Sales Orders > Trade Promotions > Browses > Browse on Deduction Codes

Browse on Deduction Codes

You use this program to view details of Trade Promotion deduction codes currently defined.

Listview columns

Column Description
Code Indicates the code allocated to the deduction code.
Description Indicates the description for the deduction code.
Deduction GL account Indicates the General Ledger account to which to accumulate deduction amounts in the General Ledger.
Resolution GL account Indicates the General Ledger expense account to charge when a deduction is resolved for a reason other than a match to a corresponding Accrual Promotion account.
Write-off GL account Indicates the General Ledger expense account to charge when a deduction is written off.
Credit check Indicates whether the deduction code is subject to credit checking.

Security considerations

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this list view if access for this program is set to Browse only but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).
  • You can only generate a report of deduction codes if you have access to the List of Deduction Codes program.