> SYSPRO Espresso Notifications Service

SYSPRO Espresso Notifications Service

This service allows you to send push notifications to a mobile device.

Applications using this service

  • SYSPRO Espresso

Getting Started


  1. Run the SYSPROEspressoNotificationService.exe executable.

    You can obtain the file from the Ports and Downloads section of the InfoZone. Otherwise, contact your local reseller for more information.

    After any port updates, we recommend you restart the service to release any e.net business objects which may be held by the service.

    Reinstalling a service is typically only required if an updated and/or improved version of the service is released.

  2. During the installation you will be required to configure settings for the service.

    Installation field Description
    Web Socket Server Address http://localhost:8081/SYSPROEspresso
    SYSPRO Espresso Notification Endpoint Address net.tcp://localhost:91/SYSPROEspressoNotificationService


  1. Load SYSPRO's System Setup program.

  2. Navigate to the Espresso tab and specify the address of the Espresso Server at the Notification address field. This is used to send push notifications to a mobile device (e.g. http://localhost/SYSPROEspresso) as welll as the Espresso Application Builder.


Debugging and diagnostics

You can troubleshoot errors or failures when using this service by editing the associated config file in elevated mode (i.e. with administrator privileges).

The SYSPROEspresso.Notifications.Service.exe.config file is located in the folder to which you installed the service and defaults to: C:\Program Files (x86)\SYSPRO\SYSPROEspressoNotificationService.


You should only edit this file for debugging purposes.

Don't use this as a method to update values for the service. The reason for this is that a wizard installation updates the system registry, which is what is read when using the service. A fresh installation will overwrite these values, which may cause problems when you next run the service.

Key Description

Service logging

The SYSPRO Espresso Notification Service outputs an event log to the SYSPROENS file (Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Event Viewer->Applications and Service Logs) which you can review for diagnosing any problems encountered.

Settings required on a corporate network for Espresso push notifications

Apple devices
Symptom Solution
Device is connected to Wi-Fi and does not have a cellular data account or a cellular data signal, push notifications are not received. Devices using Access Point Names need a direct connection to Apple's server. If a device is unable to connect using cellular data, it will attempt to use Wi-Fi if available.

If there is a proxy server on the Wi-Fi network, the device will not be able to use APNs, because they require a direct and persistent connection from device to server.

When connecting to APNs, iOS devices will use the cellular data connection if available. Only if the cellular connection is not available or viable will the device switch to Wi-Fi for APNs connections.

For APNs traffic to get past your firewall, you'll need to open these ports:

  • TCP port 5223 (used by devices to communicate to the APNs servers)

  • TCP port 2195 (used to send notifications to the APNs)

  • TCP port 2196 (used by the APNs feedback service)

  • TCP Port 443 (used as a fallback on Wi-fi only, when devices are unable to communicate to APNs on port 5223)

The APNs servers use load balancing. Your devices will not always connect to the same public IP address for notifications. The entire address block is assigned to Apple, so it's best to allow this range in your firewall settings.

Android devices

If your organization has a firewall that restricts the traffic to/from the Internet, you'll need to configure it to allow connectivity with Google Cloud Messaging.

The ports to open are:

  • 5228

  • 5229

  • 5230

GCM typically only uses 5228, but it sometimes uses 5229 and 5230. GCM doesn't provide specific IPs. It changes IPs frequently. We recommend against using ACLs.

Meanwhile, the answer for that is "all IP blocks listed in Google's ASN of 15169". You can use an online tool to get the ASN info.