Sales Orders > Blanket SO & Releases > Release Review & Confirmation > Blanket SO and Releases Review and Confirmation

Blanket SO and Releases Review and Confirmation

You use this program to reconcile the cumulative delivery position between you and the customer (Balancing phase) and to compare the delivery status of the current release to the proposed delivery of the new release (Building phase).

During the Balancing phase, you reconcile the cumulative delivery position between what the customer has recorded and what you have recorded as having been delivered to date.

During the Building phase you compare the last release (if a previous release existed) and the current release. Adjustments can be made against the various lines of the current release and warning messages are displayed where appropriate. These messages may be converted into narrations used elsewhere in the system.

Upon acceptance of the current release, the lines against the release are converted into sales order lines. This update takes place against the sales order that was created using the Release Maintenance program. At this point, control of the release is passed to Sales Orders until the next release is received.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Stock Code Select this to use the Inventory Query program to view detailed information on the SYSPRO stock code on the blanket sales order.
Release Data Select this to use the Release Master Query program to view the details held against the release master for the customer.
ATP Select this to use the Inventory ATP Query program to the available to promise details for the SYSPRO stock code on the blanket sales order.

Review Options

Field Description
Review details These details are displayed for information purposes only.
Customer This is the customer code for the contract.
Customer purchase order This is the customer's purchase order for the contract.
Customer stock code This is the customer's stock code for the contract.
Stock code This is the SYSPRO stock code for the contract.
Review options  
Difference calculation This enables you to indicate the quantities for which you want to review the differences.
Requested - Existing Select this to review the differences between the quantities the customer requested on the release and the quantities against the sales order.
Accepted - Existing Select this to review the differences between the quantities you accepted against the release and the quantities on the sales order.
Accepted - Requested Select this to review the differences between the quantities you accepted on the release and the quantities the customer requested on the release.

Blanket SO and Releases Review

There is only ever one active release. The sales order is never updated from more than one release. Therefore when customers supply new releases for a contract, it is always to restate what is outstanding.

The system was designed to operate as such to match the practice of users of OEM suppliers, in particular in the motor industry.

If you did not select the option: Use dispatch note to confirm delivery (Contract Maintenance) and an unvoiced dispatch note exists against the sales order, then you will have to invoice the dispatch note before you can confirm a subsequent release.

Field Description
Save Notes Select this to save any notes you entered in the Notes column of the listview.
Copy Select this to copy the text in the Warning column to the Notes column
Clear Select this to set all the Accepted qty values to zero.
Terms Select this to apply the terms of the contract to the changes made.
Accept Required Select this to set the Accepted qty equal to the Requested qty. This means you accept that you will deliver the requested quantity to the customer.

The Accepted qty becomes the Order quantity on the sales order when you Post the transaction.

Only lines containing no errors are updated. Errors are indicated in the Status column.

Post Select this to add or update the scheduled sales order lines with the Accepted quantities. Only lines containing no errors are updated. Errors are indicated in the Status column for the relevant line.

For the first release schedule received, the Sales Order lines are created on the scheduled sales order. The Accepted quantities become the Ordered quantities on the sales order. The status of the sales order is set to 2 - Open back order.

For subsequent release schedules entered into the system, the sales order lines are updated with the new accepted quantities. The new accepted quantities now become the new ordered quantities on the sales order as follows:

  1. The program stores the sum of any shipment quantities and the status of the order before setting the status of the order to Suspense.
  2. The program deletes the sales order detail lines.
  3. The detail lines are rebuilt using the release acceptance column.

    An order-attached comment line is appended containing the release reference.

  4. The ship quantities (and relevant back order quantities) are adjusted to absorb the quantity stored in step 1 above.
  5. The sales order is returned to its previous status.

    If the ship quantity exceeds the total order quantity, then the order quantity is increased to match.

Status This indicates the status of the release line.

In trans indicates that the items have been added to the sales order, but not yet confirmed as received by the customer. Invoices marked as not received in the balancing phase are added to In trans.

An error icon is displayed in this column for any errors found. Move your mouse over the tooltip in this column to display details of the error.

This column cannot be removed from the grid.


This represents the drop frequency (or dates of delivery) for the corresponding quantities.

It also indicates the Opening Cume and the In Transit Cume.

Start and end points for the Day Ranges are indicated by the message ** CON ** Pct var : 10+ 10- .

A warning is displayed if this rule is not adhered to. The start and end point of various time fences are displayed to aid decision making.

Existing qty This is the quantity currently on the scheduled sales order for the contract.
Requested qty This is the release quantity entered for each date using the Release Maintenance program. These are the quantities that the customer requested.
Accepted qty

Indicate the quantity you will deliver against the Requested qty.

The accepted quantity cannot be changed for lines which contain errors. Errors are indicated in the Status column.

Difference qty

If you selected to view the Difference calculation - Accepted - Requested, then this indicates the difference between what the customer requested and what you accepted to deliver when you process the release confirmation. If you used the Release Maintenance program to change the quantities, then the new quantities become the Requested quantities and no variance is displayed. A variance is only indicated when you change the Accepted quantity (to a value other than the Requested quantity) in the confirmation process and post the new quantity.

If you selected to view the Difference calculation - Requested - Existing, then this displays the difference between what the customer requested on the release and what is against the sales order.

If you selected to view the Difference calculation - Accepted - Requested, then this displays the difference between what you accepted to deliver and what the customer ordered against the release.

Existing cume This is the cumulative figure of the release that will be superseded by the new accepted cume. It represents the current lines on the sales order.
Requested cume This is the cumulative requested quantity for the release.
Accepted cume This column is initially blank. It represents the position where the accepted cume is built.

This is the cumulative quantity you accepted to deliver on the release.

Difference cume

This is the cumulative difference between one of the following, depending on the Difference calculation you selected:

  • Requested - Existing

  • Accepted - Existing

  • Accepted - Requested

Warning This indicates any warning messages applicable to the release.

If the warning indicates that the pricing and contract does not apply to a line, you need to use the Sales Order Entry program to adjust the selling price.

Notes Enter free format text for the release line. These narrations can be copied from the warning.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Review option from the Release Review & Confirmation program.

Restricted maintenance

  • It is recommended that only senior personnel use this program since it is at this level that the decisions affecting the company are made.