Sales Orders > Sales Order Processing > Back Order Review

Back Order Review

You use this program to review sales orders that are on back order and to optionally create purchase orders and requisitions (for bought-out items) and jobs (for made-in and subcontract items).

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Review Select this to display the backorder details according the SO Back Order Review Criteria you indicated.

The stock items matching the options you selected are displayed in the SO Back Order Review listview.

Change Criteria Select this to indicate a different set of criteria according to which you want to display backorder details. You indicate these criteria in the SO Back Order Review Criteria pane.

SO Back Order Review Criteria

This pane enables you to indicate a range of selection criteria according to which to display items that are on backorder.

Field Description
Ship dates  
Ship date selection Indicate the ship date(s) for which to include items that are on backorder.
Stock codes  
Stock code selection Indicate the stock code(s) for which to include items that are on backorder.
Warehouse selection

Indicate a range of warehouses for which to items that are on backorder.

If a specific warehouse is entered, then only sales orders containing at least one order line for the warehouse are printed.

Sales orders  
Sales order selection Indicate the sales order(s) for which you want to display items that are on backorder.
Buyer selection

Indicate the buyer(s) for which you want to include stock codes in the review. The Buyer selection filters the stock codes according to the buyer defined against the stock code (Stock Codes).

If a single buyer is selected, then non-stocked items are excluded by default, but can be included using the Non-stocked items selections options.

Supplier selection Indicate the supplier(s) for which you want to include items that are on backorder.
Planner selection Indicate the planner(s) for which you want to include items that are on backorder.

The Planner selection filters the stock codes according to the planner set up against the stock code (Stock Codes)

If a single planner is selected, non-stocked items are excluded by default, but can be included using the Non-stocked items selection options.

Include/exclude options  
Include previously rejected lines Select this to include lines that were previously rejected in the review.
Include lines with cancelled items

Select this to include lines that contain cancelled items in the review.

For example: You created a job using the Back Order Review program and then cancelled the job. The sales order line with the cancelled job is only included in the Backorder Review if this option is selected.

Include made-in, subcontracted, kit items

Select this to include made-in, subcontracted and kit items in the review.

This applies when the Work in Progress module is installed.

Include bought out items

Select this option to include any bought out items in the review.

You can only select this option if the Purchase Order module is installed.

Include counter sales in status 8 Select this to include any counter sales items that are in a status of 8 in the review.
include billings in status 8 Select this to include any back ordered items that are attached to a status 8 billing in the review.
Non-stocked items  
Non-stocked items selections Indicate whether you want to include or exclude non-stocked items from the review, or only review back orders for non-stocked items.
IncludeSelect this to include non-stocked items in the review.
ExcludeSelect this to exclude non-stocked items from the review.
OnlySelect this to display only non-stocked items in the review.
Copy attached comment lines to PO Select this to be able to copy comment lines attached to a sales order merchandise line to the purchase order created for that sales order line. This enables you to duplicate information captured against the sales order line on the purchase order.
Allow SCT for non transfer-supplied wh Select this to enable the creation of supply chain transfers for warehouses that have not been configured as transfer-supplied.
Remove processed lines

SO Back Order Review

The stock items matching the criteria you indicated in the Back Order Review Criteria pane are displayed.

Field Description

Select this to alternate between rejecting and reinstating a line.

The highlighted line is either reinstated or rejected depending on its status when you select this function.

This function can be used in conjunction with the option to include previously rejected lines (Options function).

When you reject a line, the system puts a "D" into the review field - SORDET-M-REVIEW (MReviewFlag) and will exclude the line from future reviews unless you select the option to include previously rejected lines.

Create Job/P Order/SCT

Select this to create a job (for made-in or subcontracted parts) or a requisition/purchase order (for bought-out items) or a supply chain transfer from the sales order line.

ATP Select this to view when the stock item is available to be sold using the Inventory ATP Query program.


The Back order details are displayed when you select the Start Review function.

Column Description

If Cancelled appears in this column, it indicates that a purchase order was created for the line and the purchase order was then cancelled.

Rejected" is displayed in this column if you used the Reject/Reinstate function to reject the line.

Sales order This indicates the sales order number.
Type of order This indicates whether the order is a Billing or Counter sale.

Job/Purchase Order/SCT

You use the Create Job/P Order/SCT function to create a job (for made-in or subcontracted parts) or a requisition/purchase order (for bought-out items) or a supply chain transfer from the sales order line.

By creating requisitions you ensure that the sales order for which the purchase order was created is updated automatically when the purchase order is receipted in. This prevents the stock from inadvertently being sold to someone else.

By creating a job that is linked to a sales order line, you ensure that when goods are received into stock the sales order line is updated automatically.

You can create a job for a component that is a kit item. The job is created using the allocations from Bill of Materials.

Field Description
Accept Select this to accept the selection you made and to enter the information to create the relevant SCT, Purchase Order, Requisition or Job.
Cancel Select this to return to the listview.
Supply to create  
Purchase Order

Select this to create a purchase order for the selected sales order line using the PO Creation program.

The customer's purchase order number is inserted on the purchase order, if it is defined against the sales order.

You cannot create a purchase order for a supplier who is on hold (Suppliers).


Select this to create a purchase order requisition for the selected sales order line using the Requisition Entry program.

You cannot create a requisition if the option: Allow creation of reqn from sales order review is not enabled against your requisition user code (see Requisition Users).

SCT Select this to create a supply chain transfer for the selected sales order line using the SO Supply Chain Transfer Creation program.
Job Select this to create a job for the selected sales order line using the Job Entry program.

You can only create a job for a back ordered line when:

  • the sales order is in a status of 1, 2, 3 or 4 (see Sales Order Status Codes).

  • the sales order line does not already have a job attached to it.

  • the sales order line is not an inter-branch transfer, a debit not or a credit note.

Requisition user

Indicate the user code to use for creating a requisition.

The user code must have the authority to create requisitions from sales order review (Requisition Users).

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Hierarchical orders are ignored by the Back Order Review program.

  • Lines for orders in Suspense are not displayed in the review.

  • If the sales order line is for a Scheduled order, then the line must be allocated before it is displayed in the listview.

Job and Sales order Notes

  • When creating a job from within the Back Order Review program, any Job narrationsand any sales order additional text (Sales Order Add. Text) defined against the stock code are added to the job which is created.

    To prevent the sales order additional text defined against the stock code from being added to the job, you need to disable the Auto insert dangerous goods text option (Sales Orders Setup).

Inclusion/Exclusion of Sales orders linked to Jobs

The following applies when a job is linked to a sales order (i.e. you created a job for a particular sales order and a valid link between the job and the sales order exists):

  • As long as the job is not marked as Complete, the sales order is not displayed in the review of backorders.
  • When you process a receipt for the job and you mark the job as Complete, the following can occur:

    • If the quantity is enough to satisfy the entire backorder quantity required, then the quantity is issued to the sales order.

      The backorder quantity is moved to the ship field on the sales order and the order is not displayed in the review of backorders.

    • If the quantity does not satisfy the entire backorder quantity required, then the sales order is displayed in the backorder review.
    • If the quantity is receipted into a bin which is on hold, then the quantity is not issued to the sales order.

      The sales order is not displayed in the backorder review.

    • If you changed the warehouse on the job and did not select to update the sales order as well, then the quantity is not issued to the sales order as it is receipted into a different warehouse.

      The sales order remains on back order, but is not displayed in the backorder review.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.