Product Recall
The Product Recall feature caters for a request from a manufacturer to return a product after the discovery of safety issues or product defects that might endanger the consumer or put the organization at risk of legal action.
A product recall can be applied at warehouse, bin, stock code, lot or serial level (effectively placing them on hold) and may affect sales orders, jobs, parent parts and kits.

The programs related to this feature are accessed from the Program List pane of the SYSPRO menu:
- Program List > Lot Traceability

A mock recall is an exercise that involves imitating all procedures for an actual product recall. In SYSPRO, this tests the traceability of products and verifies that the recall process is effective and can be carried out within the required time limit.
Products involved in a mock recall aren't actually put on hold (i.e. transactions such as invoicing and generating delivery notes can still be processed against them).
Mock product recall data is stored for compliance reasons and traceability audits.

This occurs when there are safety concerns over an item (or manufacturing defect in a product) that may be harmful to the consumer. This results in one or more products having to be withdrawn from the market.
SYSPRO's Lot Traceability system is used to identify all items and transactions involved in the recall. Items are placed into quarantine for inspection.
Contaminated or sub-standard stock items are scrapped, while unspoiled or undamaged items are released from quarantine.

During a product recall, stock items which are spoiled, hazardous or of inferior quality are isolated and placed into quarantine. This can be done at serial, lot, bin or stock code level.
A quarantined stock item can't be invoiced, distributed, delivered or allocated to a job or any stock movement. Once inspection of the item is complete, it can be released back into stock (if it's usable) or scrapped.

Traceability refers to the ability of an organization to verify the history, location, or application of an item based on documented identification records.
Traceability is required in certain industries for a number of reasons:
Stock control
Asset control
Order tracking
Food Recall (e.g. being able to trace and account for every unsafe food item suspected of contamination; ranging from items still in the warehouse to those dispatched to customers).

To use this feature, the following setup option(s) must be enabled:

Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Inventory
- Associate serials by bin

You can secure this feature by implementing a range of controls against the affected programs. Although not all these controls are applicable to each feature, they include the following:
- You can restrict operator access to activities within a program (configured using the Operator Maintenance program).
- You can restrict operator access to the fields within a program (configured using the Operator Maintenance program).
- You can restrict operator access to functions within a program using passwords (configured using the Password Definition program). When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.
- You can restrict access to the eSignature transactions within a program at operator, group, role or company level (configured using the eSignature Setup program). Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering that gives you greater control over your system changes.
- You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).
- You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to roles and applying access control against the role (configured using the Role Management program).

- Only traceable or serialized stock items can be recalled.
Although sales orders containing an item that is subsequently included in a product recall (or that was placed on hold because of a product recall) can still be invoiced and delivered, this will be addressed in the next development phase of this feature.
- Security checks are ignored when processing a mock product recall, except for access to the selected warehouse (which is always verified).

Open the Product Recall Quarantine program Program List > Lot Traceability > Product Recall > Transaction Processing.
- Select the New Product Recall function and enter details at the Product recall field.
Indicate the type of recall (i.e. full or mock) you want to capture.
- Use the Selection List to select the stock items you want to include in the product recall.
Select the stock items from the Selection List to change their status.
You must save the product recall every time you update the status of stock items. - From the Default Options pane, add reasons for quarantining, releasing or scrapping the stock items.
- Select the Recall Complete field to mark the product recall as done.

- Open the Batch On Hold Maintenance program (Program List > Inventory > Transaction Processing).
Indicate the review criteria required from the Criteria pane.
- Select Start Review.
- From the Stock code list pane, select the stock code you want to place on hold
- At the Reason code field, enter a reason for placing the stock code on hold.
Indicate the type of hold you want to apply to the item:
Put on Full Hold applies a complete hold on the stock code (i.e. no transactions can be processed against the item).
Put on Partial Hold allows transactions to be processed against the item.

- Open the Batch On Hold Maintenance program (Program List > Inventory > Transaction Processing).
Indicate the review criteria from the Criteria pane.
Ensure that you select Full hold, or Partial hold at the On hold selection.
- Select Start Review.
- From the Stock code list pane, select the stock code for which you want to remove the on hold status.
- Select Release on Hold.

- Open the Product Recall Selections Review program.
- Indicate the search criteria from the Product Recall Lot Criteria and Product Recall Selection Review panes.
- Select Start Review.
- View the impact of the product recall by selecting one of the following functions from the toolbar:
Affected Customers
Affected Suppliers
Affected Sales Orders
Affected Purchase Orders
Affected Jobs

The programs related to this feature are accessed from the Program List pane of the SYSPRO menu:
- Program List > Lot Traceability > Product Recall
- Program List > Inventory > Transaction Processing
- Program List > Administration > Archiving
Capture and maintain the product recall using the Product Recall Quarantine program.
This program lets you quarantine, inspect, release from hold or scrap stock items.
- View the impact of including a stock code in the product recall at various levels using the Product Recall Selections Review program.
- Set the product recall to complete using the Product Recall Quarantine program.
- View details and history of product recalls using the Product Recall Query program.
- When required, archive product recall data using the Archive Maintenance program.

The following are possible status codes for Product Recall:
Status | Description |
Q - Quarantine |
This status indicates items are isolated and can't be included in sales orders, jobs or any stock movement. |
I - Inspect |
This status indicates items are isolated and are being inspected. |
R - Released |
This status indicates that the items have been inspected, declared safe for use and released back into the warehouse. |
S - Scrap |
This status indicates that the items have been inspected, declared unsafe for use, removed from the warehouse and discarded. |

The following indicates areas in the product that may be affected by implementing this feature:

This is a new program that lets you see the impact of including items in a product recall.

This is a new program that lets you capture and maintain product recalls.

This is a new program that lets you view details of product recalls.

This is a new program that lets you browse a list of product recalls.

This is a new program that lets you browse a list of additional lots held on file.

This is a new program that lets you browse details of product recalls that have been archived.

The On hold field is disabled if a lot was placed on hold during a product recall process.

You can't delete a bin, or release a hold placed on it, if it forms part of a product recall quarantine.

You can't delete a stock code, or release a hold placed on it, if it forms part of a product recall quarantine.

You can't delete a serial, or release a hold placed on it, if it forms part of a product recall quarantine.

You can't delete a warehouse that forms part of a product recall quarantine.

An error message is displayed if the selected stock code forms part of a full product recall and the stock was placed on hold at stock code level.

An error message is displayed if the selected stock code forms part of a full product recall and the stock was placed on hold at stock code level.

An error message is displayed if the selected stock code forms part of a full product recall and the stock was placed on hold at stock code level.

An error message is displayed if the selected stock code forms part of a full product recall and the stock was placed on hold at stock code level.

An error message is displayed if the selected stock code forms part of a full product recall and the stock was placed on hold at stock code level.

The Include function has a new Product recall selection option that lets you include product recalls when archiving files.

A Product Recall Archive Details section has been added that lets you specify criteria according to which you want to archive product recall details. Options include:
Field | Description |
Product recall archive |
Select this to include product recall data when archiving. |
Product recall archive number |
This indicates the archive file name that is generated. |
Product recall completed |
This indicates the cut-off date according to which you want completed product recall records to be archived. |
Product recall comment |
This lets you add a comment for archived product recalls. |

The Selection criteria pane includes a Search on additional lots option that lets you include a single or range of additional lots.

You can print Additional lot names when printing lots.

Additional lot names are displayed (if they have been defined).

This is a new program that lets you print a detailed report of product recall information.

This is a new program that lets you print a summary report of the most essential product recall data.

You can archive product recall data using the Archive Maintenance program.
You can view archived product recall data using the Product Recall Archive Browse program (available from within the Archive Maintenance program).