> Organization Lists

Organization Lists

Organization lists are a directory of your customers, suppliers and accounts, and are a great way to keep track of them, particularly if you have many.

They contain the contact details of the people with whom you do business.

These contact details include information about the people you need to keep in contact with.

They include notes regarding sales, details about when they want to be contacted, products they are interested in, as well as personal details about them that you can use to create and maintain a business relationship with them.

Getting started

You can create and maintain these organization lists and contacts in SYSPRO when you need to capture details about an account, customer or supplier.

Programs that use organization lists include:

  • Contact Query

  • Organization Lists

  • My Organization Query

You can also record your phone calls and emails, as well as your meetings and tasks with your contacts. This is achieved using the Post Activity function in the Contact Query program.

SYSPRO Office Integration can also be used to record these activities.