SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Fax Settings

Fax Settings

SYSPRO provides you with the built-in facility to fax sales order documents, statements and quotations to your customers and purchase order documents to your suppliers.

Faxing can be done on-line or in batch mode (e.g. you can fax a delivery note on-line at the time of ending an order, or you can fax statements in batch mode at the time of generating customer statements). When faxing a sales or purchase order document, the order is moved into the next status.

Fax Settings

Field Description
Fax software to use  
Microsoft Fax Select this to fax documents from within SYSPRO using Microsoft Fax (i.e. invoked using MAPI calls).

When using MS fax to fax documents created via either SRS Document printing or Word printing, the system checks if Outlook 2010 is being used and, if so, uses the Outlook Email Client to send the fax items.


Microsoft Fax must already be resident on the client workstation, together with a mail package like Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Exchange.

WinFaxPRO Select this to fax documents from within SYSPRO using WinFaxPRO (i.e. invoked using OLE Automation).

WinFaxPRO must already be resident on the client workstation.

Prompt for text Select this to allow entering text at the time of faxing.
Cover sheet template

Indicate the cover sheet template that you want to send with your faxes. If no entry is made here, then the quickcover fax sheet is sent. If you do not require a cover sheet to be printed, then enter NONE or none here.

Other Select this to use a third party faxing software package that has been customized for your needs (e.g. a Visual Basic application).
Executable for faxing

Indicate the executable that SYSPRO must launch. You must specify a full path to the executable, which can include reserved words (or variables).

OK Select this to save your settings.


This function is displayed if you launched SYSPRO's faxing program (IMPFAX) standalone. This enables you to fax documents once you have provided the necessary details (e.g. Fax number, Contact person, and Document name).

Field Description
Fax Details  
Fax number Enter the recipient's fax number.
Contact person Enter the recipient's name.
Document name Enter a name for the document you are faxing.
Send fax Select this to transmit the fax.
Close Select this to exit the program.

Reserved words

You can include reserved words (or variables) in the command line used by SYSPRO to launch the faxing executable. These variables are expanded at run time to include actual data from SYSPRO. They must be separated by a semi-colon (;) and entered in the sequence required by the third party application (i.e. you need to establish the required sequence from the developers of the third party application).

Reserved word Description
%con contact name
%fax fax number
%file document file name
%bmp bitmap image file name

Sample usage:

C:\ProgramFiles\Faxing\FaxApp.exe %fax;%file

This executes the FaxApp.exe application which is located in the folder: C:\Program Files\Faxing. The fax number and filename is passed to the application as variables.

Developer considerations

SYSPRO developers who need to invoke the faxing facility from within their own program can invoke IMPFAX from within any SYSPRO-style program by CALLing IMPFAX and pre-defining various input fields.

Your fax settings are saved to a file named: FAX.PRF (located in your \BASE\SETTINGS folder). In a client/server environment, this file is saved on the client workstation, and not on the server. This enables you to assign different fax software and fax settings per client workstation, if required. The contents of this file changes according to the fax software selected.

Microsoft Fax WinFaxPRO Other
[fax] [fax] [fax]
Type=0 Type=1 Type=2
Cmd= Text= Cmd=

For example:

MOVE fax-number TO L-WIN-FAX 
MOVE contact-name TO L-WIN-FAX-CON 
MOVE document-name TO L-PRT-FILENAME 
MOVE bitmap-name TO L-WIN-BMP 

Developers who want to invoke the faxing facility from within a Dialog Screenset, can invoke IMPFAXWN directly on the client in the form of a Dialog CALLOUT function. You will need to insert some fields into the datablock and then issue calls directly to IMPFAXWN. The data block should contain a group table as follows:

   FAX-NO X 30.0 
   CONTACT X 60.0 
   DOC-NAME X 256.0 
   BMP X 256.0

Call IMPFAXWN using a normal CALLOUT function:


Configuring fax settings

The following steps describe how to define the setup options required for faxing documents directly from SYSPRO.

  • Ensure that the Office Automation & Messaging module has been selected as part of your registration license.

  1. Open the Fax Settings program (SYSPRO ribbon bar > Setup > Fax Settings).

  2. Select the software you want to use to send a fax from within SYSPRO (e.g. Microsoft Fax, WinFaxPRO or an other package).

  3. Select OK.