saving your details changes the Payment status in the Payment Information pane to 1 - Open.
If the ledger code associated with the Bank that you are creating the group payment for, has the GL analysis required option enabled against it in the General Ledger Codes program (Program List > General Ledger > Setup), then the Capture GL Analysis Entries program is displayed before you can save your entries.
The ledger code associated with the Bank is defined against the Cash account field in the Banks program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).
If applicable, Authorize the group payment before you post it:
Select Approve to set the Status of the payment run to and allow the payment run to be posted.
This only applies if the setup option (Setup Options > Preferences > Financials > Accounts Receivable) is enabled.
Select Post to execute the group payment.
You can use the AR Group Payment Review list view to view a brief summary of the transactions that took place in the payment run, as well as which customers and invoices were paid and for which amounts.

Payment run information for customer group payments is stored within the following tables:

You can generate a report of the journal created from the single consolidated transaction that you posted for your group payment by selecting the Print Journal Report function of the AR Group Payment Run program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing).
This loads a simplified view of the AR Cash Journal report.
To define report criteria and view comprehensive report details, you can access this report via the Program List (Program List > Accounts Receivable > General Ledger > GL Integration) or SYSPRO Reporting Services menu.
You can view the total transaction value as well as the bank deposit slip details related to your group payment by proceeding as follows:
Open the AR Bank Deposit Slip program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing).
Specify the relevant details in the Options pane.
Ensure that you've selected the correct bank associated with your group payment.
Only a single bank deposit slip is generated despite multiple customers being part of your group payment, as a group payment is a single consolidated transaction of multiple, smaller transactions.
Select the Start Processing function to post your group payment directly into the Cash Book, or generate source documents to manually post the payment into the Cash Book.
Customer balances and invoices are also updated, not just the Cash Book.

The following occurs when you delete a AR Group Payment run with a status of either 3 - Posted or 4 - Canceled using the AR Payment Run Purge program (Program List > Accounts Receivable):
The statuses of released invoices are reset.
The manual payment information against invoices within the payment run is cleared.
The record associated with the group payment is deleted in the following SQL tables:
The group payment is deleted according to the number of months indicated against the AR payment run detail setup option under Number of months to retain (Setup Options > History > Financials > Accounts Receivable).

Group payment run numbers are allocated according to your configuration of the following setup options for AR payment run (Setup Options > Keys > Financials):
Numbering method
Key type (define whether a payment run number is Alphanumeric or Numeric)
Suppress leading zeros
Presentation length
Numbering method is configured as Automatic)
(Only applicable if your

Define your supplier groups using the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).
Capture payments for a primary supplier and its associated downstream secondary suppliers (collectively known as a supplier group) in a single group payment run using the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
If required, perform the various verification checks and use the reporting options available using the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals (Program List > Cash Book > Transaction Processings) and AP Group Payments programs respectively.

Define your customer groups using the AR Customer Group Maintenance program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Setup).
Capture payments for a primary customer and its associated secondary customers (customer group) in a single group payment run using the AR Group Payment Run program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing).
If required, perform the various verification checks and use the reporting options available using the AP Group Payments program.

Ensure that your currency rates are as accurate as possible by updating them on a regular basis using the Currency Maintenance program.

The status of an AP payment run indicates the current stage of the payment run and changes according to the functions performed against the payment run.
The current status of a payment run dictates the functions that are available. Therefore, the following table indicates the possible statuses for an AP payment run:
Status | Description | Function Performed |
New |
The payment run is currently being created. No records have been created yet. |
Add New Payment Run for all payment types. |
O - Open |
The payment run was created and saved. Records have been created. |
End Payment Run for the following payment types:
O - Open void |
The payment run was created and saved. |
Void Check Entry and End Payment Run for the following payment types:
P - Paid |
Invoices released for payment are recorded as paid. |
Execute Payment Run for the following payment types:
P - Voided |
Check/EFT recorded as voided. |
Execute Payment Run for the following payment types:
C - Printed |
Checks and/or remittance advices have been printed or checks and/or EFTs have been voided. |
Print Checks/Remittances for all payment types. |
L - Complete |
The payment register has been printed for the payment run. |
Print Payment Register for all payment types. |

The status of an AR payment run (i.e. collector run) indicates the current stage of the payment run and changes according to the functions performed against it.
The current status of a payment run dictates the functions that are available. Therefore, the following table indicates the possible statuses for an AR payment run:
Status | Description |
0 - Create / New |
This status represents a new payment run and only applies while the creation of a payment run is in progress. Once you save the payment run, the status updates to 1 - Open. |
1 - Open |
This status indicates that the payment run has been created and saved. Records have been created and the payment run is open for editing (i.e. you can add customers and invoices to this payment run). |
This status only applies if the setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Preferences > Financials > Accounts Receivable). If your system is configured to require authorization of payment runs before they are posted, then the payment run is moved to this status once you authorize it. In this scenario, the AR Payment Run and AR Group Payment Run programs won't allow you to post the payment run unless it is in a status of . |
3 - Posted |
This status indicates that the payment run has been posted. The payment allocation to customer documents is recorded as paid and the checks indicated in the payment run are closed. |
4 - Canceled |
This status indicates that the payment run was initially saved and then subsequently canceled. All reserved invoices indicated in the payment run have been released. |

The following indicates areas in the product that may be affected by implementing this feature:

Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup
This program lets you change the Group supplier or Supplier that you've browsed for in the Supplier Code Conversion list view.
The following SQL tables listed under Supplier Code Conversion Tickover are applicable to group payments and are updated when you're updating fields as displayed in the Supplier Code Conversion list view:
ApSupplierGroup (Group supplier and Supplier fields)
ApGrpPayRunDet (Supplier)
ApGrpPayRunSup (Supplier)
ApPayRunHdr (Supplier)
The ApPayRunHdr table is applicable to both standard payment and group payment runs.
This is only applicable once invoices have been released for suppliers in a group payment.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup
This program lets you capture and maintain details of suppliers required to create and maintain supplier groups.
Supplier groups are the mechanism through which you create, process and execute group payments for suppliers.
Supplier groups consist of both primary and secondary suppliers. These groups are created and maintained using the Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup program.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup
This program lets you define a supplier group that is used to create, execute and process a group payment for suppliers.
To use this feature with its entire functionality, enable the following eSignatures in the eSignature Setup program:
AP Supplier group added
AP Supplier group deleted
AP Supplier group updated

(Accessed from the CB Integration/Print Pay Register option of the AP Group Payments program)
This program ensures that the Cash Book is updated with the associated transactions against the payment run currently being processed using the AP Group Payments program.

Program List > Accounts Receivable > Setup
This program lets you define a customer group that is used to create, execute and process a group payment for customers.
To use this feature with its entire functionality, enable the following eSignatures in the eSignature Setup program:
AR Customer group added
AR Customer group deleted
AR Customer group updated

Program List > Contact Management > Setup
This program lets you capture and maintain details of customers required to create and maintain customer groups.
Customer groups are the mechanism through which you create, process and execute group payments for customers.
Customer groups consist of both primary and secondary customers. These groups are created and maintained using the AR Customer Group Maintenance program.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing > AP Group Payments > Supplier to Pay > Manual Allocation
This program lets you manually allocate payments and release invoices for both primary and secondary suppliers in a supplier group for a particular group payment run.
This program is based on the existing AP Manual Check Entry program, which is the program equivalent for the standard payment run created using the Payment Cycle Maintenance program.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing
This program lets you make a single payment against a supplier group, rather than numerous smaller payments against individual suppliers. This functions similar to a standard payment run. Standard payment runs for suppliers are created using the Payment Cycle Maintenance program.
To use this feature with its entire functionality, enable the following eSignatures in the eSignature Setup program:
AP Delete payment run
AP Execute payment run
AP Payment run entry
AP Void check entry
AP Manual check entry
Supplier groups are the mechanism through which you can create, execute and process a group payment for suppliers. Supplier groups are created and maintained using the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing > AP Group Payments > Suppliers to Pay > Auto Void
This program excludes any checks that were created within a group payment for suppliers using the AP Group Payments program. Therefore, they are not displayed in the Checks to Void list view (i.e. these checks are unavailable for void selection).
Group payment checks can only be voided using the Auto Void function in the AP Group Payments program.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing
An error message is displayed within this program if you indicate a Payment run number that is associated with an existing group payment for suppliers.
Group payments for suppliers are maintained using the AP Group Payments program.

(Accessed from the Execute Payment Run option of the AP Group Payments program)
You use this program to process group payment for suppliers.
The following SQL tables are updated when executing a group payment:

Program List > General Ledger > GL Integration
This program lets you create general ledger journals from the transaction journals produced using the AR Group Payment Run program.
This program is called when posting your single transaction arising from your group payment for customers (i.e. when using the Post function in the AR Group Payment Run program).

Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing
This program lets you make a single payment against a customer group, rather than numerous smaller payments against individual customers. This functions similar to a standard payment run. A standard payment run for customers is created using either one of the following programs:
AR Payments and Adjustments
AR Payment Run
To use this feature with its entire functionality, enable the following eSignatures in the eSignature Setup program:
AR Adjustment posted
AR Miscellaneous receipt posted
AR Payment posted

Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing
An error message is displayed if you indicate a Payment run number that is associated with an existing group payment for customers.
Group payments for suppliers are maintained using the AP Group Payments program.

Program List > Cash Book > Transaction Processings
This program includes the following column in the Bank Transactions list view:
- Group payment

Program List > Accounts Payable
This program lets you purge supplier group payments once the retention period for Payment cycle details is reached (Setup Options > History > Financials > Accounts Payable).
A summary of processing details is displayed in the Reports list view:
The number of group payments deleted
The number of group void payments deleted

Program List > Cash Book
This program lets you purge supplier group payments once the retention period for Payment cycle details is reached (Setup Options > History > Financials > Accounts Payable).
A summary of processing details is displayed in the Reports list view:
The number of group payments deleted
The number of group void payments deleted

Program List > Accounts Receivable > Reports
This report lets you generate customer statements for group payments by adding the DetGroupPay and DetPaymentRun fields to a report template. These fields can be added to both your sample and blank report templates.
This gives you information regarding the Payment run number associated with the group payment as well as the total transaction value.
Customer statements for group payments are identified based on their Payment run number and whether they are a Group payment.
Group payments are created, executed and processed in the AR Group Payment Run program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing).

Program List > General Ledger > Setup > Change Financial Year End
The following financial period and year fields in the ApGrpPayRunDet table (associated with group payments for suppliers) are updated according to the entries you've indicated in the Year and Period fields under Current ledger:

Program List > General Ledger > Setup > Change Financial Year End
The following fields in the ApGrpPayRunDet table (associated with group payments for suppliers) are updated according to the Number of years that you've indicated to Increment or Decrement your Current financial year by:

Program List > General Ledger > Tax
This program lets you generate tax return documents.
This program includes the following option which caters for this enhancement:
Include AP settlement
This program also includes the following columns in the AP Settlement window list view:
Group payment
Payment run

Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing
This program prints one slip with the total value of the single large transaction arising from a group payment run for customers.
If the Accounts Receivable link to Cash Book setup option is defined as Posted by cash journal, then the program posts all the normal payments and prints them. For group payments, if this setup option isn't configured, it is temporarily configured as described above.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing
This lets you generate your reports to include information from group payments for suppliers for the following Report type options:
Manual check list
Void check list

Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing
This program lets you print checks and/or remittance advices for the single invoice (consisting of smaller multiple transactions to secondary suppliers) that has been paid using the Execute AP Payment Run program.
Information regarding whether the Payment run number that you've indicated is associated with a group payment and whether this group payment is a multi-currency payment is indicated against the following check boxes:
Group payment
Multi-currency payment
Group payments for suppliers are executed using the AP Group Payments program.
If the selected Payment run number is associated with a group payment, the From supplier and To supplier fields are disabled. This is because a group payment is only processed against a single primary supplier.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing
This lets you generate your report to include group payments for suppliers by selecting the Group payment option.
Group payments are created, executed and processed using the AP Group Payments program.

Program List > Accounts Receivable > General Ledger > GL Integration
The following AR Group Payments information is available within the report:
Payment run number
This is the unique number associated with the group payment run created in the AR Group Payment Run program. This information is contained in the PaymRunNumber element.
This information isn't shown for normal payment runs created using the AR Payments and Adjustments program.
Alternate Currency Payment Received
This indicates the currency in which the payment was made in and this doesn't only apply to group payments.
For group payments, this information is sourced from the Payment currency field of AR Group Payment Run.
Payment Value in Customer Currency
The value of the payment in the currency of the customer and this doesn't only apply to group payments.
You have the ability to optionally add the associated payment type on the report (i.e. regardless of whether the payment is a group payment) using the AR Cash Journal Query business object.
You can specify your own label and associate that with the GroupPaymFlag element that contains either a Y or N.
For example:
Group payment: Yes is displayed on the report output.
This information is based on your own specified label that you've created and the following element in the format:
{Your label} + {GroupPaymFlag}
A gray shaded bar labeled Local currency has been added to differentiate the values specific to your transacting currency associated with the company you're currently logged in to.
The following values are displayed under the already existing columns in this section specifically:
Invoice balance
Withholding Tax

Program List > General Ledger > Tax > Reports
This report includes the tax on settlement discount transactions arising from group payments created, executed and processed for suppliers.
The unique payment run number associated with a group payment and whether a payment run is a group payment is the data which is used to derive these transactions displayed in this report.
Group payments for suppliers are created using the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).

Program List > Accounts Payable > Reports
This report displays the data defined for the supplier groups you've created.
Supplier groups are the mechanism through which you can create group payments for suppliers.
Supplier groups are created and maintained using the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).

Program List > Accounts Receivable > Reports
This report displays information relevant to group payment runs for a primary customer and its associated secondary customers in a customer group.
Group payments for customers are created, executed and processed within the AR Group Payment Run program.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing
This report lets you print a list of cash requirements for each primary supplier. A primary supplier is associated with multiple secondary suppliers within a supplier group.
This enables you to forecast future liabilities and to determine past due and current liabilities. The purpose is to indicate when funds need to be available to pay invoices while taking advantage of available discounts.
Gross payment amounts, tax on settlement discounts, withholding tax and all information pertaining to payments to a primary supplier and its associated secondary suppliers are based on the data captured in the AP Group Payment Manual Allocation program. This program is accessible within the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).

Program List > Accounts Payable
This program includes invoice information associated with your primary suppliers to whom you've issued your group payment to. Primary suppliers are associated with multiple downstream secondary suppliers.
This program includes the following columns within the Payments list view to cater for this enhancement:
Group payment
Payment run
Primary supplier
The data displayed in these columns are based on the data sourced from the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).
These columns are hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.

Program List > Accounts Receivable
This program includes payment information associated with your primary customers from whom you're receiving a payment from. Primary customers are associated with multiple downstream secondary customers.
This program includes the following columns within the Payments list view to cater for this enhancement:
AR payment run (this also applies to payment runs created using AR Payments and Adjustments and AR Payment Run programs)
Payment type
The data displayed in these columns are based on the data sourced from the AR Group Payment Run program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing).
These columns are hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.

(Accessed from the Allocations hyperlink within the Suppliers to Pay list view of the AP Group Payments program)
This program lets you view the details of invoices paid to suppliers within a group payment.
This program includes the following columns to cater for this enhancement:
- Group payment
- Payment currency
- Supplier currency
These columns are hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.

Program List > Cash Book
This program includes information regarding transactions associated with group payments applicable to both customers and suppliers for a particular bank.
This program includes the following column within the Transactions list view to cater for this enhancement:
- Group payment
This column is hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.

(Accessed from the hyperlink within the Bank equivalent column of the Transactions list view within the Bank Query program)
This lets you view details associated with the relevant group payment associated with the transaction selected within the Transactions list view of the Bank Query program.
This functionality is accessible via a Show hyperlink against the AR Group Payment field which loads the AR Group Payment Run program.
The full program functionality isn't available as this serves purely as a review tool (e.g. you can't edit the Payment run details or add invoices).
This hyperlink doesn't apply to transactions arising from either one of the following programs:
AR Payments and Adjustments
AR Payment Run

Program List > Cash Book > Bank Query > Transactions > Bank equivalent
This lets you view details associated with the relevant group payment associated with the transaction selected within the Transactions list view of the Bank Query program.
This program includes the following column within the AP Invoice Details list view:
- Group payment
This column is hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.

(Accessed from the Supplier to pay browse function of the AP Group Payment Manual Allocation program)
This program lets you browse on the secondary suppliers associated with a specific primary supplier in a supplier group. A group supplier is also known as a primary supplier.
Primary suppliers and their associated secondary suppliers are created and maintained using the AP Supplier Group Maintenance program.

(Accessed from the Payment run browse function of the AP Group Payments program)
This program lets you browse on group payments for suppliers and define the criteria according to which you want to display these payment runs. You can select the existing payment run that you want to maintain within the AP Group Payments program after defining the required criteria.
This program includes the following columns to cater for this enhancement:
- Group check
- Group payment
- Supplier
These columns are hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.

(Accessed from the Check Query function of the AP Group Payments program)
This program lets you view details of the manual check associated with the group payment you're creating. These details are based on your allocations of invoices in the Suppliers to Pay list view as well as the data indicated in the Payment Run Information pane.
This program includes the following column to cater for this enhancement:
- Group payment
This column is hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.

Program List > Accounts Receivable > Browses
This program lets you view details for customer groups that were defined using the AR Customer Group Maintenance program.

Program List > Accounts Receivable > Browses
This program provides you a simplified overview of the details associated with your group payments captured, executed and processed.
You also have the ability to browse for the group payment you'd like to complete and process in the AR Group Payment Run program.

Program List > Accounts Receivable > Browses
This program lets you view details of the customers currently defined in the Customers program.
This program includes the following column to cater for this enhancement:
Primary customer
This column is hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.

Program List > Accounts Payable > Browses
This program lets you view details of the suppliers currently defined in the Suppliers program.
This program includes the following column to cater for this enhancement:
Primary supplier
This column is hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.
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