Feature Highlights: SYSPRO 8 2020 R2
User Experience

New power tailoring functionality in SYSPRO Avanti lets you customize the platform to suit your own personal requirements:

SYSPRO Avanti lets you customize applications (such as adding scripts to change the behavior of form fields or grid data) or extend the capabilities of any application to display more information, either from the SYSPRO database or from any external application.
All applications in SYSPRO Avanti or SYSPRO generally comprise grids, form fields, charts, notepads and toolbar buttons. You can also add user-defined customized panes to any application which can contain a grid, form or a number of other types of controls.
To customize aspects of the SYSPRO application in the core product, you would previously right-click on a form field, toolbar, grid column header or docking pane window title, which enabled you to access the VBScript Editor, add a customized pane or to generally access customization capabilities.
All customization capabilities in SYSPRO Avanti are controlled by a single program: Customize Application which you can access from the Settings icon in any application. The program is only available if the VBScript security option is enabled and are not logged in as a role.
The program provides the following capabilities:
List views
Add a custom column
Edit a VBScript
Apply conditional formatting
Add or remove a grid column's visibility
Remove a custom column
Form fields
Edit a script for a form or form field in the application
Add or remove a field’s visibility in SYSPRO
Remove a custom form field
Toolbar buttons
Edit a script for any toolbar button used in the application
Custom form fields
Create or modify a custom form field
Add a custom form field to the application
Add a field from an associated master table to a form
Add a scripted field to a form
Additional components
Create your own customized pane or component
Add a pre-built component to the application
Customized panes
Edit or remove any existing customized panes
Reset the layout for the application
You can also access the Customize Application program with identical capabilities from the gear
icon in core SYSPRO..
In SYSPRO Avanti, it is typically a two-stage process for a web view to be enhanced with new content or controls:
- Customize the application to add capabilities.
- Modify the web view using the Visual Designer to position the new controls or content.

Individual operators can define the following personal preferences in SYSPRO Avanti by selecting the Personal Settings option from the icon (Settings) on the home page:
Define the company date for all operators, or temporarily for the current run of SYSPRO Avanti.
This is dependent on the operator having the correct security access.
Reset the saved settings for window positions and grid layouts.
SYSPRO Avanti automatically saves window positions and changes to grid layouts by operator. However, you can now reset these to their default values using the links provided.
Configure your own Office 365 credentials.

You can modify the contents of any SYSPRO Avanti grid by using the following capabilities:
Conditional formatting
This lets apply formatting against any column in the grid based on simple rules.
Custom columns
You can add columns to the grid based either on custom form fields or from master table data.
The custom columns that can be added are determined by the keys that are available in the grid columns.
Column sum | Column average | Row count
You can select any numeric column to be either summed or averaged.
If you select to display a row count, this is then displayed in the grid footer for the first column in the grid.
Edit a macro
You can create a script to execute against the grid for various events, such as when the grid is populated with content, or when a grid's contents are about to be submitted to the database.

You can add toolbar items to a web view using the Visual Designer.
Select the Add toolbar item option from the left or right-hand side of the Visual Designer to add items to the left or right-hand side of your web view.
Toolbar buttons correspond to their equivalent in the core SYSPRO product.

You can configure SYSPRO Avanti to automatically run a program when you log into the system. Open the browser URL and append a question mark, followed by startup parameters using the following syntax:
?StartupParameters=/prog=xxxxxx /link=y
where xxxxxx indicates the name of the program and y indicates the entry to be used in the program.
For example:
If you want to automatically launch the Customer Query program for customer 1 when opening SYSPRO Avanti, your browser URL should reflect the following syntax:
?StartupParameters=/prog=ARSPEN /link=1
The login page is displayed first if you haven't enabled the Keep me signed in option on the login page. The program defined in the startup parameter is then launched once you are successfully authenticated.

You can now create a series of tasks (i.e. programs) in SYSPRO Avanti that can be executed sequentially by selecting the Task Automation workspace option from the icon (Settings) on the home page.
For example:
You may want to create a month end procedure that must run a series of programs one after the other. This can be automated so that when you start to run the task group, all programs are automatically run one after the other until the group is complete.
A task item can run a program or report and can be scheduled to run on a certain day and, optionally, recur daily, weekly or monthly. Programs can also be automated so that they apply specific values to form fields.
When a task group has completed, the executed tasks are then displayed in the Task Messages grid.

Applications in SYSPRO Avanti are designed to display most information in a single page and, where appropriate, the use of pop-up windows enables additional information to be surfaced.
For example:
You can view Movements and Warehouse history lists as pop-ups in the Inventory Query program.
Lists such as these are displayed by default in pop-up windows that can be re-sized and repositioned in the browser. However, you can change this behavior using the Visual Designer to make these lists appear in the single page.
Some windows are displayed as modal, meaning that you can't click behind the window and that you must first complete the task within the current window before returning to the previous screen.
You can now move and re-size these modal windows as required. The position and size of the window is then automatically remembered so that it is repositioned to the same location when the window is displayed again.
Modal window positions for SYSPRO Avanti are saved on the application server in the text file \Settings\AVANTI\ModalWindowsAdditional_operator.txt.

The SYSPRO Avanti Software Development Kit lets developers create their own applications that connect to SYSPRO Avanti.
A Microsoft Visual Studio extension (included in the SDK) provides templates for new projects (and controls used within those projects) together with a number of development productivity features. In addition, the extension allows for debugging of SYSPRO Avanti plugins and supports the creation of bespoke cards.
The SYSPRO Avanti Software Development Kit supports a variety of use cases, from basic customization and scripting in SYSPRO Avanti, to entire embedded applications in the SYSPRO Avanti infrastructure.
You can still use VBScript customization for simple user interface customization and automation, but for more complex scenarios the SYSPRO Avanti Software Development Kit provides a powerful solution.
The benefits of this SDK over VBScript customization includes:
- Better performance.
- Full development environment of Microsoft Visual Studio with productivity extension.
- Intellisense and code completion.
- Live debugging of code with breakpoints.
- Access to the entire SYSPRO Avanti API.
Resources will be made available on the SYSPRO Learning Channel.

Document printing in SYSPRO Avanti has been simplified with the addition of new format setup programs that let you view the SRS document options.
You can now define format templates for SRS document printing in SYSPRO Avanti :
AP Check Format for SRS
AR Permanent Entries Format for SRS
AR Statement Format for SRS
AR Discount Cr Dr Notes Format
AR Dunning Letter Format for SRS
Cash Book Remittance Format for SRS
Inventory Document Format for SRS
Purchase Order Format for SRS
Inspection Document Format for SRS
Quotation Document Format for SRS
RMA Document Format for SRS
SO Document Format for SRS
Factory Documentation Format for SRS
WIP Inspection Document Format for SRS

In a move aimed at further easing the workload on system administrators, all the options from the System-wide Personalization program have been moved to the Setup Options program. This forms part of the process of consolidating SYSPRO setup options into a single centralized program (the previous release saw the relocation of all the System Setup options to the Setup Options program).
In order to control access to system-wide personalization options, you will need to configure security access against the Setup Options program (i.e. IMPCFG) as well as the standalone version of the System-wide Personalization program (i.e. IMPFRB) which you can still run from the SYSPRO Ribbon bar or using the Run a Program function (Ctrl+R).

Toolbar options in numerous programs have been relocated to improve the navigation experience.
From within the core SYSPRO 8 product, you can locate the toolbar options from the context-sensitive menu when you right-click a data record in a list view. Some toolbar options now have a separate Options pane that is typically hidden on the left of the window, but expands when selected.
From within SYSPRO Avanti, tools are located in the top right-hand side of the program (or above the data grid). You can also view additional information by clicking the hyperlink against data records in list views.
Simplified Administration

SYSPRO 8 is on a journey to reduce files being persisted to the file system by migrating them to Microsoft SQL Server. This offers many benefits, such as helping simplify your backup strategy, improving performance, protecting your data and providing controlled access to third parties, where relevant.
Because of this, you will notice an increase in the size of your database once you update to SYSPRO 8 2020 R2. The increase in size will be proportional to the size of the data being migrated from the file system. Also note that the majority of the files uploaded to SQL Server are migrated to your system-wide database.
During the migration, the system will determine if your SRS Report Archive files are significant in size (over 500MB) in which case you can choose to defer the migration of these files to allow the rest of the upgrade process to complete and users to start transacting as normal.
Choosing to defer the import means that reports archived prior to SYSPRO 8 2020 R2 won't be available for viewing until they are migrated. This is performed by running the SRS Import Archive Files to SQL program (Ctrl+R > SRSPAL).
The areas of the product that are affected by this change are as follows:

As part of the effort to decrease SYSPRO's footprint on the file system, you can enable the new Persist operator UI settings to SQL setup option (Setup Options > System Setup > System-Wide Personalization) to store all operator UI settings files in the SysSettings table of the system-wide database (usually stored in the \Base\Settings folder).

From SYSPRO 8 2020 R2 the License Manager is used to select and import a provided license. The license information resides in the AdmSystemLicense table of your system-wide database in Microsoft SQL Server.
From SYSPRO 8 2020 R2 all software that requires the license will automatically locate the current license in the system wide database.
If you are using the SYSPRO Cloud ERP environment, the license import is applied automatically.

From SYSPRO 8 2020 R2, enhancements to SRS architecture cater for the migration of content to the system-wide database:
- Document and report printing
- Report archiving
- Report scheduling
- Report customization
The custom reports and documents mentioned above are automatically uploaded to Microsoft SQL Server during the minor database upgrade to SYSPRO 8 2020 R2
All future custom reports and documents, archived reports and documents and other SRS-related files will be stored in Microsoft SQL Server.
In addition, the document archiving architecture has been changed to save the archived documents to the company database when SYSPRO is run in a SYSPRO Cloud ERP environment.

From SYSPRO 8 2020 R2, you'll be upgraded to use SAP Crystal Reports 2016 SP8 as the reporting technology for both server-side and client-side reporting. The upgrade is mandatory for server-side reporting and optional if you are using client-side reporting.
This means that when using server-side reporting, part of the upgrade process involves uninstalling SAP Crystal Reports 2013 from your server and installing the later SAP Crystal Reports 2016 SP8 version. You should be aware that the uninstall and install process can take a significant time because of the complexity of the Crystal Reports product (some customers have reported this taking 2 or more hours).
When using client-side reporting, your clients can remain on the existing Crystal Reports version and upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2016 SP8 later when required (i.e. they can continue to produce reports using the previous Crystal Reports version).
Server-side Reporting
SYSPRO Reporting Services for server-side reporting now uses the following from SYSPRO 8 2020 R2:
- SAP Crystal Reports Server 2016 SP8
- SAP BusinessObjects BI platform .NET SDK Redistributable 64bit 4.2 SP8
- SYSPRO 8 Reporting Host Service (64bit)
The SYSPRO Reporting Services upgrade is mandatory if you are using server-side reporting.
Please note that the upgrade process can take some time.
Client-side Reporting
The changes to SYSPRO Reporting Services for client-side reporting from SYSPRO 8 2020 R2 are as follows:
- The Report Designer has been upgraded to use SAP Crystal Reports 2016 SP 8.
- The new client runtime used is SAP BusinessObjects BI platform .NET SDK Redistributable 32bit 4.2 SP8.
- The updated SYSPRO 8 Reporting Components that are installed include the native xml driver and necessary Java runtime.
The SYSPRO Reporting Services upgrade is optional if you are using client-side reporting. Therefore, existing customers do not need to roll out the upgrade to all client machines at the same time.

A new document printing activity (SA_DocumentPrinting) is available within SYSPRO Workflow Services so that invoices, order acknowledgments and delivery notes can be saved, emailed and printed as part of a workflow process (e.g. the capture of an order initiates a workflow that produces the document which is available for sending to the customer).
Prerequisites include:
- The SYSPRO 8 Workflow Service must be installed.
- The SYSPRO 8 Reporting Host Service must be installed.
The Server-side reporting using SQL option must be selected against the Reporting configuration setup option and details must be configured for the Reporting service setup option Setup Options > System Setup > Reporting.
- The E.Net Service Details must be configured in the Maintain E.Net Service Details program.
The activity needs to be added from the Dependencies pane as it is not added to the Toolbox by default.
Digital Technologies

The SYSPRO Bot set of skills now lets you query purchase order balances, GRN details and ledger balances.
These new skills include:
PO Balance Query
This skill lets you view purchase order balance details.
PO GRN Query
This skill lets you view summary purchase order details and GRN information.
PO GRN Detail Query
This skill lets you view detailed purchase order details and GRN information.
GRN Query
This skill lets you view GRN details.
General Ledger
This skill provides the new General Ledger menu within the SYSPRO Bot.
GL Query
This skill lets you view ledger details.
GL Balance Summary Query
This skill lets you view the module, ledger control and recalculated difference information.

New custom searches are available to the Skill.GLBalanceSummaryQuery skill that lets you query the ledger for a specific module and period without having to enter this information manually.
- GLModule
- GLModulePeriod

The WIP by Branch feature extends ledger integration options to include integration at branch level (only job classification was available before). This means that each branch and job classification can have separate WIP ledger control accounts. Previously, you could only define a single WIP control account and WIP variance account per company.
You can enable WIP branches for the following:
- Jobs
- WIP inspections
- Job numbering
- Job classification

The Inventory Stock Take Tickets Query business object generates stock take tickets for items you are counting within a warehouse and prints the report using the Stock Take Tickets program.

The Inventory Label Print Report business object generates and prints up to 9999 labels for every selected stock code using the Inventory Label Print program.

The Sales Order Label Print Report business object generates and prints up to 9999 labels for every selected sales order or dispatch note using the SO Label Print program.

Intrastat Triangulation occurs when three EU states are involved in a transaction, where one orders goods from a second while goods are sourced from a third.
- The state receiving goods records an Intrastat arrival.
- The state dispatching goods records an Intrastat dispatch (declaring the ordering state as a recipient).
- The intermediary or agent state records nothing for Intrastat purposes.
When a requisition, purchase order or sales order is created, the triangulation role of agent, supplier or customer is selected, as well as the dispatch and destination states. These details are specified at order line level for stocked and non-stocked goods, so they are used when creating dispatch notes, credit notes or reprint files, and when receipting in stock from inspection.
You can view and change tariffs on the Intrastat triangulation transactions using the Maintain Intrastat Dispatches and Maintain Intrastat Arrivals programs. Intrastat transaction values are reported in the EC Triangulation Transactions - Dispatch and EC Triangulation Transactions – Arrivals reports.

SYSPRO Point of Sale capabilities have been extended so that customers can now process credits against all kit type items directly in SYSPRO Point of Sale (previously this would have to be performed manually in the core SYSPRO product).
Kit types can now be credited either from the original invoice, or manually in the Credit Note program (available from the Store menu) or Manage Credit Notes program (available from the Store Management menu).
- Default bins must be defined in SYSPRO for parent and component lines for the warehouse.
- The ShowKitComponentLines element in the SystemConfig.xml file must be enabled (i.e. its value must be defined as true).
- This doesn't apply to the Point of Sale, Manage Quotes and Exchanges programs (available from the Store menu).
- Lot, bin and serialized items in kits are not supported. Therefore, this does not apply if the Multiple bins option is enabled.
- Kit type F is not supported, so you cannot enable the Ship from default bin option in SYSPRO Point of Sale.
Kit optional components are always added in SYSPRO Point of Sale.

The print template design process in SYSPRO Point of Sale has been simplified to use SYSPRO Reporting Services to support custom documents. This replaces the previous printing designer (Stimulsoft).

SYSPRO Point of Sale lets you monitor, control and report on all petty cash transactions to improve governance at branch level.
Petty Cash Query
The new Petty Cash Query program (accessible from the Query menu) lets you query, review and reprint petty cash transactions. You can search petty cash transactions by branch, document number, or date range.
Petty Cash Transactions
The existing Petty Cash transaction screen improves traceability for petty cash transactions by including petty cash document numbers for all petty cash transaction types.
Petty Cash Report
The existing Petty Cash Report caters for petty cash document numbers, as well as a reprint capability.
To enable the printing of the new receipt numbers, you need to update the petty cash template with the latest default template or dictionary and add the field onto the existing report.
Branch Settings
New options were added to the Petty Cash tab of the Branch Settings program that let you define transaction limits for petty cash expenditure and receipts, as well as configure whether supervisor authorization is required when limits are exceeded. The options are disabled by default:
- Enforce Petty Cash Expenditure
- Petty Cash Expenditure Limit
- Enforce Petty Cash Receipt Limit
- Petty Cash Receipt Limit

The existing access control within SYSPRO Point of Sale lets administrators more closely control various aspects of supply chain transfer functionality to improve governance at store level.
The following functions within the Manage SCT's program can now be controlled at Branch, Role, User and Device level:
- Add Item
- Edit Item
- Add Other
- Delete Item
- Allocate B/O
- Release B/O
- Invoice SCT
- Cancel SCT
- Update Header
Access Control
The new Access Control program (available from the Setup menu) serves as the interface for all newly added or existing access control items that have been enhanced. It lets administrators define the following types of visibility and/or functionality where relevant:
These options let administrators define what functions (i.e. controls) are visible to operators, by selecting one of the following permission levels:
- Collapsed: The function is hidden from the operator.
- Visible: The function is visible to the operator.
- Inherit: The system must check higher up in the access control hierarchy to determine the function’s visibility.
All current controls default to Visible, but any new controls added in future will default to Collapsed.
These options let administrators define the functionality available to operators, by selecting one of the following permission types:
- Deny: The function is disabled.
- Allow: The function is enabled and requires no supervisor authorization to proceed.
- Allow (Auth req): The function is enabled but requires supervisor authorization to proceed.
- Inherit: The system must check higher up in the access control hierarchy to determine the function’s accessibility.
All current controls default to Allow, but any new controls added in future will default to Deny.

The following programs in SYSPRO Point of Sale have been enhanced to assist operators to quickly identify stock availability and bin locations when adding a sales order or quote:
- Manage Orders (available from the Store Management menu)
- Point of Sale (available from the Store menu)
- Manage Quotes (available from the Store menu)
- Exchanges (available from the Store menu)
Administrators can now define an operator's visibility access (within the Access Control program) for the following display fields when adding sales orders or quotes:
- Quantity on hand
- Default bin
The Visibility permission for these functions defaults to Collapsed.
This increased visibility provides operators with vital information when they need it.
If you installed hotfix KB8050234 in the SYSPRO 8 2020 R1 release (which let you view these fields by defining the <QtyOnHandAndDefaultBinIsVisible> setting in the SystemConfig.xml file) then you will need to reconfigure the access to these fields using the new Access Control program.

Improved transaction tracking and governance has been included in SYSPRO Point of Sale by providing an audit trail of all data changes relating to transaction processing and printing. You can now monitor, control, and report on key functions (e.g. granting of discounts).
You can configure which audit trails you require in the new Audit Trail Setup tab of the System Settings program. The new audit trail reports (available from the new Audit Trails menu tab in SYSPRO Point of Sale) include:
Supervisor authorizations
Two new programs (Header Authorization Audit Trail and Detail Authorization Audit Trail) detail all occurrences where a supervisor authorization has been applied to a sales order or quote header change (e.g. tax override, credit notes, price margin, etc.).
Detail line deletions
A new Line Delete Audit Trail program details all occurrences where a line has been deleted from a quote or sales order.
Special Discounts
A new Price And Discount Audit Trail program details any change made to a price or discount on sales order or quote lines in the Point of Sale or Manage Quotes programs (available from the Store menu).
The report also indicates whether a supervisor authorization was applied, including the details that were applied.
Document Printing
A new Print Audit Trail program provides an audit trail of any printing or reprinting of sales invoices and quotes performed in SYSPRO Point of Sale.
Changes to Ship methods
A new Ship Method Audit Trail report provides an audit trail of any changes made to the ship method on quotes and sales orders in the Point of Sale or Manage Quotes programs (available from the Store menu).
The report also indicates whether a supervisor authorization was applied, including the details that were applied.
Tax Code Changes
A new Tax Code Audit Trail report details any changes made to tax codes on quotes and sales orders in the Point of Sale or Manage Quotes programs (available from the Store menu).
The EnableAuditTrailLogging element in the SystemConfig.xml file can be enabled or disabled per site.
The new audit trail database (SysproComp_POS_AuditTrails) contains the following new tables:
This stores an audit trail of any prints performed.
This stores audit trail-specific information.
- Supply Chain Transfers are not included in the audit trail reports as SYSPRO Point of Sale posts SCT-related information directly to SYSPRO in real time. However, you can access SCT information directly from the SorAdditions, SorChanges and SorCancelled tables.
- Transactional data is not replicated in the SYSPRO company database to offline branches.

You can now automatically apply the discounts given on the original sales order when processing an exchange or cross shipment of an RMA.
When adding RMA cross shipment details, the discounts from the original invoice are displayed by default at header or line level, as per the original sales order. If the RMA is not linked to an invoice, the discounts set up against the customer are displayed by default. These can then be accepted or updated when generating the sales order for replacement goods.
When an item was returned, and the sales order is created for the replacement goods, the discounts from the original invoice are applied to sales order by default. The discounts can then be accepted or changed.

New eSignatures can be applied to RMA transactions to improve governance and control. These let you manage and secure the RMA process and cover adding and changing RMA's as well as adding, changing, receipting and crediting RMA lines.

The VAT reverse charges for tax submission feature lets SYSPRO record VAT that would've been paid by a company if services were procured from within their EU state, but which were in fact procured from another EU state. It caters for VAT requirements in UK and EU countries that need to disclose reverse charges when submitting tax reports.
The notional tax transactions are accumulated and made available for subsequent reporting using the MTD 9-Box Tax Return report and the Tax Return Tool.
To determine the reverse charge amounts, a notional invoice is raised with the same value as is reflected on the actual invoice. Tax is then calculated using local tax rates. A notional tax credit note is generated to contra and therefore cancel the notional invoice.
Changes on the MTD 9-Box Return:
- The notional tax value of the invoice is displayed in box 4 (VAT Reclaimed).
- The notional tax value on the credit note is added to box 1 (VAT Due).
- The effect on the Net VAT in box 5 is thus zero.
The notional invoice and tax credit notes are pro forma entries with implied costs and are not recorded against the supplier.
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