Sales Orders > Sales Order Query > Sales Order Invoices

Sales Order Invoices

You use this program to view invoice reprint information.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Options Select this to Indicate the range of sales orders and customers for which to display invoices in the listview.
Include Select this to indicate the invoice types to display in the listview.
Query Select this to use the Sales Invoice Query program to view detailed information for the highlighted invoice.
Sequence The sequence options are enabled/disabled according to the sequence options selected in the Sales Invoice Query program.
Invoice Select this to display the listview entries by invoice number.
Order Select this to display the listview entries by sales order number.
Customer Select this to order the listview entries by customer code.


This screen is displayed when you select Options from the Options menu.

Field Description
Accept Options Select this to accept your selections and to return to the listview. Only those invoices you selected to display are displayed.
Close Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the listview.
Sales orders  
Sales order selection Indicate the sales order(s) for which you want to display details in the listview
Customer selection Indicate the customer(s) for whom you want to include invoices in the listview.


This screen is displayed when you select the Include option from the Include menu.

Field Description
Invoice from order Select this to include invoices created from sales orders.
Dispatch invoice Select this to include dispatch invoices.
Consolidated dispatch invoice Select this to include consolidated dispatch invoices.
SCT Select this to include Supply Chain Transfer invoices.
Dispatch SCT Select this to include Dispatch Supply Chain Transfer invoices.
Select All Select this to include all invoice types in the listview.
Deselect All Select this to deselect all invoice types from being displayed in the listview. You typically use this function to deselect all invoice types before selecting only the few invoice types you require.
OK Select this to accept your selections and to return to the listview. Only those invoice types you selected to display are included in the listview.
Cancel Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the listview.

Listview columns

Column Description
Customer invoice This indicates the invoice number.
Sales order This indicates the sales order number from which the invoice was generated.
Source This indicates the source of the invoice.
Customer This indicates the customer against whom the invoice was processed.
Dispatch note This indicates the dispatch note number from which the invoice was generated.
GTR This indicates the Goods in Transit reference number.
Source w/h This indicates the source warehouse for a goods in transit transaction.
Target w/h This indicates the target warehouse for a goods in transit transaction.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Invoices field from the Order Header pane of the Sales Order Query program.

Coding considerations

  • The information for this query originates from the following invoice reprint files:

    • Sales order invoices
    • Dispatch invoices
    • Consolidated Dispatch Invoices

    Your entry at the Number of days to retain - Reprint file option (Sales Orders Setup) determines the period for which information can be queried from these files.