> Send Email

Send Email

SYSPRO provides you with a built-in facility to Email any report to internal and external mail users, as well as to be notified electronically when pre-defined events are triggered from within the system.

You can also launch SYSPRO's Email program (Send Email) standalone and send mail (including file attachments) to specific mail users.

SYSPRO's Email program (Send Email) launches MS Outlook's email client interface by default, unless you selected the Macro using VBScript or Microsoft Outlook options (Company Maintenance).


If you have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription and the Office 365 support is enabled within SYSPRO, then emails are sent using Office 365.


The availability of the following options depends on the program from which the Email program is accessed (i.e. some options may not be available).

Field Description
Send Message Select this to send the Email message to the intended recipients.

There is limit of 5000 characters which can be sent using the Send Email program. However, when using Send Email from within eSignatures, the limit is reduced to 1000 characters.

To Indicate one the recipient(s) to whom you want to send the email. Use the semi-colon (;) to separate recipients.
  • If using server-side printing and reports are emailed via SMTP, ensure that you enter a valid email address and not a recipient name.


When you use Microsoft Outlook to email in bulk from SYSPRO (e.g. emailing statements to various customers), then {bulk mail} is displayed in this field. The SYSPRO program from which you are bulk emailing will use the appropriate master file/table to substitute this with the email addresses of the recipients.

If you are not using Microsoft Outlook (i.e. you selected Macro using VBScript (Company Maintenance) then this Bulk email facility is not available. SYSPRO displays {bulk mail} in this field, but will not substitute this with the intended recipients.

Cc Indicate one or more recipients to whom you want to send a copy of the Email message.

When emailing from SRS Document Printing, the Cc address is only used if the operator was prompted to confirm email details prior to creating the SRS document and entered a Cc email address.

The Cc address is not used when batch printing.

Bcc This is an abbreviation for Blind Carbon Copy.

Indicate one or more recipients to whom you want to send a copy of the Email message without the recipient's name being visible to other recipients of the message.

This option is not available when emailing SYSPRO Reporting Services reports, because Crystal does not support Bcc email for reports.

Subject Indicate the wording that must be displayed in the Subject field of the Email message.
Attach Select this to add an attachment to the Email message.
Attachment Options Select this to define options for an attachment.
Attach As This option is enabled when you select to email a SYSPRO Reporting Services report. It allows you to select the format in which the report must be added to the email as an attachment.

The following options are available:

Crystal Report (RPT)Select this to email the report in Crystal Report (RPT) format. This format emails (saves) your report with the current data without modifying the original report.
Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

Select this to email the report in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

This is a page-based format. Acrobat format will email both layout and formatting in a manner that is consistent with how the report looks on the Preview tab. Acrobat format embeds the TrueType fonts that appear in the document. (Non-TrueType fonts are not supported.)

HTML 4.0

Select this to email the report in HTML 4.0 format. The report can be viewed without requiring SYSPRO programs.

This is a page-based format. This format preserves the layout and formatting of the report by using DHTML.

Microsoft Excel (XLS)

Select this to email the report in Microsoft Excel (XLS) format.

This is a page-based format. This format converts your report contents into Excel cells on a page-by-page basis.

Microsoft Excel has a limit of 256 columns in a worksheet; therefore, any report object (or part thereof) that is added to cells beyond 256 columns is not emailed.

Microsoft Word (RTF)

Select this to email the report in Microsoft Word (RTF) format.

This is a page-based, exact format that produces an RTF (Rich Text Format) file. Almost all of the formatting is retained. Text objects cannot, however, be placed outside the left edge of the page. Therefore, if you have text objects in your report that are placed before the left edge of the printable area, they will be pushed right. (This is most noticeable in reports with wide pages.)

Text (TXT)Select this to email the report in a plain text format.
Additional Text This option is enabled when you select to email a SYSPRO Reporting Services report. It enables you to enter free format text to include in the email.
Edit Macro Select this to use the VBScript Editor program to maintain VBScripts to control the emailing of documents.
Check Names Check that the recipient names entered actually exist in your address book.
Send Message / Continue Send the Email message to the intended recipients.

Message Attachments


When Emailing a SYSPRO report, the functions on the Message Attachments tab are disabled. These functions are available only when running SYSPRO's Email program standalone.

Field Description
Add Attachment Add an attachment to the Email message.

When running SYSPRO's Send Email program standalone, you can send up to 10 file attachments at a time. File attachments are inserted automatically after the message text.


The message attachment functions are disabled if you select to Email a SYSPRO report.

Bitmap backgrounds assigned to a report or document, are excluded if the document is Emailed from SYSPRO's Screen Preview program.

Remove Attachment Remove the highlighted attachment from the Email message.
Remove All Remove all attachments added to the Email message.


  • Distribution lists

    Outlook Express uses the Internet Explorer Address book, whereas Outlook makes use of personal address books.

    Outlook Express refers to groups as Distribution Lists, and there appears to be a problem resolving names when using a Distribution List.

    To resolve this problem, we recommend expanding the recipient lists into the individual email addresses rather than using a Distribution List.

    Alternatively, if an Exchange server is being used, the Distribution List can be created on the server with an email address assigned to it. By doing this, the full distribution list name (or email address) can be typed and used. Bear in mind that if the group name is ambiguous, an Outlook Express client will not be able to resolve the name and therefore, the entire name would have to be captured in the address field.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • There is limit of 5000 characters which can be sent using the Send Email program. However, when using Send Email from within eSignatures, the limit is reduced to 1000 characters.

  • When emailing documents created using either SRS Document Printing or Word Printing you can elect to send the documents using either the Microsoft Outlook or the Outlook Email client methods.

    When using Outlook 2010, the system will only send the documents using the Outlook Email client.

  • VB Scripting emailing is not supported by either SRS or Document Printing.

  • Emailing from the SYSPRO Document Printing Preview window is only done using the Outlook Email client. If you are not using Outlook, then a 3rd party application must be written (UserEmailClient).

  • When emailing from SYSPRO Reporting Services, the system first tries to email using MAPI33. If the MAPI33 calls fail, it uses the Outlook Email client.

Configure Email in SYSPRO

  1. The Office Automation and Messaging module must be selected as part of your registration license (Company Maintenance).


    This is not a requirement if you are emailing documents from within SYSPRO Reporting Services.

  2. You must enable the Fax/mail integration required option for each operator that requires the facility to send Email (Operators).

  3. You must reload SYSPRO for the new settings to take effect.

  4. Either Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Outlook must be installed on the client workstation.

    The Send Email program makes extensive use of MAPI calls directly to Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Outlook, depending on which system is installed on your client workstation.

    When sending Email, the program attempts to send mail using the current MAPI session. If neither Exchange nor Outlook is currently loaded, then you are prompted to indicate the Profile name that must be used.


    If Microsoft Outlook Express is your Email client, then you will be unable to email from within SYSPRO using personal distribution lists.

Email a SYSPRO report

  1. Ensure that you activate SYSPRO's Print Preview Mode (i.e. Shift+F4).

  2. Run any report program from within SYSPRO and select the Print option.

  3. When the Screen Preview window is displayed, select Email.

  4. At the To field, enter the name(s) of the people to whom you want to email the report.

  5. At the Subject field, optionally enter the text that you want to appear in the subject field of the email message

  6. Select Send Message.

    The report appears as a file attachment in the mailed user's message text. The file attachment is called REPORT with an extension of DOC. Double-click the REPORT.DOC object to view the report.

    Reports emailed from SYSPRO are best viewed using Microsoft Word as this package correctly interprets the report page breaks. WordPad is not recommended, as it does not interpret the SYSPRO report page breaks correctly.

    To ensure the correct alignment of columns and fields, you should view the report using a fixed font (e.g. Courier New) as opposed to a proportional font (e.g. Arial, Times Roman).

Email from SYSPRO using Lotus Notes

  • You can use SYSPRO to send Email via Lotus Notes providing that Microsoft Messaging and Lotus Notes are installed on the client workstation and a MAPI profile is configured to use the Lotus MAPI Service Provider.

    We recommend that you load Microsoft Messaging before Lotus Notes.

    If, however, Lotus Notes is installed before Microsoft Messaging then you must copy entries from the various categories of the notespis.ini file and append them to the corresponding categories in the Microsoft Messaging mapisvc.ini file. This is to ensure that Microsoft Messaging is able to access the Lotus MAPI Services. You must create a profile that is linked to the Lotus Notes Mail server type and the appropriate address book(s) must be added to the profile created above.