SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Imports > Manufacturing > Estimate Structure Import

Estimate Structure Import

You use this program to import components from an existing estimate or ASCII file.

You can also copy data from Excel or manually enter the data using the grid in the Details pane.


Field Description
Import Validates the contents of the import file and imports records according to your selection at the Import only if all rows are valid option.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.


Data source

Field Description
Import method  
From file Select this to import data from a file.
Use data grid Select this to enter the import data directly into the grid of the Details pane

You can paste the contents of an Excel spreadsheet into the grid. A blank line is created as the first line in the grid because by default, focus is set on the first editable line for all import program grids.

File location  
Server Indicates the import file resides on the server.
Client Indicates the import file resides on the client.
File name Indicate the name of the import file (include the full path).
Review file This loads the contents of the import file into the Details pane, which lets you validate the lines on the grid prior to importing the file. The Import button is enabled only when all lines are valid.

The import file is deleted if you enable the Delete file after use option.


Field Description
Import only if all rows are valid When enabled, the entire import file must be valid before any records can be imported. The import aborts if any errors are encountered.

When not enabled, valid records are imported and invalid records are ignored when the import is performed.

Parent non-stocked code Indicate the non-stocked code for which you are creating an estimate.
Parent route Displays the route defined against the non-stocked code selected.
Insert options  
Delete existing before import Deletes the existing components before importing the new details.
Insert only new Inserts the imported components before any existing data.
Merge new with existing Merges the existing components with the new data that is imported. If you select this option, you can define how the components must be merged.
Merge options These options are only enabled if you selected Merge new with existing above.
Accumulate qty per Adds the imported quantity per value to the existing quantity per value for identical components.
Replace with 'from' qty per Uses the imported quantity per values for all components.
Leave qty per unchanged Retains the existing quantity per values for all components.
Quantity per multiplier

Enter the amount by which the quantity per must be multiplied for the quantity for the new estimate.

If you enter a multiplier greater than one and you copy a component which uses fixed quantity per, then the multiplier is only applied to the quantity per and not to the fixed parent quantity. This is regardless of whether you copy the component from an estimate or an ASCII file.

Hierarchical estimate  

After processing completed

Field Description
Print the Details Generate a report of the contents of the Details entry grid.
Email the Details Generate an email of the contents of the Details entry grid.
Print the Import Results Generate a report of the contents of the Import Results pane.
Email the Import Results Generate an email of the contents of the Import Results pane.
Email recipients Indicate the email addresses of recipients to whom you want to email the information displayed in the output panes.
Delete file after use Indicate whether you want to delete the import file after all records are successfully imported.

The file is also deleted if you enable this option and select the Review file function.

In a client/server environment, both the import file on the server and the temporary import file created on the client are deleted.

Close the application Exits the program once processing is complete. Do not select this if you want to be able to view the information on screen when processing is complete or you want to print or email the contents of the Details and Import Results panes.



Field Description
Validate This verifies whether there are any errors in the grid, without actually importing records.

Exclamation marks in the Validation status column indicates that one or more fields in the line are invalid. An explanatory error message is displayed when you hover your mouse pointer over the exclamation marks.

Print Prints the contents of the import file, or changes made in the grid.
Export to Excel Outputs data from the Details pane to an Excel spreadsheet.
Search text  
Clear Clears the contents in the search text field.
Copy Copies the lines in the Details pane.
Paste (all columns) Ensure that you have data for all the columns that can appear in the data grid before selecting this option.

When you select to Paste (all columns) the date you are pasting must be in the format CCYYMMDD. Although no validation errors are displayed, the date is not converted into your SYSPRO date format.

Paste (visible columns only) Pastes data into the columns that currently appear in the data grid, in the sequence that they appear.

When you select to Paste (visible columns only) and the date you are pasting is not in CCYYMMDD format, you are prompted for the date format. The program correctly inserts it into the grid in the SYSPRO date format.

Duplicate Copies the current row to the end of the data grid.
Find and Replace  

Import Results

Displays a summary of the results of the validation/import.

This information can be printed or emailed providing you did not select to Close the application in the After processing completed section.

Import File Layout for 7

Field Start position Field length and description
Header   ;SYSPRO IMPORT - Version=001 - QOTPMI

Mandatory entry of this comment on the first line of the import file to distinguish it from a SYSPRO 6.1 layout file. This comment is not case-sensitive.

Record type 1 1

Each line must start with the character S.

Component 2 30

Specify a valid component stock code or non-stocked code.

Non-stocked component 32 1

Y indicates a non-stocked component.

Quantity per 33 20

A negative sign can be entered at the start of this field.

Defaults to zero if left blank.

You can define this as a fixed quantity per by entering Y at the Fixed quantity per field.

Sequence number 53 6

Defaults to zero if left blank.

This must be numeric when the Structure sequencing required option is enabled (Bill of Materials Setup).

Operation number/offset days 59 5

Defaults to 1 if left blank.

Operation/offset flag 64 1

This qualifies your entry at the Operation number/offset days field.

DOffset days
Scrap percentage 65 5

Defaults to zero if left blank.

Scrap quantity 70 20

A negative sign can be entered at the start of the field.

Defaults to zero if left blank.

Order entry - optional 90 1

Currently not applicable.

Order entry print flag 91 1

Currently not applicable.

Issue scrap automatically 92 1
YIssue both material and progressive scrap automatically.
MOnly issue material scrap automatically.
POnly issue progressive scrap automatically.
Reason 93 30

Indicate a reason for the addition.

Include component in kit issues 123 1

Defaults to Y.

Markup/margin % 124 7

A negative sign can be entered at the start of the field.

Defaults to zero if left blank.

Create non-stocked code 131 1
N (or space)Do not create. If it is not on file, return an error.
YCreate and if it is already on file, return an error.
OOnly create if not already on file. If its not on file, then add the non-stocked code and then create the component. If it is already on file, then just create the component.
Generate non-stocked code 132 1

This only applies if the parent is quotation-specific.

Description 133 50

This field cannot be blank if adding a non-stocked component.

Part category 183 1

Mandatory. Valid entries include:

Product class 184 20

This field cannot be blank if adding a non-stocked component.

Unit of measure 204 10

This field cannot be blank if adding a non-stocked component.

Mass 214 19

Defaults to 1 if left blank.

Volume 233 19

Defaults to zero if left blank.

Maximum decimals 252 1

Valid entries are in the range 0-3. The default is 3.

Supplier 253 15

If an entry is made, then the supplier must be on file.

Traceable 268 1

Only applies to made in, subcontract and phantom parts.

Defaults to N.

Buyer 269 20

Only applies to bought out items.

If an entry is made, then the buyer must be on file.

Planner 289 20

Only applies to made in, subcontract and phantom parts.

If an entry is made, then the planner must be on file.

Lead time 309 10

Only applies to bought out items.

Defaults to 1 if left blank or is invalid.

Dock to stock 319 10

Defaults to zero if left blank or is invalid.

WIP G/L control 329 35

Only applies to made in, subcontract and phantom parts.

If an entry is made here and Inventory is integrated to General Ledger then the code must be on file.

Tariff code 364 15

(EC VAT only).

This identifies goods which are the subject of a dispatch or arrival and is the basis for most statistical information used by government departments, the European Commission, United Nations agencies and businesses themselves.

Supplementary units 379 1

(EC VAT only).

Indicates whether a supplementary unit is required for the Tariff code.

A number of tariff codes require the declaration of a supplementary unit (e.g. number of pieces, cubic metres or litres). Generally, a supplementary unit is required when it is a more appropriate measure of particular goods than the net mass and provides a greater degree of comparison and analysis.

Costing method 380 1

Mandatory for bought out items.

The Unit cost is only used when creating a non-stocked component.

UUnit cost.
PPurchase price.
Cost 381 17


  • the purchase price of a bought out item


  • the unit cost of a non-stocked component that is not on file if you enabled the check box to create the non-stocked code. The new non-stocked code is created with the unit cost entered here. For non-stocked components already on file, the values against the non-stocked codes are used. The program does not update the non-stocked file with this unit cost.

Defaults to zero if left blank.

A negative sign can be entered at the start of the field.

Fixed quantity per 398 1

Defaults to N.

An entry of Y indicates that the quantity per entered is for a fixed quantity per.

Parent per fixed quantity 399 19

Enter the number of parent parts to which the fixed quantity relates. If a zero, the system assumes that you want to use the fixed quantity per that was entered, regardless of the number of parent parts being made.

Component type 418 20

Field type - Alpha

Enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters for the component type.
Reference designator 428 50

Field type - Alpha

Enter up to 50 alphanumeric characters for the reference designator.
Assembly place 478 50

Field type - Alpha

Enter up to 50 alphanumeric characters for the assembly place.
Item number 528 50

Field type - Alpha

Enter up to 50 alphanumeric characters for the item number.

Import File Layout for 6.1

Field Start position Field length
Record type 1 Each line must start with the character S.
Comp. stock/non-stocked code 2 30
Non-stocked component 32 1
Quantity per 33 14
Sequence number 47 6
Operation number/offset days 53 3
Operation/offset flag 56 1
Scrap percentage 57 5
Scrap quantity 62 8
Order entry - optional 70 1
Order entry print flag 71 1
Issue scrap automatically 72 1
Reason 73 10
Include component in kit issues 83 1
Markup/margin % 84 7
Create non-stocked code 91 1
Generate non-stocked code 92 1
Description 93 30
Part category 123 1
Product class 124 4
Unit of measure 128 3
Mass 131 13
Volume 144 13
Maximum decimals 157 1
Supplier 158 7
Traceable 165 1
Buyer 166 3
Planner 169 3
Lead time 172 3
Dock to stock 175 3
WIP G/L control 178 15
Tariff code 193 15
Supplementary units 208 1
Costing method 209 1
Cost 210 16
Fixed quantity per 226 1
Parent per fixed quantity 227 11
Component type 238 20
Reference designator 258 50
Assembly place 308 50
Item number 358 50

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • You cannot import items where the part category is defined as N - Notional part (Stock Codes).

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
QOT Estimate add component

Controls access to the Add Component function in the following programs:

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Estimate Structure Import

QOT Estimate change component

Controls access to the Change function for Components in the following programs:

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Estimate Structure Import

QOT Estimate delete component

Controls access to the Delete function for Components in the following programs:

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Estimate Structure Import

QOT Estimate add operation

Controls access to the Add Operation function in the following programs:

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Estimate Structure Import

  • Quotation Estimate Routing Import

QOT Estimate delete operation

Controls access to the Delete function for Operations in the following programs:

  • Estimates

  • Quotation Copy to Estimates

  • Quotation Estimate Structure Import

  • Quotation Estimate Routing Import

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Listview/Forms - Export or print data Controls whether an operator can print the contents of a listview and/or output the contents of a listview to an HTML page, XML document or Excel spreadsheet.
Maintain data in import programs Controls whether an operator can maintain import data in a data grid within any SYSPRO import program before the import is performed.
Allowed to import from client Controls whether an operator can use a SYSPRO import program to import data from a client machine (in a client/server environment).
File Browse on server (C/S system) Controls whether an operator use the browse function to load the Browse on Files and Folders program to locate files on the server in a client/server environment. Operators can still navigate to a file or folder on the server by typing in the full path name in the entry field.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.