Sales Orders > Blanket SO & Releases > Release Maintenance

Release Maintenance

You use this program to enter new Blanket Sales Order releases into the system and to maintain unconfirmed releases (where release dates and quantities have not been converted into scheduled sales orders).

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Confirmation Select this to use the Release Review & Confirmation program to reconcile the cumulative delivery position between the supplier and the customer (balancing phase), and to compare the delivery status of the current release to the proposed delivery of the new release (building phase).
Change Select this to maintain the releases for currently highlighted entry in the listview.
Customer Enter the code of the customer for whom you want to maintain the releases.
Releases Select this to view a list of contracts by customer using the SO Contract Browse program.

Listview columns

The following information is included in the listview:

Column Description
Customer purchase order This is the customer's purchase order as entered against the contract.
Customer stock code This is the customer's stock code.
SYSPRO stock code This is the equivalent SYSPRO stock code for the customer's stock code.

Release Maintenance

This screen is displayed when you select the Change option from the Edit menu.

Before you can maintain the selected release, you must enter the Release date required, as well as a Reference.


You cannot confirm a subsequent release until the dispatch note is invoiced when a non-invoiced dispatch note exists against the order and the option Use dispatch note to confirm delivery is enabled (Contract Maintenance).

Field Description
Save Select this to save the information you entered for the release.
Reference Enter a reference for the release. This field is mandatory.

Last Invoice/Dispatch Note Information

Field Description
Release details  
Reference This is the reference you entered for the release.
Release date

Enter the start date of the release.

This date must be between the contract base date and the expiry date.

Last invoice/dispatch information If you entered an existing reference and release date, then the following message is displayed:

"Do you wish to re-call the previous confirmed release?"

If you select Yes, then details of the previous releases are displayed in the Release Details panes. This enables you to maintain previously entered releases.


This is the invoice number for the release.

Leave this field blank if there is no last invoice number to record, or it is unknown.

Dispatch/del note This is the dispatch note number or the delivery note number for the release.

Select the browse icon to use the Blanket SO Lookup Invoices program to display a list of all invoices billed against the customer.

Invoice date Enter the date of the invoice for the release.
Invoice quantity

Enter the invoice quantity for the release selected.

This quantity will default if a valid invoice was entered, but can be changed.

Opening cume

Enter the opening cumulative amount for the release.

This entry will be the Opening cumulative figure when the Release Review & Confirmation program is run.

Release Details

This pane comprises two sections, namely the Release Details and Options pane which enables you to enter the release details and the Releases listview which displays the release details currently defined.

Release Details and Options

Once the release details have been entered, you must select the Update function in the Releases pane to update the entries in the listview.

Field Description
Release details  
Quantity Enter the release quantity.
Date Enter the release date.
Drop frequency Indicate the time frame for the delivery.
DaySelect this to indicate a daily delivery.
WeekSelect this to indicate a weekly delivery.
MonthSelect this to indicate a monthly delivery.
Entry format  
Entry format selection Indicate whether you want to enter the delivery quantities in a cumulative or an absolute manner.
CumulativeSelect this to enter the cumulative quantities for each delivery.
QuantitySelect this to enter the actual delivery quantities.

The release details entered are displayed in this listview.

Field Description
Update Select this to update the release entries displayed in the listview. The information entered in the Release Details and Options pane is added to (or changed in) the listview.
Clear Select this to clear all releases in the listview.
Remove Select this to delete the release currently highlighted in the listview.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Although you can view previous delivery details, the program is designed for the quick recording of a release and is not intended for the analysis of the release requests.

  • If you are using the Blanket Sales Order Releases Import program (Business-to-Business Trading) then you will not use this program except, perhaps, to manually enter an EDI release where errors have been detected.