Quotations > Quotations Processing > Quotation Confirmation > Billing Schedules

Billing Schedules

You use this program to define the billing schedules for a contract.

Schedules can also be maintained using the Browse on Billing Schedules program.

The description for this screen changes according to the billing method you selected for the contract (see Browse on Contracts).

You use the Billing Schedule Review program to view the schedules due to be billed when a specified stage of the contract or a specific time period is reached.

Fixed Days

This screen is displayed if you selected the Billing method: Fixed day of the month from the Browse on Contracts program.

Field Description
Billing day  
Day Enter the day of the month on which the customer must be billed.
Billing amount  
Value Select this to bill the customer for the amount entered in the value field on the day of the month selected.
Percent Select this to bill the customer according to the percentage of the selling price you enter in the Percentage field.

Enter the value to be billed on the selected day.

This field is only enabled if you selected to bill a value.


Enter the percentage of the selling price to be billed on the selected day.

This field is only enabled if you selected to bill a percentage.

Contract details  
Contract This displays the contract for which you are defining the schedule.
Job This displays the job within the contract for which you are defining the schedule.
Value This displays the total sales value still to be allocated to billing schedules.
Percentage This displays the total percentage still to be allocated to billing schedules.
Completion date

This indicates the date on which the contract is due to be completed.

The date defined against the contract (see Browse on Contracts) is displayed by default, but can be changed.

Create Schedules

Select this to create the schedules according to the information you entered.

Schedules are created at job level.

The schedules are created according to the following criteria:

  • If the day selected has already passed in the current month, then the first schedule is created for the following month.
  • Monthly schedules are created for the specified day until the estimated date of completion is reached.
  • If you selected 31 as the billing day, then schedules are created for the last day of the month. For example, the schedule for February is created for the 28th.
  • If the day selected is a non-working day, then the schedule is created for the first working day thereafter.
  • If you selected to bill values and the values for schedules created so far exceed the selling price, then schedules are only created up to the month in which the selling price is reached and not up to the completion date entered.
  • If you selected to bill percentages of the selling price, then schedules are only created until 100% of the selling price is reached.

    For example, if you enter 10%, then a maximum of 10 schedules are created, irrespective of the number of months between now and the completion date. Similarly, if you enter 10% and the number of months between now and the completion date is 5, then schedules are created at 10% for the first 4 months and 60% for the final (5th) month.

  • If the estimated date of completion is reached before the full amount (value or percentage) is used to create schedules, then the final schedule is created with the remaining value or percentage amount.
Close Select this to exit the screen without creating the schedules.

Series of Days

This screen is displayed if you selected the Billing method: Series of fixed dates from the Browse on Contracts program.

Field Description
Billing days of month  
Schedule date

Enter the date on which the schedule must be created.

You must enter a working day.

Billing amount  
Value Select to bill the customer for the amount entered in the value field on the date selected.
Percent Select this to bill the customer according to the percentage of the selling price you enter in the Percentage field.

Enter the value to be billed on the selected date.

This field is only enabled if you selected to bill a value.


Enter the percentage of the selling price to be billed on the selected date.

This field is only enabled if you selected to bill a percentage.

Contract This displays the contract for which you are defining the schedule
Job This displays the job within the contract for which you are defining the schedule.

This displays the total amount still to be billed for the job.

This amount is decreased/increased each time you use the Add and Remove functions.

You will be unable to continue adding schedules when this value reaches zero.


This displays the total percentage still to be allocated to billing schedules.

This percentage is decreased/increased each time you use the Add and Remove functions.

You will be unable to continue adding schedules when this percentage reaches zero.

Apply Undistributed Select this to apply the amount displayed in the Value field or the percentage displayed in the Percentage field to the current schedule.
Add Select this to add the value or percentage for the selected date to the list of dates already defined.
Remove Select this to delete the highlighted date and value/percentage from the list of dates already defined.
Contract completion date

This indicates the date on which the contract is due to be completed.

The date defined against the contract (see Browse on Contracts) is displayed by default, but can be changed.

Create Schedules

Select this to create the schedules for the selected dates.

Schedules are created at job level.

Close Select this to exit the screen without creating the schedules

Percentage of Head/Section Complete

You use this screen to define the completion percentages for the heads/sections against the schedule for the hierarchical job.

This screen is displayed if you selected the Billing method: Percentage of head/section complete from the Browse on Contracts program.

Field Description
Percentage of head/section complete  
Contract This displays the contract for which you are defining the schedule.
Job This displays the job within the contract for which you are defining the schedule.
Hierarchy Select this to use the P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies program to select the specific head/section for which you want to define the billing percentage to apply.

Enter the percentage to bill for the selected head/section.

The percentage you enter applies to the percentage completion of the head/section you selected and the percentage to bill.

For example:

You have a hierarchical job which has Head 1 and sections S1 and S2 for Head 1.

If you select S1 and enter 10%, then the customer will be billed for 10% of the selling price for S1 when S1 is 10% complete.

You use the Browse on Contracts program to define the selling price for each head/section.

Add Select this to add the head/section and its percentage to the list of percentages already defined.
Remove Select this to remove the highlighted head/section and its percentage from the list of percentages already defined.
Create Schedules

Select this to create the billing schedules according to the information you entered.

The schedules are created at job level, for the specific head/section in the hierarchy. Schedules are billed when the head/section reaches the percentage defined on the schedule.

Committed values and uncommitted values are compared to determine when the required percentage or value on a schedule has been reached. The committed value for a job is the value of material/subcontract work or labor that has been issued to the job, and any outstanding purchase orders placed for the job less any cost of sales. The uncommitted value for a job is the value of material/subcontract work or labour that has been allocated to the job but not yet issued. This excludes allocations covered by outstanding purchase orders for the job. Once a purchase order has been raised as a result of an allocation for a job, the value of the purchase order is considered to be a committed value.

For example, if a schedule exists for a job when Head1/Section 1 is 10% complete, then the Billing Schedule Review program will bill 10% of the selling price for Head 1/Section 1 when Head 1/Section 1 is 10% complete. Committed values and uncommitted values are compared to determine when Head 1/Section 1 is 10% complete.

Close Select this to exit the screen without creating the schedules.

Percentage of Anticipated Costs

This screen is displayed if you selected the Billing method: Percentage of anticipated costs from the Browse on Contracts program.

Field Description
Percentage of anticipated costs  
Contract This displays the contract for which you are defining the schedule.
Job This displays the job within the contract for which you are defining the schedule.
Hierarchy Select this to use the P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies program to select the hierarchy to which you want to allocated the percentage to bill.
Percentage Enter the percentage to bill for the selected hierarchy.
Add Select this to add the percentage to the list of percentages already defined.
Remove Select this to remove the highlighted percentage from the list of percentages already defined.
Create Schedules

Select this to create the billing schedules according to the information you entered.

Schedules are created at job level for the specific head/section in the hierarchy.

You define anticipated costs against a job hierarchy using the P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies program. The first anticipated cost is compared to the committed cost to determine when the required percentage or value on the schedule has been reached. The job is billed when the specified percentage is reached. The committed value for a job is the value of material/subcontract work or labor that has been issued to the job, and any outstanding purchase orders placed for the job less any cost of sales.

Close Select this to exit the screen without creating the schedules.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program is run when you use the Quotation Confirmation program to confirm a quotation linked to a contract. It can also be run from the Job Entry program.

Restrictions and limits

  • If you selected the Billing method: Percentage of costs accumulated, then you use the Create Schedules function from the Browse on Contracts program and not the P&C Billing Schedules program to create the schedules.