SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > Diagnostics Manager

Diagnostics Manager

This program helps system administrators to detect problems on a SYSPRO client machine and on the application server. Detected problems are displayed in a grid view, with appropriate icons indicating the severity.

As the system administrator, you can decide when checks must be performed on client machines as well as configure the system to fix some of the problems automatically (e.g. an incorrect BaseDir registry setting on the client).

Checks on the client machine are performed using the VBScript file: diagnostics.vbs (located in the \Base\Samples folder). The script is copied to the \Work\Vbscripts folder automatically when you launch this program.

Checks on the application server are automatically performed each time you load this program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Save and Exit Saves the Configuration options you selected and exits the program. When next you load the program, your configuration settings are retained.
Refresh Redisplay the information based on any changes you have made to the Configuration options.
Check Services

This displays a list of all SYSPRO services running locally that are either not installed on the server, or are not on the latest version of the service. It includes a User-defined name column that indicates the custom name of a service which enables you to differentiate between multiple installs of the same service. This function executes VBScripts to identify and compare the differences between the current SYSPRO services running and the latest SYSPRO services available.

Run Local Diagnostics Run diagnostic checks on your local workstation. This does not increment the version check number and does not automatically correct any problems.
Diagnostic VBScript Open the VBScript Editor.

You typically use this to enhance the diagnostics script to add your own client-side checks. This does not affect the standard diagnostics.vbs script included with the product.

Using the VBScript Editor program, create a VBScript module named UserDiagnostics.vbs and include your code. To see an example of how to do this, select the Diagnostics VBScript button on the toolbar and view the comments against the diagnostics script in the VBScript Editor program to see how to create your modular code.


Field Description
Frequency of check Indicate the frequency of when diagnostic checks should be run.
NeverDiagnostic checks will not run automatically.
Automatic using version checkDiagnostic checks are run automatically per machine, based on the incremented Version check number.
WeeklyDiagnostic checks are run on a weekly basis (a new week starts on Monday).
MonthlyDiagnostic checks are run once a month.
Run check for all client machines Enable this option to run a diagnostic check against all client machines when next an operator logs on to SYSPRO and loads the Diagnostics Manager program.

The check is performed once only. To re-run a check you need to de-select this option and select it again (to increment the version check number).

Version check number This field is incremented by 1 each time you enable the Run a check for all client machines option. It is not incremented if you select to run the check on a local machine only (i.e. when using the Run Local Diagnostics function).
Auto correct problems Select this to allow the system to attempt to fix problems automatically.

Ensure that you are running SYSPRO as a Windows administrator on the client workstation.

The reason is the security architecture built into Windows Vista/7/2008/2012.

The specific security function, UAC, prevents unauthorized changes from being made to (amongst other things) the registry and system locations (Windows, Program Files, etc.).

This means that SYSPRO cannot make the necessary changes to fix the problems detected in the Diagnostics Manager.

A service might be set to run as the domain administrator account but it still does not have elevated privileges. The only way to get necessary elevated privileges is to run as administrator.

Send notification email to Enter one or more email addresses (separated by semicolons) to which you want to send the results of the diagnostic checks.
  • Your entry here is not validated against your Microsoft Outlook address book.

  • Ensure that the Fax/mail integration required option is selected for the operator on the client workstation (Operators).

Notify user at logon Enable this option if (at login time) you want to notify the operator of any errors detected on the client workstation.
Verify client components Enable this option if you want to check for missing components or programs for SYSPRO applications on each client machine. If there are missing components and the Auto correct problems option is enabled, then all screensets on the client machine are removed to initiate the self-healing process.

Application Server Checks

The Application Server Checks pane displays diagnostic messages regarding the application server. These include:

  • Installed port checks (i.e. missing SYSPRO port files) - see SYSPRO Software Installed Updates Query.
  • Database in use (i.e. the version of SQL Server installed).
  • Warning messages (e.g. when the file size of specific files exceeds a specific size, or when required environment variables are missing or incorrect). Transaction Log

The Transaction Log pane displays a log of all the transactions generated by business objects, when the Diagnostics option in the System Setup program is set to enet01. This can be useful in indicating which business objects were executed and whether any failed.

Field Description
Refresh Select this to redisplay all data in the listview. You typically select this option after searching for and displaying specific entries only.
Delete Select this to delete the transaction log file. This removes all entries in the entlog.dat and enetlog.idx files, but does not remove the files themselves. You can manually delete these files if they are no longer required. The files are, however, re-created when the first Solutions transaction is executed.

These log files can grow rapidly in size.

Print Select this to print the contents of the listview.
Export to Excel Select this icon to export the contents of the listview to an Excel spreadsheet.
Search text You use this field to enter specific text you want to locate within the listview. For example, an operator code.
Clear Select this to clear the Search text field. Comstate Log

The Comstate Log pane displays a list of all active sessions (i.e. all the operators currently logged in to Solutions).

Similar functions can be performed on this listview as on the Transaction Log listview.

Client Computers

The Client Computers pane displays general information regarding the client workstations as well as details of the problems detected by the Diagnostics Manager program.

Field Description
Network name Select this to display the Client Details window which displays details of the checks performed by the Diagnostics Manager program on the specific client workstation. Basedir This indicates whether a valid Basedir entry exists in the Windows registry.
Description The Remove hyperlink displayed in this column against each client machine, enables you to delete the XML diagnostics file for the client machine.

Program Usage

The Program Usage pane displays a count of all programs launched from the main menu by all operators. This information is stored in the usage.dat file which is located in the \Base\Settings\Diagnostics folder on the application server.

Administrators and Support personnel can use this information to understand the impact, or importance, of applications used in an organization.

Field Description
Refresh Select this to redisplay all data in the listview. You typically select this option after searching for and displaying specific entries only.
Print Select this to print the contents of the listview.
Export to Excel Select this icon to export the contents of the listview to an Excel spreadsheet.
Search text You use this field to enter specific text you want to locate within the listview (e.g. a program name or description).
Clear Select this to clear the Search text field.

Show Events Window

The Show Events Window function can be selected from the SYSPRO Desktop (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Administration->Diagnostics).


This function traces all application events that occur in the normal running of SYSPRO and outputs a file (operator_dev02_debug.txt) to the settings\operator folder on the client machine (where operator indicates the operator code). You can send the debug file to SYSPRO for analysis to help troubleshoot problems.

The Events and Messages program launches when you select this function and is a floating pane that is used to display a listview log of when events are fired and messages sent.

You can only close the Events and Messages screen when you are at the SYSPRO Main Menu and not while you have another program open.

Field Description

When the program is loaded it is always in recording mode, and the Stop/Start button will display Stop.

Clicking on the Stop button will stop the recording and toggle the Stop/ button.

Typically you would stop the recording until you have called up the program to be tracked, and you are ready to start tracking the events. Then you would start recording.


Clears out the contents of the listview.

You do not need to stop recording to clear out the listview, as soon as another VBScript event fires it will be recorded as the first entry in the listview.


Each time that the Events and Messages program is loaded, all of the different types of events and messages are set to be tracked.

The message and event types available to display are:

  • Listview Events

  • Docking Pane Events

  • Toolbar Events

  • Form Events

  • CALLOUT messages

  • RETC message

  • VBScripts invoked

Filter Program

If you are only interested in recording events from a particular program, you can enter the six character program name against the Filter program prompt, and only events belonging to this program will be recorded.

Clear Filter

Clears the program filter.