Feature Highlights: SYSPRO 8 2019 R2
User Experience

The SYSPRO Scheduler lets you schedule a pre-determined activity at a given time in the future and then send a trigger for that activity at the appropriate time.
A calendar view (similar to Microsoft Outlook) is accessible from programs that have been designed to use the SYSPRO Scheduler. This lets you view existing tasks that have been scheduled as well as create and maintain schedules using the Maintain Schedules program.
Features currently using the SYSPRO Scheduler:
Cycle Count
This creates a cycle count schedule of stock counting policies.

A number of new capabilities have been added to SYSPRO's web-based platform.

The SYSPRO Supply Chain Portal allows users beyond a SYSPRO site to connect, interact and transact using the SYSPRO Avanti HTML5 user interface.
Adding Portal users to your SYSPRO configuration provides external user access to specific functionality (using a dedicated user interface and menu system) based on the portal features available.
Features currently available from the SYSPRO Supply Chain Portal:
Request for Quote System:
This lets you collaborate with your suppliers by automating the quote process and enabling suppliers to action an RFQ.

All fields in SYSPRO Avanti can be translated into a different language (with the exception of the logon screen).
This is applied when the language is configured within the System Setup program of the SYSPRO core product.

Notepads that have been built into a SYSPRO application (or Customized Panes that use the notepad control) can now be added to a web view to be surfaced in SYSPRO Avanti. There are two types of notepads: simple text notepads and Rich Text Format (RTF) notepads.
The rich text notepad displays a special toolbar with all the formatting options. This toolbar does not appear for a notepad that only supports simple text (e.g. the Additional Notes in the Customer Query program).
- In SYSPRO, all complex notepads are stored in RTF format. Because this format is not supported in a web browser, it needs to be converted to HTML format for rendering in SYSPRO Avanti. The converse is also true - when saving notes entered in SYSPRO Avanti, the system must convert the HTML format to RTF format.
- If the notepad in SYSPRO includes a Save button, then this will also be shown in the notepad toolbar of SYSPRO Avanti.
- As in SYSPRO, notes in SYSPRO Avanti are automatically saved where appropriate (e.g. there is no Save button in SYSPRO's main menu notepad because any notes entered are automatically saved when you exit SYSPRO.

You can now design web views by role in SYSPRO Avanti. From within a SYSPRO Avanti program, select Design Web View by Role from the Customize icon and then specify the role for which you would like to design the web view.

Toolbar buttons for Customized Panes are now surfaced in the Visual Designer and can be added to a web view.

You can now add Gantt, Pie and Funnel charts to visually represent data in SYSPRO Avanti.

The SYSPRO Online Help can be accessed by pressing F1 in SYSPRO Avanti.

The Forgot Password functionality (which allows operators to reset their SYSPRO passwords without administrator assistance) is now available for SYSPRO Avanti.

You can define multiple workspaces in the home menu, when it is not associated with a role.

The order of preference or relevance that is displayed in search results (based on the search term or phrase entered) returns more accurate and relevant results.
The relevance of results and weighting is determined by the order in which the fields are displayed, or ordered in the search. You can now configure whether relevance is applied against a search using the Espresso Search Configuration program in the SYSPRO core product.
If you have previously created your own customize searches, the relevance option is not automatically applied to them. If you want to enable relevance, you will have to do it manually.

Although VBScript provides functions and sub-routines, basic date/time and string manipulation, math functions, user interaction, error handling, and regular expressions, additional functionality can be added using ActiveX technologies.
VBScript Desktop Alerts are now surfaced as Toast Notifications in SYSPRO Avanti.
The following VBScript functions are now supported for grids in SYSPRO Avanti:
- OnPopulate
- OnSubmit
- OnRowSelected
- OnDblClick
- OnLinkClicked
- OnAfterChange
Additionally, the following functions are now supported for customized pane list views:
- OnDELPressed
- OnChecked
Simplified Administration

There is a new Optimize print option available from within the Maintain SRS Document Templates program.
This option (only applicable in a server-side environment) lets you print documents as soon as the data becomes available as well as archive the documents at the same time.
Although this dual capability of printing and archiving applies to both single and batch modes, the performance benefit is more visible when printing in batch mode.

When the Optimize print option is enabled and you are batch printing in a server-side environment, the XML file that is generated for each batch is now only generated once, resulting in improved performance (i.e. a document can be sent to the print queue as soon as the data is extracted and the previous document has completed).
Using the Document Printing API architecture, this XML file is now generated from the core program instead of the applicable document printing program (e.g. Statement Print) and is then sent to the SYSPRO 8 Reporting Host Service to produce the document.

When the Optimize print option is enabled and you are printing in a server-side environment that requires document archiving, the process is now simplified by combining the process of printing and archiving (i.e. you don't need to split your archiving into multiple batches).

When the Optimize print option is enabled, it applies only to the following document types:
A/R Statement Print
Purchase Orders – Foreign
Purchase Orders – Local
Quotation - Multiple Column
Quotation - Multiple Line
Quotation – Single
Delivery note
Dispatch note
Order acknowledgment
Factory Documentation
The Optimize print option is only applicable when the following grouping options for a document template are disabled:
Spool multiple documents as a single job
Group by email address
Group by contact information

Multi-Factor Authentication is a process that identifies a user by validating two or more authentication methods from independent credential categories. This ensures that a user is only granted access after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence to the authentication mechanism.
In SYSPRO, the traditional user name and password has been bolstered by the addition of Email and Google authentication to improve security during the login process.
- Email authentication sends an email to MFA-defined operators containing a Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) required as part of login verification.
- Google authentication uses an app to generate a QR code for first time user configuration and a Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) is required as part of the verification process for subsequent logins.

Single Sign-on in SYSPRO provides a simple to setup and robust method of using Microsoft Active Directory (AD) to control SYSPRO users.
Once configured, it enables a complete single sign-on experience as SYSPRO users are authenticated by Windows and then simply use a shortcut to run SYSPRO without being prompted for a user name and password at the login screen.
It means that a SYSPRO site can use Microsoft Active Directory (AD) to add, change, disable and delete operators virtually seamlessly. Any changes to user attributes automatically reflect against the SYSPRO operator without manual intervention.
Increased security around SYSPRO logins (you can lock-down users and only allow them access to SYSPRO using their specific operator code).
- Convenient administration of SYSPRO operators managed by Microsoft Active Directory (AD).
- Simplified login process for SYSPRO operators.

As an administrator, you no longer have to create and configure SQL logins for SYSPRO operators using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio before capturing the SQL login and password details against the operator in SYSPRO.
This is now possible from within SYSPRO, with functionality added to the System Setup and Operator Maintenance programs. The process creates the following for a SYSPRO operator:
SQL login
SQL user
This is used to access the relevant databases with the required permission access enabled (i.e. DataReader and DataWriter).

The Diagnostic Extract Utility lets you supply support teams with relevant information about the configuration and usage details of all companies in your SYSPRO environment. The aim is to facilitate the diagnostic process for the speedy and efficient resolution of issues you may encounter.
The extracted information is encrypted and compressed before being emailed to SYSPRO for analysis and troubleshooting by the relevant support team.

The following capabilities have been added to the SYSPRO Installer Application to improve and enhance the deployment functionality:
- Update SQL Server credentials
- Update deployment service credentials
- Run the deployment service as named user
- Rename a server/machine
- Install SYSPRO Additional Services
- Clone machine or deployment group
- Manage hotfix notifications

SYSPRO's Notepad (rich text and plain text) has been standardized to support larger text files. This is available in the core product as well as SYSPRO Avanti.
The Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) is still limited to 32,000 bytes of data, but this will be changed in a future version.

This feature solves the issue of a SYSPRO administrator having to capture the same SMTP email options for each company in the system.
Insights & Reporting
Digital Technologies

The SYSPRO Rules Engine helps you streamline your business processes by acting as a sophisticated if/then statement interpreter (i.e. rule translator).
A set of services monitor your SYSPRO transactions in real time and (once a specific set of rules is defined) they analyze and determine when something you're interested in happens. Your configured actions required by each rule are then processed accordingly.
Rules are applicable to all SYSPRO transactions, regardless of where they originate (e.g. SYSPRO core product, SYSPRO Avanti, SYSPRO Espresso, etc.).
Incorporating rules that monitor your SYSPRO database log enable the following capabilities:
Stay informed
Always be aware of what's happening in your business by configuring rules that inform you when specific transactions take place.
For example:
When a customer reaches their credit limit, SYSPRO can push a notification to SYSPRO Avanti, begin a conversation using the SYSPRO Bot and surface a SYSPRO Harmony beat.
Automate processes
Automate actions that are required when particular events occur.
For example:
Track the history of a specific database column.
Predict outcomes
Use predictions supplied by the SYSPRO 8 Machine Learning service within any part of a rule.
The SYSPRO Rules Engine automatically picks up any active AI Models focused on the same table as your target table, making these outputs available within your list of variables.
This lets you add conditions to a rule, as well as use prediction outcomes in your actions.
For example:
If the probability of a purchase order being late is higher than 80%, then push a SYSPRO Harmony beat that states 'There is an 87% change that order 000164 will be late'.

The Rules Administrator lets you create and maintain rules within SYSPRO Avanti.
You can define the following parts for rules:
Part | Description |
Target |
This indicates the table (and operation on the table) that should initiate a rule. |
Variables |
These are used to define or manipulate any values required in the Conditions or Actions. They include fixed values (e.g. strings, integers, dates) C# snippets and SQL retrieval. |
Conditions |
This is a set of conditional expressions that must be met before any actions are performed. To execute a specific action, conditions act as triggers that are initiated according to how the condition was configured. |
Actions |
Actions are executed when the rule conditions are met. |

You can now use predictions supplied by the SYSPRO 8 Machine Learning service within any part of a rule.
For example:
The SYSPRO 8 Rules Engine Service automatically picks up any active machine learning models focused on the same table as your target table, making these outputs available within your list of variables.
This lets you add conditions to a rule (e.g. if the probability of a purchase order being late is higher than 80%, then continue to the actions) as well as use conditions in your actions (e.g. a Harmony message could state: 'There is an 87% chance that order 000164 will be late').

A number of new actions can now be executed by the SYSPRO 8 Rules Engine Service:
Action | Description |
Avanti Notifications |
These are messages sent to an operator in SYSPRO Avanti. |
Espresso Notifications |
These are messages sent to an operator in SYSPRO Espresso. |
SYSPRO Bot Messages |
These are messages sent to an operator on the SYSPRO Bot (using the proactive messaging feature). |
Delete Rule |
This deletes a rule after all its actions have executed (useful for once-off rules). |
Disable Rule |
This disables a rule after all its actions have executed. |

A number of sample rules have been added to the Rules Administrator:

Description |
Notifies an operator that a shipment might arrive more than 10 days late. |
Actions |
Uses |
Sample Machine Learning model LctDaysLate. |

Description |
Notifies an operator if a new job will be Late or On time. |
Actions |
Uses |
Sample Machine Learning model JobStatus. |

Description |
Notifies an operator when a new stock code is added to the inventory list. |
Actions |

Description |
Notifies an operator when the actual material cost exceeds the expected material cost. |
Actions |

Description |
Notifies an operator when a late invoice payment is predicted for a customer. |
Actions |
Uses |
Sample Machine Learning model CustomerInvoicePayDays |

Description |
Notifies an operator why sales orders over a certain value might be returned. |
Actions |
Uses |
Sample Machine Learning model LostSaleReason |

Description |
Predict supplier payments. |
Actions |
Uses |
Sample Machine Learning model ApInvoicePayment. |

The Administration UI program within SYSPRO Avanti has been enhanced to allow you to :
- Activate a selected project that you require to be used for all predictions.
- De-activate active projects when they are not required.
- Delete a de-activated project that is no longer required.

The Administration UI program within SYSPRO Avanti has been enhanced to allow you to download and import projects (i.e. you can now download a selected project in the project tree list using the browser and import it at another site).
This is particularly helpful when a SYSPRO partner builds a project off-site as they can now easily import it to the customer's machine.

For regression models, AI tiles can now use gauges to display a predicted value, indicating whether it is positive or negative (tile type: MLGauge).
You can use the Insight Tile KPI Definition program (core SYSPRO) to define a KPI for your tile. SYSPRO Avanti will use this KPI to render the AI tiles.

The following anomaly project samples have been added to the Administration UI program in SYSPRO Avanti:
- Purchase Order Line Anomaly
- Sales Order Line Anomaly

Additional sample business scenarios are now available using predictive and exception machine learning and artificial intelligence:
- PO receipting process and scrap
- Predicted supplier performance
- LCT expected delivery
- Chance of a machine producing a fault
- Sales of stock codes by location
- Payment of invoices by customer
- Lost sales reason predicted

You now have access to a development platform that enables the development, testing and deployment of Bot skills, customized to situational requirements.

You can now create rules via the Bot or within the Rules Administrator that activates any of the trained skills and which can trigger the Bot to initiate a conversation.
For example:
If you set a price alert on a stock code via the Bot, this creates a rule in the Rules Engine, which in turn initiates a Bot conversation when the alert is triggered.

The following new skills are now available with the SYSPRO BOT:
- Delete Alert Rule
- Disable Alert Rule
- Enable Alert Rule
- Statement Print
- Print Purchase Order
- Print Quote
- Reprint Quote
- Reprint Purchase Order
- Pricing
- Standard Price Query
- Set Price Alert
- Query Purchase Order
- Purchase Order Menu
- Quotes
- Add Non-stocked Code
- Add Non-Stocked Quote Line
- Add Quote Line
- Cancel Quote
- Confirm Quote
- Create Non-Stocked Quote
- Requisitions
- My Alerts
- Bank Query
- Create purchase order
- Customer Quotes
- Inventory Query
- Add Purchase Order Line
- Predictions
- Create RMA
- Create Requisition
- Add Requisition line
- Requisition Query
- Requisition routing
- RMA Query
- Update Purchase Order Header
- Supplier Invoices
- Supplier Query
- Supplier receipts
- Requisition Approval

The following new capabilities have been added to SYSPRO's mobile platform:

You can add columns to customize the grid view of the Espresso Xpress Cart (e.g. to display the information you deem important). You can use the Espresso Application Builder program in the core SYSPRO product and the Espresso Xpress Cart in SYSPRO Espresso to customize the search to display these columns.

SYSPRO Espresso supports client certificates installed on devices to assist with validation at the time of logging in.
This adds additional security and prevents unauthorized devices from accessing SYSPRO Espresso.

The Forgot Password functionality (that lets operators reset their SYSPRO passwords without administrator assistance) is now available in SYSPRO Espresso.

The SYSPRO Point of Sale software suite is being converted to the SYSPRO Avanti platform.
- Cloud-related functionality (e.g. web interface).
- Screen customization and full use of SYSPRO custom form fields.
- The availability of Point of Sale on Cloud type devices (e.g. tablets).

A new dashboard provides key information regarding the sales and performance of a Point of Sale branch.
- Key statistics regarding the intensity of a Point of Sale branch's performance are highlighted.
- Point of Sale branches can set their own targets (over-and-above corporate budgets) to monitor their performance.
- Trends are highlighted for sales values, footfall and average purchase values.

SYSPRO Point of Sale now caters for kit type K in the Manage Orders program, demonstrating the products' awareness of grouped components that are typically purchased together.
Generally used for special offers, you can now process kits where the kit grouping or parent part is notational only and the components of the kit are separately detailed (pricing is at parent level).
The ability to remove optional items from a kit is also provided.

SYSPRO Point of Sale now caters for the partial crediting of a kit and you can process a credit for an item that was sold as part of a special offer, via a kit.

The Include function has a new Product recall selection option that lets you include product recalls when archiving files.

A Product Recall Archive Details section has been added that lets you specify criteria according to which you want to archive product recall details. Options include:
Field | Description |
Product recall archive |
Select this to include product recall data when archiving. |
Product recall archive number |
This indicates the archive file name that is generated. |
Product recall completed |
This indicates the cut-off date according to which you want completed product recall records to be archived. |
Product recall comment |
This lets you add a comment for archived product recalls. |

This is a new program that lets you print a detailed report of product recall information.

This is a new program that lets you print a summary report of the most essential product recall data.

The Recorded Dates feature lets you better manage the life-cycle of your products by enabling you to record several industry-specific dates against items.
The dates are captured and saved against specific lots and allow you to manage the shelf life and expiration dates of your products. These dates include: use by date, sell by date, internal expiry date, manufacturing date, dispatch date and best before date.

This new business object lets you change the status of dispatch notes.
Current status | Can be changed to: |
Entered |
Dispatch note printed |
Released to invoice |
Suspense |
Hold |

This new business object lets you post invoices against consolidated dispatch notes.
The Dispatch Note Consolidation program creates the consolidation records against the invoice. When the invoice is posted, all required transactions and calculations are processed and saved to the SYSPRO database.
A copy of the invoice information is stored and can be printed/reprinted using the SO Consolidated Dispatch Inv Doc Query business object or the Document Print program.

This new business object lets you reduce the dispatch quantity for a stocked or non-stocked sales order line.
When the dispatch quantity is reduced, the back order quantity against the sales order line is automatically increased.
Allocations for traceable or serialized stock items must be de-allocated in the stocking unit of measure. Stock allocations against the dispatch line can be reduced or deleted, but can't be changed to a different lot, bin or serial.

The Request for Quote System feature forms part of the procurement process and extends collaboration to your suppliers by automating the quote process and servicing of the RFQ by the supplier.
Suppliers are invited to bid or quote for stocked and non-stocked products. Once the potential supplier's quotation is received, it is either accepted (a purchase order can be created and submitted to the supplier) or rejected.
This feature is designed to be used with the SYSPRO Supply Chain Portal, which allows suppliers to submit their quotations online.

The Return to Supplier feature facilitates the return of goods or services to suppliers as a result of defects or other reasons for dissatisfaction.
It simplifies the process of returns and provides an efficient method of controlling items leaving site for returns or repairs. This ensures visibility and tracking of the item until the process is concluded.
Enables Quality Management
Enables quality management of raw materials or finished goods by facilitating seamless returns to suppliers when defects are identified.
Streamlines Workflows and Business Processes
Provides complete visibility of returned inventory throughout the returns process and improves the associated record keeping or document management. It provides the ability to return defective goods immediately - isolating and removing them from any process.
Helps Manage Inventory
Ensures that items to be returned to the supplier are removed from the available stock and held in a review area while the terms for return are negotiated. Non-stocked items can be added on-the-fly during the review process.
Facilitates Financial Control
Tracks variances between cost of item and credit received. Allows for the creation of a GRN which can be matched against a supplier's credit note, and a purchase order for expected replacement items.

The SYSPRO Supply Chain Portal allows users beyond a SYSPRO site to connect, interact and transact using the SYSPRO Avanti HTML5 user interface.
Adding Portal users to your SYSPRO configuration provides external user access to specific functionality (using a dedicated user interface and menu system) based on the portal features available.
Features currently available from the SYSPRO Supply Chain Portal:
Request for Quote System:
This lets you collaborate with your suppliers by automating the quote process and enabling suppliers to action an RFQ.

The Cycle Count feature lets you perform partial stock counts at specific intervals without disrupting daily operations.
This feature is designed to be used with the SYSPRO Scheduler to allow for the planning and scheduling of specific cycle-counts for particular areas in the warehouse.
The Benefits:
- Increased stock accuracy by continuously assessing your inventory.
- Limit the amount of disruption in your warehouse by shortening the time between your counting processes.
- Fewer stock write-offs by reducing inventory variances.
- Ongoing insight into inventory accuracy, resulting in better governance and timely adjustments.
- Convenient scheduling ahead of time.

You can now use the RMA Issues and Receipts program to consolidate credit notes when receiving returned stocked and non-stocked items.
Sales order lines from different invoices can be consolidated into a single credit note as long as the sales order headers have the same branch, area, salesperson and currency. Once created, the credit note can be allocated to a single invoice.
If you want to link each credit note to the corresponding invoice, you should rather create one per invoice instead of consolidating them.
You can also create a single consolidated credit note for returned merchandise without specifying invoice numbers. If you choose to consolidate them, all RMA lines without invoice numbers are grouped together.
The SO Consolidate RMA lines eSignature has been added to control access to the credit note consolidation functionality.

The Digital Tax Tool feature lets you generate tax returns for electronic and/or manual submissions. This is in response to tax authorities around the world increasingly requiring businesses to submit VAT and GST returns in an electronic format.
The feature also assists with tax queries and reconciling VAT entries from the transactions in the company’s general ledger.

The Customer Complaint System feature forms part of the Quality Management System that provides a platform for customers to raise complaints and for the organization to investigate and take the necessary action to address these complaints.
Once a complaint is received and categorized, possible corrective and/or preventative action can be developed and implemented to ensure customer satisfaction is maintained.

The Detail Posting to Control Accounts feature lets you configure control account integration to General Ledger in detail. Previously, transactions to control accounts were consolidated and written to the ledger in summary, regardless of your integration level.
The detail lines are now printed on distribution reports and can be viewed using the GL Query program as well as from within the relevant ledger journal maintenance program.
The detail integration to control accounts facility has been added to the following modules:
- Inventory Control
- Trade Promotions
- Work in Progress
- Part Billings
- Labor Posting

The Tax on Settlement Discount enhancement enables all programs in the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules to handle withholding tax and tax on settlement discount at the same time.
The user interfaces of the programs weren't changed, only the calculation for tax on settlement discounts was adjusted and is now calculated according to the selected tax codes. The same tax codes (and therefore percentages) that were applied to the invoice lines are applied to the settlement discount.

The following setup options must be enabled to apply this feature:
Calculation for terms discount
(Setup Options > Preferences > Financials > Accounts Receivable)
- Determine tax based on invoice paid
- Include tax
- Credit and/or debit notes

- AR Payments and Adjustments
- AR Period End
- Cash Posting Worksheet
- AR Post Permanent Entries
- AR Finance Charge Calculation
- AR Initial Invoice Capture
- AR Currency Conversion
- AR Customer Code Conversion
- AR Collector Run Maintenance
- AR Post Dated Check Status
- AR Payment Run
- AR Credit Checking
- Master Sub-accounts
- AR Initial Invoice Capture
- AR Master/Sub Account Maintenance
- AR Invoice Posting
- AR Payment Run
- AR Payments Import
- Customers
- Cash Posting Worksheet
- Tax Return
- Document Print
- SO Counter Sales
- Customer-Supplier Contra
- Interface Import
- AR Payments and Adjustments business object
- Post Accounts Receivable Setup Options
- Query Accounts Receivable Setup Options
The AP payment cycle process is not affected by this change.