> Office Automation and Messaging Overview

Office Automation and Messaging Overview

SYSPRO's Office Automation and Messaging module is a powerful communications tool that enables you to monitor and act upon specific events within the system, as well as fax and e-mail documents directly from within the product.

SYSPRO Office Integration (SOI) is a client side component and can be installed on any machine what has MSOffice installed. The machine does not have to run SYSPRO.

The following facilities are enabled within SYSPRO when this module is installed:

  • The Event Management program enables you to monitor trigger points in SYSPRO as they occur. You can then associate a specific action to the event, like send e-mail, run a SYSPRO program, run a NetExpress program, or launch an application.

    For example: Whenever the quantity on hand for a particular stock item falls below zero, SYSPRO can automatically notify the Stock Controller via e-mail that the event has occurred. The action of e-mailing the Stock Controller takes place within a few seconds of the event occurring.

  • The Fax/Mail Integration facility (i.e. Fax Settings and Send Email) enables you to fax various documents from within the system. In addition, you can Email any SYSPRO report from within the system to specific internal and external mail users.

  • The MS Word Printing facility provides an alternative to printing your stationery documents on pre-printed forms. This enables you to make use of the extensive design features available in MS Word, as well as reduce the costs normally associated with the purchase of pre-printed stationery.

  • The /h command line parameter that enables you to hide SYSPRO screens when launching SYSPRO (particularly from a 3rd party application using SYSPROAuto.EXE) is available only if the Office Automation & Messaging module is installed.