Sales Orders > Counter Sales > Counter Sales Purge

Counter Sales Purge

You use this program to delete sales and payment records for the selected cash drawer(s) in preparation for starting a new day or shift.

Counter Sales Purge

Field Description
Cash drawer selection  
All Select this to purge all cash drawers. Details purged includes the total cash receipts summary.
Single Select this to purge a specific cash drawer.
Cash drawer Indicate the specific cash drawer for which you want to delete all payment and sales summary details.
Purge Selected Drawers

Select this function to start the purge process.


The following conditions must be met before a cash drawer can be purged:

  • The drawer must be closed
  • Transactions must have been processed for the drawer and these transactions must have been printed on the Counter Sales Report.
Close Select this to exit the program without purging.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • The purge does not affect any Sales Analysis files; only files used for the Counter Sales Query and Counter Sales Report programs.