Contact Management > Contact Management Query

Contact Management Query

You use this program to view information about the people with whom you do business.

The query provides several views into your contact information, enabling you to see the relationships between organizations (i.e. customers, suppliers and accounts) and their contacts.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Preferences Select this to use the Contact Query Preferences program to configure options determine the level of detail to display within the query.
Account Select this to use the Accounts program to add a new account into the Contact Management System. An Account is a contact who is neither a supplier nor a customer. This could be a prospective customer (prospect), a consultant or a competitor for example.
Contact Select this to use the Contacts program to add a new contact to the Contact Management System.
Activity Select this to use the Contact Activity Posting program to add an activity to the currently displayed contact.

Organization View

The Organization View enables you to view the relationships between the organizations you deal with and to view contact information for each organization.

In an SQL environment, a message is displayed when the system detects that more than 8000 organizations exist and no information is displayed. The default choice is to set your preferences to show 1000 organizations per page. This preference can be changed again if required, or left at 1000 per page. Alternatively (especially if there are just over 8000 organizations) you can elect to continue and the program will attempt to display more items. This is not recommended as the program may fail. The warning is displayed each time you try to display more than 8000 items.

Organization List

Field Description
Menu The following options can be selected when using the menu icon in the Organization List pane header.
List Notepad Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program to view and maintain free format notes for the organization(s).
View All Organizations Display all Organization lists in the Organization List treeview.
Select an Organization List Select this to use the Organization Lists program to select the organization list you want to view.
View My Favorite List Display the organization list you defined as your favorite.
Set Current List as My Favorite Set the currently displayed organization list as your favorite list.
Toolbar The toolbar is only enabled when you select the preference: Show organizations a page at a time (Contact Query Preferences).
Navigational iconsYou use these icons to view the next page or the previous page and to navigate to the first organization or to the last organization.
StartNavigate to a specific entry in the listview by entering a string in this field and pressing either the Enter key or selecting the Go icon. The system navigates to the first organization whose name is greater than or equal to the string entered, depending on your selection at the preference: Organization type - Start At.

This option is not available when the Show Organization View as a treeview Preference is enabled (Contact Query Preferences). Predictive search does not work on the Start entry field as this is not a specific key field. It is a field that allows you to start the list on either a customer, a supplier or an account, all of which have different keys.

My Organization

This pane enables you to view up-to-date information about the people in your own organization and your own personal activities.

If you access this program from the My Organization Query program then by default only the information for your company account, 9999998 is displayed.

You can view information for other organizations if required, by selecting the options: View All Organizations or Select an Organization List from the Organization List pane menu.

Account Organizations

The following options can be selected when you right-click on an Account entry in the listview:

  • Edit Account (see Accounts)
  • New Contact (see Contacts)
  • Create Customer (see Account to Customer Wizard)
  • Create Supplier (see Account to Supplier Wizard)

Information displayed in this pane includes account related information. There are a number of hyperlinks that allow you to view more information about the account.

Customer Organizations

The following options can be selected when you right-click on a Customer entry in the listview:

  • Edit Customer (see Customers)
  • New Contact (see Contacts)

Information displayed in this pane includes customer related information. There are a number of hyperlinks that allow you to view more information about the customer.

Some details pertinent to the customer include:

Column Description
Credit status

The customer's credit status is only displayed if it is in a status of 9 (i.e. the customer cannot receive further credit).

Customer credit statuses are reset when you run a Balance function and select the option: Reset customer credit status (AR Period End). If this is not done immediately after customer payments are processed, then it is possible that incorrect credit statuses could be displayed in the Customer Query program. For this reason, the credit status is only displayed if it is in a status of 9.

Order value

This amount is amended if/when:

  • a value of an orders changes during the balance/purge functions, the difference is added or subtracted (Order Purge).

  • the full value of the order is added (Sales Order Import). If an order is cancelled, the value of the order is subtracted.

  • you attach or detach a sub account from a master account and the invoices are attached to the master account, the accumulated outstanding value of orders is moved between the master and sub account (Master Sub-accounts).

  • the value of the order value has changed (Purchase Order Receipts and Job Receipts

  • an order is maintained the original value of the order is subtracted and the new value of the order is added (Sales Order Entry). Also when the value of forward orders is added, an order is cancelled the value of the order is subtracted and when an existing order is released, the total value of the order is subtracted.
  • the total value of the order including tax, freight, etc, is subtracted, and discount values are added back (Document Print).
  • the outstanding net value is added (Point of Sale Entry).

  • the value of forward orders is added (Quick Sales Order Entry).
  • creating new customers, the Order value field is set to zero (Customers:)

  • the value of the quote is added (Quotation Confirmation).

  • the beginning order value is subtracted and the new order value added (Release Review & Confirmation).
  • the value of the order value has changed, the Order value is updated by the changed value (Dispatch Note Review).
  • the value if the order is added (Part Billings).
No of orders

This indicates the number of active sales orders together with the number of completed orders held against the customer since the last sales order purge was run (see Order Purge).

Completed orders (i.e. orders in a status of 9) are excluded from the number of orders displayed only after you have run the Order Purge program.

The following programs increment the number of orders displayed at this field:

  • Order Entry (Sales Orders)
  • Point of Sales (Sales Orders)
  • Quick Entry (Sales Orders)
  • Consolidate Orders (Sales Orders)
  • Sales Order Import (Business-to-Business Trading)
  • Quotation Confirmation (Quotations)

Average no of days to pay

This field is recalculated each time you use the AR Payments and Adjustments program to process a payment for the customer or you run the Balance function of the AR Period End program.

For each invoice or debit note paid, two totals are updated:

  • A - the total number of invoices paid
  • B - the total number of days to pay.

When a payment is processed:

  • A is increased by 1 for each invoice/debit note paid
  • B is increased by the number of days taken to pay (the number of days between the invoice date and the payment date).

The new average number of days to pay is calculated as:

  • Total number of days to pay / total number of invoices (i.e. B divided by A).
Ageing - invoice value

The ageing values use the same preferences as configured against the Customer Query preferences. Note that when the Customer QuerySave Preferences option is selected, the settings defined for the as of date are not saved. Therefore Contact Query always assumes the ageing is as of the current month.

  • Ageing

    The ageing currency is displayed to indicate whether the customer's currency or the local currency is being used.

    • Ageing Currency Quick View
    • Query (see Browse on Currencies)
    • Multimedia

Supplier Organizations

The following options can be selected when you right-click on a Supplier entry in the listview:

  • Edit Supplier (see Suppliers)
  • New Contact (see Contacts)

Information displayed in this pane includes supplier related information. There are a number of hyperlinks that allow you to view more information about the supplier.


This pane displays the contacts attached to the organization highlighted in the Organization List listview.

Column Description
New Contact Select this to use the Contacts program to add a new contact to the highlighted organization.

Organization View Info

This pane displays information about the current list of organizations being viewed.

Field Description
Organization view  
View type Indicates the type of organization being viewed (e.g. All organizations or 'Operator' List).
List description Indicates the description of organization being viewed.
Organization list details  
View type flag

This flag is used by VBScript developers and can have one of the following values:

  • A - All organizations
  • O - Operator list
  • R - Role list
  • C - Company list
List file name Indicates the physical file name on the server used to store the current list information.
List full file name Indicates the full path of the physical file name on the server used to store the current list information.

Contact View

This tab displays information for a single organization and its contacts and activities.

Contact List

This treeview displays the organization name together with its list of contacts.

Right-click the organization name or contact to add and maintain the contact details.

Contact Information

The contact information for the contact is displayed in this pane.


This pane displays the image associated with the contact, if any. Right-click the Image tab to setup and edit the multimedia for the contact.


This pane displays any free format notes associated with the contact. Right-click the Notepad tab to maintain free format notes for the contact.

Custom Forms

This pane displays custom form information defined against the account (see Custom Forms Entry).

  • Custom Form Data Entry

    Select this to use the Custom Form Data Entry program to enter custom form data against the customer.


View details such as when the contact was created, and the last activity date.


This pane displays the contact's preferred method of communication. These are the preferences defined against the contact using the Contacts program.


The Activities listview displays activities recorded against the item highlighted in the Contact List listview.

If you highlight a single contact then the activities for that contact are displayed. If you highlight an organization, then the activities for all contacts in that organization are displayed.

You can only access activities for the contact to whom you have access (Operators). If you are allowed to maintain information for a contact (based on the contact property, organization class, type, category and territory), then can maintain, query and search on the activities attached to the contact.

You can right-click on an Activity entry in the listview to view activity information, clear reminders and delete and add activities.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Additional columns can be added to the listview by typically using your right mouse button in the heading of the listview and selecting the Field Chooser option. These additional columns include User fields 1 - 3. The captions for these fields default toUser field 1, User field 2 and User field 3, but these may be changed to your own descriptions (see Contact Management Setup).

Field Description
New Activity Select this to use the Contact Activity Posting program to maintain activities for the contact.

You must select a specific contact before selecting this option.

Activity Filter Select the number of activities you want to display in the listview.
Show Indicate the activities you want to display in the listview.
Outstanding activitiesDisplay only activities with a Follow up time NOT set to Cleared in the listview.
Historical activitiesDisplay only activities with a Follow up time set to Cleared in the listview.
All activitiesDisplay all activities in the listview.
Type Indicate the activity types you want to display in the listview.

Activity types are defined using the Contact Activity Type Maintenance program.

Setup Custom Filter Use the Contact Query Preferences program to configure options that will determine the level of detail you want to view within the activities listview.

Search View

From this tab you can search for and find organizations, contacts or activities in the Contact Management System.

Preferences for this view are set using the Search Options in the Contact Query Preferences program.

Field Description
Search string Indicate the details (optionally including wildcard characters) that you want to locate.
Start Searching Using Current Selection Criteria Select this arrow to begin the search according to the criteria you specified. The results are returned in a listview which you can save as an organization list by selecting the Save as List option.
Search on
Option Description
Organizations Select this to search for the information in Organizations.

The following fields can be searched:

  • Name
  • User field 1-5
  • Short name
  • Phone
Contacts Select this to search for the information in Contacts.

The following fields can be searched:

  • Full name
  • Preferred name
  • Work phone
  • Work email
  • Id number
  • Job title
Activities Select this to search for the information in Activities.

The following fields can be searched:

  • Subject (255 characters)
  • Comment (first 255 characters of the comment body)
  • Location (255 characters)
  • Regarding (50 characters)
  • Result (50 characters)

When you select to search on activities, you can define the same additional search criteria as you can on the Contact View tab


This option is only enabled when you select to search on organizations.

Option Description
All Organization Types Search for the information in all organizations.
Accounts Only Search for the information in Account organizations only.
Customers Only Search for the information in Customer organizations only.
Suppliers Only Search for the information in Supplier organizations only.
Stop Stop the current search.
Clear Remove all entries returned from the search, from the listview.
Save as List When you use the Start Searching Using Current Selection Criteria option, a list of items matching the criteria you defined is displayed. Select this if you want to save these items as an Organization List.

Organizations Search Results listview

The following information is included in the listview and is displayed as a result of a search performed on Organizations, according to the Organization Search preferences defined in the Contact Query Preferences program:

Column Description

This indicates the organization name to which the contact belongs.


You can select the Organization name (which is hyper linked) to display the Contact View for that Organization.

Edit organization

You can select the Edit option in this column to maintain the details for the organization.

The program displayed depends on the organization type (i.e. Accounts for Accounts, Suppliers for suppliers and Customers for customers).

Organization type This indicates the type of organization (i.e. Account, Customer or Supplier).
Code This indicates the organization code.
Email This indicates the organization's email address if defined.
Telephone This indicates the organization's telephone number if defined.
Branch This indicates the branch to which the organization belongs.
Address This indicates the organization's address if defined.

Contacts Search Results listview

The following information is included in the listview and is displayed as a result of a search performed on Contacts, according to the Contact Search preferences defined in the Contact Query Preferences program:

Column Description
Contact This indicates the contact's name.
Edit contact Select this to use the Contacts program to maintain the contact's details.
Preferred name This indicates the contact's preferred name if defined.
Job title This indicates the contact's job title if defined.
Work email This indicates the contact's work email address if defined.
Work telephone This indicates the contact's work telephone number if defined.
Work address This indicates the contact's work address if defined.

Activities Search Results listview

The following information is included in the listview and is displayed as a result of a search performed on Activities, according to the Activity Search preferences defined in the Contact Query Preferences program:

Column Description
Activity type This indicates the type of activity.
Follow up flag This indicates the color coded flag assigned to the activity.
Attachment This indicates whether an attachment exists for the activity.
Date This indicates the activity date.
View activity Select this to use the Contact Activity Posting program to view additional details of the activity.
Subject This indicates the subject of the activity.
Regarding This indicates what the activity is about.
Priority This indicates the priority assigned to the activity.
Contact This indicates the contact for the activity. You can select the contact name to view additional details on the contact.

This indicates the organization name to which the contact belongs.

You can select the Organization name (which is hyper linked) to display the Contact View for that Organization.

When the Contact belongs to multiple Organizations (Accounts, Customers and/or Suppliers), only one of these is displayed in the listview. The precedence is Account, then Customer, then Supplier. For example, if the contact is linked to an Account and to a Customer and to a Supplier, then only the Account organization is displayed. If the contact belongs to a Customer and to a Supplier, then only the Customer organization is displayed.

Notes and warnings

Security considerations

  • Your access to contact management information depends on the level of security access assigned to your operator code (Operators).


  • If you selected the Preference: Show icon against 'on hold' Organization name (Contact Query Preferences) then the organization name and code are highlighted in red and a warning icon is displayed against the organization name if the organization is on hold.

  • You use the Preferences option from the Options menu to customize the search criteria you require when using the search facility (see Contact Query Preferences). The preferences improve the search capabilities and enable you to refine your search.

Organization List listview

  • Your selection at the preference: Initially selected organization (Contact Query Preferences) determines the organization which is selected when you initially access the Contact Query program.

  • You use the Contact Query Preferences program to define the order in which you want to display the organizations in the Organization List pane. In addition, you can indicate whether the information must be displayed in a treeview, a 'flat' listview or a page at a time.

  • The organizations are displayed in the listview in sequence according to the First, Second and Thirdorganization types indicated (Contact Query Preferences).

    For example, if you defined the First organization type as Account, the Second organization type as Customer and the Third organization typeas Supplier, then selecting the First Organization icon on the toolbar retrieves your Accounts in Account name sequence. When subsequently paging through the organizations all your Customers and lastly all your Suppliers will be displayed.

  • Irrespective of your selection at the preference: Organization type - Start At, you can prefix the start string with A: to navigate to an Account or C: to navigate to a Customer or S: to navigate to a Supplier. The prefix character (A, C or S) can be entered in upper or lower case. For example, entering S:Bicycle (or s:Bicycle) indicates that you want to navigate to Suppliers whose name is greater than or equal to the name 'Bicycle'.

    The Start option is specifically intended to be used when you are displaying organizations a page at a time (Contact Query Preferences) and more than one page of items exist. You can then read a page that includes the item selected.

    Note that SYSPRO's databases for Customers, Suppliers and Accounts have case sensitive indexes. This means that 'Bicycle' and 'BICYCLE' are alphabetically different. Therefore, when using the Start function you should be aware that the string is case sensitive - uppercase appearing before lowercase.

  • When viewing organizations by page, it is not recommended that you sort the Organization List listview on any listview column. The reason is that it may look confusing when you retrieve a page of organizations or use the Start function, because the retrieve is performed using the case sensitive name sequence whereas the listview displays the values in a different sequence.

Search string rules

The following rules apply to search strings:

  • a search string of spaces or '*' means 'all'
  • a search string that contains no wildcard characters ('*' or '?') is taken to mean that the string must be contained somewhere within the field.

    For example 'bike' means that any field that contains the 4 consecutive characters 'bike' is matched. This is equivalent to '*bike*'

  • if a search string contains any wildcard characters ('*' or '?') then the string is used 'as is'. Therefore you can specify the following:

    • that you want to match fields that start with a string. For example 'bike*' matches any string that starts with the word 'bike'
    • that you want to match fields that end with a string. For example '*south' matches any string that ends with the word 'south'
    • that one of the character positions can be any character. For example 'b?nd' matches 'band', 'bend', 'bind', etc, but not 'bound' or 'bnd'


      A '?' at the end of the wildcard string means that there is only a single character at the end. For example 'mas?' matches 'mast' and 'mass', but not 'maser'. That is, the wildcard character '?' represents the place of only one character.

    For example 'bike*' matches any string that starts with 'bike'

  • Wildcard characters can be combined in a search string. For example if you want to find a phrase that contained 'b' followed by any character followed by 'nd' anywhere in the string, then you can specify the search string as ''*b?nd*'

Search View - Activities

  • When using the Activity Search on a SQL Server based system, the items are displayed in reverse date sequence. If you selected to return the search results before the search has completed (e.g. every 50 rows), then the first item read is displayed at the top of the listview (assuming you did not change the default listview sequence).

  • On an ISAM based system, there is currently no index on activity date. The items are read in a random sequence (using the Contact Id) and the listview sorts the results by reverse date. This means that the first item selected when the search results are displayed may not be the first item in the listview. The search results are however correct.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
CMS Delete activities Controls whether an operator can delete activities using the Contact Activity Posting or the Contact Query program.

Hints and tips

Field Chooser

  • Additional columns can be added to the listview by typically using your right mouse button in the heading of the listview and selecting the Field Chooser option.

  • If you add the Mobile/Cell field to the Supplier Organization listview, then when you click on an existing Mobile/Cell number, the Contact Activity Posting program is loaded with the Contact and Mobile/Cell number pre-populated in the Subject field.

  • The User field 1 - 3 captions default to User field 1, User field 2 and User field 3, but these may be changed to your own descriptions (Contact Management Setup).

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.