> SYSPRO Services

SYSPRO Services

SYSPRO Services provide a communication interface between various applications (e.g. SYSPRO Espresso, SYSPRO Reporting Services, SYSPRO Workflow, etc). These services typically run in the background, so you don't interact with them directly. However, if a service is not running, then applications that rely on that service won't function properly.

Viewing services from within SYSPRO

  • Run the Diagnostics Manager program (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Administration->Diagnostics->Diagnostics Manager) and select the Check Services function from the toolbar.

    This displays a list of all SYSPRO services running locally that are either not installed on the server, or are not on the latest version of the service. It includes a User-defined name column that indicates the custom name of a service which enables you to differentiate between multiple installs of the same service. This function executes VBScripts to identify and compare the differences between the current SYSPRO services running and the latest SYSPRO services available.

Viewing services from within Windows

  • Load the Administrative Tools menu of the Windows Control Panel and select the Services application.

    This displays information about all services on your computer, including SYSPRO-specific services.

Default install locations

  • During the installation of SYSPRO services, you can choose the destination folder. By default, 64-bit services are installed to: C:\Program Files\SYSPRO\{Name-of-service}\, while 32-bit services are typically installed to: C:\Program Files (x86)\SYSPRO\{Name-of-service}\.

Summary list of services

Service SYSPRO application affected
SYSPRO Communications Service Client connection to server.
SYSPRO e.net Communications Service
  • SYSPRO Server-side Reporting

  • SYSPRO Web-based Product Configurator

  • SYSPRO Executive Dashboard Gadget

  • SYSPRO Workflow

  • SYSPRO Espresso

  • SYSPRO Point of Sale

  • SYSPRO e.net Diagnostics

  • SYSPRO Harmony

  • Any external or third party e.net application accessing SYSPRO data

SYSPRO e.net WCF Service
  • SYSPRO Server-side Reporting

  • SYSPRO Web-based Product Configurator

  • SYSPRO Executive Dashboard Gadget

  • SYSPRO Workflow

  • SYSPRO Espresso

  • SYSPRO Point of Sale

  • SYSPRO e.net Diagnostics

  • SYSPRO Harmony

  • Any external or third party e.net application accessing SYSPRO data

SYSPRO Espresso Notifications Service SYSPRO Espresso
SYSPRO Reporting Host Service Server-side Printing
SYSPRO Workflow Service SYSPRO Workflow Services
SYSPRO Analytics 7 Server (Business layer and Administration layer) SYSPRO Analytics
SYSPRO Web Services
  • SYSPRO e.net Diagnostics

  • Any external or third party e.net application accessing SYSPRO data

SYSPRO Point of Sale Services SYSPRO Point of Sale
SYSPRO Point of Sale Print Service SYSPRO Point of Sale
SYSPRO Point of Sale Utility Service SYSPRO Point of Sale
SYSPRO Point of Sale API SYSPRO Point of Sale
SYSPRO Harmony Service SYSPRO Harmony
SYSPRO Harmony API Service SYSPRO Harmony
SYSPRO Rules Data Service SYSPRO Harmony
SYSPRO Rules Engine SYSPRO Harmony


Business Object

Business objects are portions of SYSPRO business logic that can be called programmatically from outside of SYSPRO, passed instructions in XML, and return the results in XML (updating the database, if required).


Component Object Model, or COM, is Microsoft standard used for applications to communicate with one another. For example, ENCORE.DLL is a COM component.


Distributed Component Object Model, or DCOM, is a set of components that assist in the communication between a client and server.


ENCORE.DLL is a dynamic link library that provides an interface between third party applications and SYSPRO business objects, which in turn access the SYSPRO data. It conforms to the Microsoft COM standard. Classes available in the ENCORE.DLL are Utilities, Query, Setup and Transaction. Each class in turn has their methods and properties.


The endpoint is a device or node that is connected to the LAN or WAN and accepts communications back and forth across the network.


Internet Information Services, or IIS, is Microsoft's web server application and is used in the development and hosting of web applications and web services.


Representation State Transfer (REST) provides a structured and accessible way of accessing the service. It does not consume as much bandwidth as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and is more suitable for use over the Internet.

It uses a simple URL (instead of XML) to obtain information in a form that's easy to parse within the language you need for your application.


Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a method of calling the service if you are using managed code. It has a strong support for data types. It requires writing or using a provided server program (to serve data) and a client program (to request data).

It is an XML-based messaging protocol that allows programs which are running on different operating systems to communicate using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). It defines a standard set of rules for structuring messages that can be used for simple one-way messaging.


The synchronous method calls the service and waits for a response before allowing execution to continue.

The asynchronous method can initially call a service method and then continue executing other tasks while the service processes the method. When the method completes, a call back event on the client is fired and the client application can then proceed with processing the output result.


Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP, is one of the core protocols used to enable communication between computers on a network.


Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a technology that forms part of the Microsoft .NET Framework. It provides a set of APIs (Application Programming Interface) for building connected, service-oriented applications. It was designed using SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) principles to support distributed computing where services have remote consumers.

Web Services

A web service is any piece of software that makes itself available over the internet and uses a standardized XML messaging system. XML is used to encode all communications to a web service (e.g. a client invokes a web service by sending an XML message, then waits for a corresponding XML response).